Eczema rash: The warning sign your skin condition has developed an infection – Express

Posted: June 17, 2020 at 1:05 am

Eczema can develop into an infection if triggers aren't managed well, and you don't have a consistent skin care routine. But it may have looked that way for so long that you don't even realise it's an infection.

The National Eczema Association notes that sufferers must "watch for signs of infection".

Although all types of eczema have periods of flare-ups, one particular kind is prone to infection.

Named pompholyx otherwise called dyshidrotic eczema tiny blisters form over the skin.

Another sign of infection is when blisters ooze pus or become covered in golden crust.

The NHS states the condition may be triggered by a fungal skin infection.

Or it could be a reaction to something that has touched the skin, such as nickel.

Known irritants include detergents, household chemicals, soap, shampoo, cosmetic products or perfume.


Stress has also been shown to aggravate the skin condition, as does sweating.

In most cases, the blisters will clear up on their own within a few weeks.

But the condition tends to appear throughout the years, and can be continuous and difficult to treat.

To combat an infection, it's imperative to see your GP to obtain medicated treatment.

It's also best to become familiar with your triggers and to avoid them.

In life, stress is unavoidable, but stress really is an eczema trigger. What to do?

To help manage stressful situations, stress management techniques are needed.

Stress management can range from breathing techniques to crossword puzzles.

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Eczema rash: The warning sign your skin condition has developed an infection - Express

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