Live Long and Healthy – The New Indian Express

Posted: May 15, 2022 at 10:03 pm

By Express News Service

Develop a growth mindset

It teaches the brain to prioritise learning and, hence keeps it alive. It motivates you to know more and be better.


Much of the turbulence of life is a result of resistance. Learn to accept, which means simply allowing for things to be the way they are. Oftentimes, people mistakeacceptance for agreement. Acceptance is not about right or wrong. It is about not resisting.

Breakfastis a must

We have heard this umpteen times. Breakfast boosts brainpower. It kick-starts metabolism and provides energy. Having breakfast reduces the risk of several illnesses.


Author Dan Buettner, who has researched longevity hotspots of the world such as Loma Linda, California; Sardinia, Italy; Ikaria, Greece and others, finds that people in these areas immerse themselves in the smaller things of life such as enjoying their morning cup of coffee. Doing so, adds years to your life.

Spend time with people

Human connections build and maintain health. Having a community of people you love and trust provides emotional care. It improves the immune system too.

Live Long and Healthy - The New Indian Express

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