Futurism Is Workless – Thrive Global

Posted: February 20, 2020 at 10:49 am

Futurism is worklessas explosion of smart technologies will eventually remove all laborious-routineworking manpower and exclusively seek out creatively tactical maneuveringhumanpower the new global-ageworkers worthy of special and advanced assignments demanding creative and critical thinking, complexproblem solving, and global age understanding of collaborations, withdiversity, tolerance and mental endurance to manage all such tactically as anentrepreneurial warrior The rest leftover manpower may be hired asslaves to robots. Currently, the rapid advancing power of technology not tabulatedagainst critical lack of skills of working citizenry created only calls for trade-warsand conflicts as proof of lack of productivity and required competence to matchglobal standards.

Technology is neverto blame; political leadership in most developed nation addicted to oil andhype of globalization forget the human inter-phase with cyber-electro-ergonomics;human-performance advancements on higher plateaus with support of technologies butnot replaced by dumb-down education absence of tactical training surrounded byfake media, therefore today, depression, stress and mental-health tops as majorproblem at work in Western economies, a perfect storm appears.

The March of Billion:

Come next 1000 daysthe global economic stress levels may force the march of the billions. Workless,jobless, and officeless, tired they marchnever ever in the history of mankind assembledsuch number of once mighty, highly skilled, educated and experienced subjected toreplacements by their own technological advances.

The power of artificial intelligence centric block-chaintechnologies over-taking most general office-routines and complex-procedural-decision-makingoptions transform into split second clicks and blinks and slowly replacing somebillion white collar workers, charted decade ago but now flooding skyscrapers,floor by floor. Billion horses ran on green pastures with advent of cars, nowbillion workers headed the same. However, in this chaos, lies some of the greatopportunities to create healthy sound communities to bring in local grassrootsprosperity.

Mankind has alwayssurvived; this is not the end this is a new beginning

Upskilling nation fast tracks- blueprint: small medium enterprise revolutions: Nations canavoid restless citizenry and blowing winds of populism;futurism of creating local grassroots prosperity divides intotwo distinct national mobilizations.Firstly, creating skilled citizenry capable to swing with global-agedemands and secondly, creating massive digitization of midsize economy toenable global-speed-performance to match trading with 100-200 nations. Nationswith acquired mastery will thrive and lead; generational transformation atmagical speed with full deployments of platform economy is a prerequisite.

Three Keys:

The Collaborative Microcosms;where economic progress comes around locally to ensure grassrootsprosperity in shapes of fertilizing regional SME to their fullest potentialswith massive use of free technologies.

The Population-Rich-Nations;once considered poor due to hungry mouths now each pair of legs with a mobiledevice is a potential enterprise center. Knowledge-Rich Nations have a toughclimb unless they adapt global collaborative thinking and understand diversityand tolerance.

The NationalMobilization of Entrepreneurialism; a world class global age strategy, as itstime to awaken to digital platform economies and mobilize national SME undermaster plans. This new thinking has serious opposition on old blocks

Three Gatekeepers:

The EnterprisesGroups: every nation is blessed with all sorts of founders, owners andentrepreneurs including senior management and therefore to thrive leadershipmust demonstrate expertise on digital platform economy because without beingsavvy how will they grow? This is where small and medium sizebusinesses stuck with internal digitization of operations challenges pushingdecade old methods to expansion.

The Trade Groups:TradeAssociations and Chambers of Commerce helping vertical sectors in theirown traditional ways spanning over decades but are such vertical trade groupsable to showcase their membership in a grand way across the nation and globalmarkets?

The Public SectorGroups: how government agencies not only fully digitized internally butalso offering to all sectors of vertical businesses and exporting communitieslarge scale options on Platform Economy thinking. If local governments wereactive and aggressive leaders they will not only boost national economies butalso calm restless citizenry and avoid windy storms of populism.

Imagine Upskillingand Reskilling of billion working citizenry of the world, in next 1000 days

Identify 1000 to1,000,000 SME in a region or nation need of global exposure or exportabilityStart national mobilization of entrepreneurialism on digital platforms toexpand globally Start a high level in-depth debate and discussion with authoritative knowledgeand solutionsThese are not new funding dependent, they are new-thinking hungry and executionstarved So whats stopping this?

Futurism Is Workless - Thrive Global

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