Managing the ageing process

Posted: September 30, 2012 at 6:12 pm

Age management medicine believes that by following a plan of health strategies and lifestyle changes, you can achieve the goal of optimising your healthspan.

WE used to talk about staying young forever, but now we know that this is a pipe dream, even with the most sophisticated medical advances.

Instead, people have come to accept that they will inevitably grow older. But ageing does not have to mean that your health will deteriorate, or that you will become physically weaker. It does not mean you have to be hunched and wrinkly, or depressed and ill all the time.

Instead, you can delay these effects by managing the ageing process well. Some centres are now talking about age management medicine, or anti-ageing medicine, or advanced preventive and regenerative medicine, which is a new specialty that looks at preventing the medical effects of ageing by treating diseases, conditions and risk factors, as early as the age of 30 years.

Age management medicine believes that by following a plan of health strategies and lifestyle changes, you can decrease these risk factors and eventually achieve the goal of optimising your healthspan (staying healthy for as long as possible) and avoiding diseases.

Age is just a number

Recent medical approaches to ageing are becoming increasingly radical, and the possibilities are exciting.

Underscoring these approaches are a completely new understanding about the process of ageing.

When science replaced myth and magic, we no longer believed in immortality or turning back the hands of time. But we started looking into what happens in the body when we get older.

When we discovered the presence of degeneration in our cells, we assumed that this was a natural process that occured as the years passed by, as if there was a switch that suddenly turned on once we hit the age of 50.

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Managing the ageing process

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