Coast To Coast AM Mysterious Pyramid Puzzling DNA and Angelic Light September 27 2012 – Video

Posted: December 22, 2012 at 9:42 pm

Coast To Coast AM Mysterious Pyramid Puzzling DNA and Angelic Light September 27 2012
WATCH THE LATEST VIDEO THAT CAME OUT TODAY HERE http If You Use Twitter heres the Twitter address or just click the twitter link on the right of the channel page Date: 09-27-12 Host: George Noory Guests: Linda Moulton Howe, John Hafernik Investigative reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, discussed another report of an underground pyramid near Mount McKinley, Alaska, new DNA research on the blood of three modern African groups, a cancer link to GMO corn, and encounters with #39;angelic light. #39; In her first segment, she spoke with Bruce Pearson, the son of a WWII Navy PT boat fighter, who said in the spring of 1978, his father flew with a USAF Huey helicopter crew from Unalakleet east two hours to an underground pyramid site in Alaska. His father was allegedly told by the helicopter pilot: "This is as super secret a situation as the Manhattan Project was. Nobody is supposed to know this place even exists. This thing is some kind of power generator and it #39;s thousands of years old, it #39;s made out of stone like a pyramid. They don #39;t know where it came from, who made it or how it works. But it can generate enough power to power the whole North Slope, all of Alaska, and probably the whole country of Canada!" For more, on the mysterious pyramid in Alaska, see a recap of Linda #39;s earlier report. A new genome study of three African populations has found foreign DNA than doesn #39;t resemble DNA from any modern humans ...From:C2CMainShowOnlyViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:35:14More inEntertainment

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Coast To Coast AM Mysterious Pyramid Puzzling DNA and Angelic Light September 27 2012 - Video

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