Saylor Calls Bitcoin Lightning "Most Important Technology In The World Right Now" – Crypto Times

Posted: September 6, 2022 at 4:28 am

The executive chairman and former CEO of MicroStrategy, Michael Saylor said the companys developers are working on solutions that would allow a lot of people onto the Bitcoin Lightning network, to an audience at the Baltic Honeybadger conference on Saturday in Riga, Latvia.

Saylor described Lightning as the most important thing going on in the world in technology while addressing the audience via video call.

The Baltic Honeybadger conference is the biggest European Bitcoin-only conference to date which gathered 600+ attendees & 70+ speakers.

Last month, Michael Saylor swapped his role from CEO to Executive Chairman of MicroStrategy. As the Executive Chairman, Saylor focuses on advancement and long-term organization techniques.

During the video call, Saylor noted, MicroStrategy has got some R&D projects going on right now where were working on enterprise applications of Lightning: enterprise Lightning wallet, enterprise Lightning servers, enterprise authentication.

MicroStrategy, according to Saylor, is searching for solutions that would enable businesses to roll out Lightning to a hundred thousand employees every day or open Lightning wallets for 10 million clients overnight.

Also Read: What is the Bitcoin Lightning Network? Secret behind Its massive adoption

Its still early in the process, and Michael Saylor said its too soon to tell if any viable items would result from it.

Saylor added, but in Lightning, you can move much more aggressively developing functionality and take more risks with the applications than you can with the underlying bitcoin layer.

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Saylor Calls Bitcoin Lightning "Most Important Technology In The World Right Now" - Crypto Times

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