Asteroid Mining: A Glimpse into the Future – Medriva

Posted: February 16, 2024 at 4:23 pm

Asteroid Mining: A Glimpse into the Future

With an estimated value of $100,000 quadrillion, the metal-rich asteroid Psyche has become the target of a NASA mission to explore the formation of planetary interiors. This mission has sparked interest from companies such as AstroForge and TransAstra, who see the potential opportunity for mining asteroids for rare elements like platinum and palladium, essential for modern technologies including cars and electronics.

Advancements in technology have made asteroid mining a plausible reality, with the private sector leading the way. One such example is AstroForge, a U.S.-based startup preparing to launch a spacecraft in early 2024 to mine asteroids, a pioneering initiative in the private sector. However, the economic viability of transporting these materials back to Earth still remains a question. The moon, being closer and more accessible, is considered a better source for similar materials.

While space mining opens a universe of possibilities, it also enters a legal gray area. The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 prevents sovereigns from claiming ownership of the moon, but it doesnt prohibit companies or individuals from extracting resources. The SPACE Act grants U.S. citizens the right to claim resources from space, leading to international disputes. As such, the UN is set to discuss space resource extraction, and the Artemis Accords propose guidelines for bringing humans back to the moon and granting rights over space resources.

NASAs OSIRIS-REx mission recently collected 121.6 grams of sample from asteroid Bennu, more than double its initial goal. Some of this sample will be shared with various U.S. and international research organizations, while some will be preserved for examination with more advanced instruments as they are developed. NASA has conducted several other sample return missions to collect and analyze samples from the Moon, comets, asteroids, and the solar wind, furthering our understanding of the Solar System.

As technology advances, the potential for space exploration and resource extraction expands. Startups like Space Initiatives Inc. are developing technologies such as femtosatellites that could revolutionize space development, making space travel more accessible and enabling missions that will define humanity for millennia to come. As we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, asteroid mining remains a potential future endeavor that could transform our understanding of the universe and our place within it.

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Asteroid Mining: A Glimpse into the Future - Medriva

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