Len Romes Local Health: When skin conditions lead to allergies in kids – WYTV

Posted: October 4, 2020 at 3:03 am

Treating a baby's skin may save a child from a lifetime of allergic diseases

by: Len Rome

(WYTV) Eczema, food allergies and asthma are common conditions in children, and they all have a common link.

Treating a babys skin may save a child from a lifetime of allergic diseases.

Doctors call it atopic march a sequence of allergic diseases that starts in infancy with eczema and often progresses to food allergies, asthma and hay fever.

Heres how it happens

These people have dry, cracked skin, which allows allergens from the environment to penetrate through, said Dr. Donald Leung.

When food particles enter the body through the skin rather than the digestive system, they are more likely to cause allergies.

Parents can practice soak and seal, which starts with a warm, 20-minute bath for the child, followed by moisturizing ointment. This not only heals the skin, but also stops the atopic march before it gets started.

Understanding what causes the atopic march opens the door to finding solutions. Right now, doctors are looking at what weakens the skin barrier and how to repair it.

See the original post:
Len Romes Local Health: When skin conditions lead to allergies in kids - WYTV

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