Common skin problems in children and their prevention – BOSS Magazine

Posted: March 26, 2021 at 6:19 pm

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A considerable number of children face skin disorders daily. And some children grow up dealing with the same skin issues into their adulthood. As children are not cautious of their hygiene, they are more susceptible to skin problems that are rare in adults.

Diaper rash is relatively common among infants and toddlers. Similarly, chickenpox and measles are a part of every kids childhood. Usually, with age, most skin problems go away, but genetic conditions are lifelong and permanent. With a Health card, a parent can pay for the frequent hospital visits with ease.

For a parent, it is difficult to see your little bundle of joy in discomfort. Sometimes, skin disorders can indicate an underlying disease as well. Most common skin disorders in childhood include eczema, diaper rash, acne, ringworm, rashes from bacterial infection, etc. Nowadays, pollution and the demand for junk food have increased the chances of lifestyle diseases among children that directly affect their skin. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist early on. For instance, a dermatologist in Delhi is always in demand to treat acne flares due to seasonal allergies. Here are some skin problems that happen in children and can be treated with a professionals help.

Diaper rash is usual among babies and is characterized by bright red skin in the diaper region. It happens due to chafing and skin sensitivity due to wet, tight, or infrequently changed diapers. Even if a baby wears a diaper daily, then chances are high of getting a diaper rash. The baby can get extremely irritable and restless, which can be annoying and tiring. Simple home treatments such as applying ointments, air drying, and changing diapers on time are quite useful. If you do not see any improvement in the babys skin, then it is time to see a doctor.

According to a study, every one in ten children suffers from eczema. Thus, it is the most common rash among children. Eczema makes the skin more sensitive and causes red, dry, and itchy skin. Mostly, the environment and heredity are to blame for eczema. Allergic conditions such as asthma and allergic rhinitis cause eczema as well. Every kid can experience different types of eczema rashes. In babies, it usually happens on the scalp and face. It occurs in elbow creases in young children, on the neck, around the eyes, and back of the knee. A misconception with eczema is that it is contagious, which is far from the truth.

Psoriasis causes dry patches on the skin that are incredibly itchy. A study shows that 40% of people experience psoriasis as early as ten years of age. Psoriasis can vary from mild to severe in children. Usually, the cases are mild and can get better with an effective treatment. It has no cure and is lifelong, but medication helps in keeping the condition manageable. Just like eczema, psoriasis is not contagious. The main factor behind psoriasis is a bacterial infection. Certain medications, cold weather, or stress are the most significant contributors to psoriasis among children.

Human papillomavirus causes warts and can cause different kinds similar to its nature. Mostly, these are harmless skin growths, but they can also be painful and irritating. Children have warts more than an adult. If your kid has a weak immune system or a contact with a person having warts, they are more likely to have it. A dermatologist will do a physical test and scrape a small amount for biopsy to ascertain what kind of wart is there. Warts fade away in weeks with gentle care and can be treated with over-the-counter products. Severe cases will require medication and other procedures for treating warts.

It is a viral disease that induces a small, pink colored bump on your childs skin. Molluscum is not harmful, with no other severe symptoms. The bumps contain the virus, which is mildly contagious. A virus known as poxvirus causes molluscum. Children can contract it by coming into contact, skin-to-skin, with a molluscum patient. Also, hot, humid areas are a trigger for worsening molluscum. Even though the bumps are small in size but can cause significant discomfort to the child, a dermatologist will diagnose molluscum by just taking a glance at it. In fact, with a Bajaj Health, one can find a network hospital for a regular visit for molluscum removal.

Skin conditions may not seem severe or acute but can indicate your internal well-being. A child becomes more self-conscious in situations wherein they can be made to feel inferior or left out. It is best to see a dermatologist as soon as possible if your child faces any skin discomfort. Treatment and medication for skin disorders have always been high. In cases where long-term treatment is required, a Bajaj Health EMI card can prove to be useful and convenient. So, never ignore any little signs that may show any kind of skin problem.

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Common skin problems in children and their prevention - BOSS Magazine

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