Apex Legends: 5 Reasons To Be Excited For Season 3 (& 5 Things To Be Worried About) – TheGamer

Posted: October 1, 2019 at 8:43 pm

Apex Legends has its third season around the corner, and there are plenty of things to be excited about, but also a few things that fans should be cautious about. The third season is called Meltdown, and, on top of introducing a new legend, it will come with a brand-new battle pass, hopefully full of really cool unlockable rewards.

When it comes to almost anything in life, it's important to never get too high or too low on things to protect yourself. That being said, let's look at 5 reasons to be excited for Apex Legends Season 3: Meltdown, and 5 things that could worry you.

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Many people think that Apex Legends was a flash in the pan, as its numbers on Twitch and other gaming-centric sites dropped since launch. The truth is that there are very few things that can compete with League of Legends or Fortnite, so comparing numbers to those titans is unfair.

The game still has very healthy numbers and offers a great free-to-play alternative for people. Will that base stick around once all of the major Fall video game releases start hitting shelves? Well, we'll have to wait and see.

The second season of Apex Legends offered something many fans didn't even know was going to be a part of it, which was new limited-time modes for players to experience. The most popular of these modes was a single-player version of the base 3 vs. 3 mode, and also one that only spawned snipers and shotguns on the map.

It seems that Respawn is open to providing their players with new experiences, so don't be surprised if new modes pop up or they bring back some favorites from previous seasons.

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Now, Respawn up until this point has done a good job at not being too overbearing when it comes to balancing, but, at the same time, they've made sure no weapon is supremely powerful.

The worry here isn't that they would all of a sudden stop caring, but rather that, if the game's player base falls off, they would quickly abandon ship. Respawn has been known to support their multiplayer games long after they should, so it isn't a real concern based on their track record, but it's always something to be conscious about.

Respawn has done a good job at spacing out the addition of new weapons and in exchange have added mods that make previously horrible or low-tier guns somewhat usable. Adding new guns changes the game in major ways, as it can change the learning curve of the game as players have one more gun to become familiar with.

A new mod, however, allows players to go back and explore weapons they previously would ignore or try out and ditch immediately. Look for more mods to be added throughout the third season.

The battle pass for the second season in Apex Legends did a lot to fix how terrible it was for the first season. They added better rewards and made it feel like you were earning things at a reasonable pace. Fans still felt that many of the skins in the battle pass didn't feel special enough at later levels and hope that, with the new season, they work even more towards making it worthwhile. It will all depend on how the battle pass for the second season sold and how vocal the feedback was from players.

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Earlier, the addition of new mods for weapons was discussed and how those can benefit the game in ways that adding a whole new weapon can't. Well, adding a brand-new weapon can also be exciting, and it's already been announced that a charge rifle will be entering the ranks in the third season.

It will use energy ammunition and hopefully add another solid go-to choice for players looking to dominate the Apex Games. Don't be surprised if another weapon enters the fold by season's end.

There was a recent issue where developers and fans got into a bit of a disagreement regarding the microtransactions in the game. Many players thought that the price attached to some of the special event cosmetics were extremely expensive, and a select few voiced it very poorly. This led to a developer becoming frustrated and calling those select few some choice words. Respawn is a developer who's great at listening and correcting their mistakes, but don't hold your breath if a new event skin costs an arm and a leg.

The map in Apex Legends has only seen one major evolution throughout its lifetime, and that came once the second season began. These giant lumbering dinosaur-like creatures took up residence in King's Canyon, and their footsteps caused the landscape to change. Other than that, the map saw the addition of an Octane-inspired area and a lab portal, which was introduced after the premiere of Wraith's animated short. Here's hoping small and large changes come to King's Canyon and make familiar territory brand spanking new.

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The main thing that Fortnite has over Apex Legends is that its map is constantly evolving every few weeks, whereas Respawn has taken a different approach to updates. Since launch, the map has only seen one major evolution, and their updates overall come at intervals of a couple of weeks for the most part.

It may not be the consumer's job to think about working conditions, but the current conversation around overworking employees makes it tough to demand what Epic Games does from Respawn.

Every season brings with it a new competitor to the Apex Games, and the upcoming third season is no different. Crypto will be making his entrance, and, though not much is known in regards to his in-game abilities, Respawn did release an animated short giving a glimpse into Crypto's life before his evolution.

It turns out that rummaging through things you shouldn't online could cause you to lose everything and everyone you love. He was hunted by powerful men, and, in turn, became something and someone his previous self wouldn't recognize.

NEXT: Apex Legends: 10 Facts About The Mystery, Bloodhound

Tags:Apex Legends

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Apex Legends: 5 Reasons To Be Excited For Season 3 (& 5 Things To Be Worried About) - TheGamer

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