No assault on 2nd Amendment – The Spokesman-Review

Posted: May 9, 2017 at 3:07 pm

Trump says that the eight year assault on the Second Amendment is over. The NRA crowd cheers. Looking back at that eight-year assault, the only thing that happened was that Obama signed a bill that allowed guns to be carried into the national parks. The universal background check bill died in Congress. Handgun bans in Chicago and Washington D.C. were invalidated by the Supreme Court.

Gee, where was the assault? Obama was the biggest gun salesman in history. Every time he spoke, gun sales went up. We doubled the number of guns manufactured in eight years with Obamas fake assault on the Second Amendment. Reality doesnt matter in todays politics. Facts supported by data dont matter either.

Trump signed an executive order allowing people on Social Security disability for severe mental illness to buy guns. A verified mentally impaired guy who is too sick to work can now buy a gun.

Think of severely mentally ill people having concealed carry firearms. If they forget to take their meds, any one of us can be seen as a threat that needs shooting. Afterwards they can pry the bullets from your cold dead body.

Pete Scobby


Original post:
No assault on 2nd Amendment - The Spokesman-Review

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