'Vampire therapy' reverses ageing

Posted: May 5, 2014 at 4:43 pm

Transfusions of young blood could hold the key to reversing the signs of ageing, scientists believe.

Transfusions of young blood could reverse the ageing process and even cure Alzheimer's disease, American scientists believe.

In a breakthrough that could herald a new dawn in anti-ageing treatments, researchers found that young blood "recharges" the brain, forms new blood vessels and improves memory and learning.

Meanwhile, in parallel research, scientists at Harvard University discovered that a "youth protein" which circulates in the blood, is responsible for keeping the brain and muscles young and strong.

The protein, known as "GDF11", is present in the bloodstream in large quantities when we are young but peters out as we age.

Although both the discoveries were made in mice, researchers are hoping to begin human trials in the next two to three years, in studies that could bring rapid improvements for human longevity and health.

"This should give us all hope for a healthier future," said Professor Doug Melton, from Harvard's department of stem cell and regenerative biology.

"We all wonder why we were stronger and mentally more agile when young, and these two unusually exciting papers actually point to a possible answer.

"There seems to be little question that GDF11 has an amazing capacity to restore ageing muscle and brain function."

Last year, the team discovered that the protein could repair damaged hearts. But the new study showed that raising the levels of the GDF11 protein in older mice improved the function of every organ in the body.

Continued here:
'Vampire therapy' reverses ageing

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