Beyond Psychedelics Global Psychedelic Forum

Posted: June 16, 2016 at 5:49 pm

Psychedelics have been used in manifold contexts throughout human history: from ancient traditional ways to modern medical research, to home-grown lay use and parties; from treatment, personal growth, and wellbeing to gnostic and heuristic purposes, and ceremonies serving societal needs or religious and environmental functions. Ever present within the context of the psychedelic experience is how use of these substances also affects society and vice versa,

Rather than looking at psychedelics merely as chemical substances, this conference aims to focus on what is beyond. We will approach psychedelics in two ways. First, we will look at them as a powerful tool or catalyst that may help achieve a broad range of diverse goals. Second, we will discuss what position they hold in society, with respect to social environment, norms, attitudes, and, most importantly, how they are represented in the legislative framework.

We want to explore the context of psychedelic use and its interaction with the psychedelic experience, and to give voice to knowledge and experience gained within multiple frameworks, as we believe that much can be learnt by sharing different perspectives.

We will be discussing the position of psychedelics within nature, therapy, culture and society. Besides, considering the fact that the context of the psychedelic experience is influenced by its purpose, we will take a look at various purposes of the psychedelic experience:

We would like to discuss these areas from a variety of perspectives. In order to represent as many different perspectives as possible, the list of speakers will include Western scientists, traditional indigenous experts, drug policy analysts, historians and eyewitnesses of the 1960s, people working with psychedelics in their treatment practice, people working in psychedelic harm-reduction services, and, last but not least, also patients treated by psychedelics as well as lay users of psychedelics.

We will meet to share our diverse perspectives from all over the world, engage in discussion, explore the potential of psychedelics, learn from each other and look for new prospects for the use of psychedelics in the modern society.

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Beyond Psychedelics Global Psychedelic Forum

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