Commissioners approve Second Amendment resolution

Posted: February 26, 2015 at 11:47 am

It took Linn County Commissioners Roger Nyquist, John Lindsey and Will Tucker less than a minute Tuesday morning to approve a resolution to support the Second Amendment of the Constitution, the peoples right to keep and bear arms.

Similar resolutions are being considered by other counties, a proactive effort to ward off anti-gun bills being proposed by the House and Senate which are controlled by Democrats.

Clackamas County passed a similar measure, but not before the issue was debated for about four hours.

Former Linn County Sheriff Tim Mueller drew national attention a couple years ago when he wrote a letter to Vice-president Joe Biden, informing him local deputies would not enforce anti-gun laws being proposed by Congress and President Obama.

Current Sheriff Bruce Riley has also said he supports the Second Amendment and will continue that policy.

There are a number of bills in the Legislature that would force counties to enforce gun control regulations, Lindsey said. The state is trying to make counties enforce legislation that will undoubtedly be declared unconstitutional when challenged.

Lindsey said the commissioners signed the resolution, because we want to make it clear that we wont be a party to this.

Nyquist said several constituents asked the board to take a stand.

A dozen gun control bills were introduced during the first week of the new session.

The resolution notes that Article 1, Section 27 of the Oregon Constitution is clear.

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Commissioners approve Second Amendment resolution

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