Celebrities With Eczema Speak Out – Everyday Health

Posted: June 5, 2022 at 2:13 am

Jessica Simpson is famous for speaking her truth and that includes sharing details about her life with eczema.

I experienced it in junior high and high school, and after cheerleading, I would just put on my letter[man] jacket or a sweatshirt because people would hug me and be like, What is that on your arm? recalled the singer turned fashion mogul in an interview with People.

Im open about my insecurities and my flaws, and if I can help inspire anybody to feel better about themselves, thats why Im here, she added.

Simpsons willingness to discuss her challenges with atopic dermatitis (the most common form of eczema) has helped shine a light on a condition that many people would prefer to hide.

In fact, the emotional impact of the condition, along with the physical discomfort, may increase a persons risk of new depression and anxiety, according to a study published in 2020 in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.

While eczema is common in children and young adults, it can appear at any age. The condition seems to affect the same number of female and male children, but studies have shown it is more common in adult women than men.

Simpson isnt the only superstar who has been candid about her private struggles with this skin condition that 1 in 10 Americans develop at some point during their lifetime. Here are some household names with atopic dermatitis.

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Celebrities With Eczema Speak Out - Everyday Health

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