UK’s Johnson: Putin has ‘crossed the red line into barbarism’ | TheHill – The Hill

Posted: March 29, 2022 at 12:22 pm

British Prime Minister Boris JohnsonBoris JohnsonPhotos of the Week: Ketanji Brown Jackson, cherry blossoms and Oscar statues UK's Johnson: Putin has 'crossed the red line into barbarism' NATO summit to address Russia's invasion of Ukraine underway MORE on Thursday said Russian President Vladimir PutinVladimir Vladimirovich PutinHouse Oversight launches probe into Credit Suisse ties to Russian oligarchs Biden's 'careless remark' on Putin incenses GOP Leon Panetta: 'All of us share moral outrage about Putin' MORE has crossed the red line into barbarism, as he and other NATO allies entered a high-stakes meeting focused on Moscows invasion of Ukraine.

The British prime minister said Russia should be hit with additional sanctions as a consequence for the invasion, emphasizing that more penalties could help end the conflict at a quicker pace.

Vladimir Putin has already crossed the red line into barbarism, Johnson told reporters as he arrived in Brussels to participate in a meeting of NATO country leaders, according to Reuters.


He said western allies have to tighten the vice in sanctions against Russia to end Moscows attack.

It is very important we work together to get this thing done. The harder our sanctions ... the more we can do to help Ukraine ... the faster this thing can be over, Johnson said.

Thursday marked one-month anniversary of Russia's invasion, which led to massive sanctions on Moscow from the west.

The European Union expanded sanctions against Moscow earlier this month, targeting Russian politicians and oligarchs. That round of penalties also took aim at the banking sector in Belarus, since Minsk has allowed Russia to utilize its territory as a point to attack Ukraine with missiles and hold Russian troops.

The E.U. also banned exports of maritime navigation technology to Russia.


UK's Johnson: Putin has 'crossed the red line into barbarism' | TheHill - The Hill

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