Nevada County Economic Resource Council: Technology and business go together – The Union of Grass Valley

Posted: August 24, 2021 at 10:07 am

Technology is defined as the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry; machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge; and the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.

For Nevada County Economic Resource Councils Gil Mathew, it is evident that separating technology from industry is all but impossible.

In todays world, every industry sector includes technology, the executive director stated. While the ERC is working to connect different industry sectors, be it, education, manufacturing, agriculture, or healthcare but whatever the sector, technology is part of how that group does business.

While Nevada County boasts several technology-based businesses, from AJA to Telestream to Grass Valley (to name a few), the reality is that most businesses rely on tech in some form to operate. The days of handwritten ledgers and snail mail correspondence have all but disappeared. Those who want to succeed in todays business world have learned to embrace technology in a variety of formats from cell phones to computers to programmable machinery technology is deeply embedded in most daily operations.

In the last year, technology has been the basis for meeting and communicating across the world. Social platforms have exploded, and industry leaders have pivoted to find ways to remain relevant while practicing social distancing. Bringing people together remains a vital part of the fabric industry across all sectors.

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The Economic Resource Council is tasked with bringing like industry personnel together to discuss challenges as well as successes and to, hopefully, find common ground within the area businesses to help contribute to a vibrant, thriving economy in Nevada County. Each month a series of meet ups is planned to further that mission.

Teaming with California Manufacturing Technology Consulting (CMTC), the Economic Resource Council is inviting those in the manufacturing sector to a meet-up on Thursday, Sept. 9 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Enticing participants with free pizza and beverages, the evening will focus on networking with peers and a short presentation by Mathew on the topic of ever-changing regulations affecting the specific industry. The event is free but does require an RSVP at

Bringing people together while adhering to state health regulations will undoubtedly be discussed during the event. Safety protocols will be in place to ensure the well-being of all who attend.

Other meet ups including the monthly web development group and the writers forum have stayed online, utilizing the technology of social platforms to continue to bring people together. Those dates and links can also be obtained by emailing the Economic Resource Council.

In October, the Economic Resource Council will bring back the Economic Summit, a well-received afternoon featuring renowned economist Chris Thornberg who will breakdown the fiscal outlook on a national, regional, and local level. Both entertaining and informative, Thornberg has a long history of delivering accurate and pragmatic information around housing, development, and business in a variety of sectors. Tickets for the Oct. 25 event taking place at The Center for The Arts will be limited. Sponsorship, vendor, and participation information is available by contacting the Economic Resource Council.

To become a member and to find out more, use your technology and send any inquires to

Hollie Grimaldi Flores is a freelancer writer in Nevada County. She writes a monthly column on behalf of the Nevada County Economic Resource Council

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Nevada County Economic Resource Council: Technology and business go together - The Union of Grass Valley

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