Proud Boys among several groups to lead rally in downtown Raleigh –

Posted: March 21, 2021 at 5:12 pm

Raleigh, N.C. About 100 people gathered in downtown Raleigh on Saturday afternoon for a rally that supported police and protested COVID-19 rules in North Carolina.

Among the group were people representing the Proud Boys and Reopen NC. Speakers voiced opposition toward the COVID-19 vaccine and COVID-19 policies. Those who talked expressed a general pro-law enforcement stance.

Several speakers addressed the crowd in a parking lot through a microphone amid counter protests from a nearby sidewalk along Blount Street. A line of Raleigh police officers separated the groups.

Counter protesters from the group NC Born were also there. There was much shouting and yelling from both sides, but there were no physical incidents. Counter protesters used sirens and megaphones in effort to drown out the other side.

Several men could be seen wearing clothing with the Proud Boys logo. Earlier this week, four men described as leaders of the Proud Boys were charged in the U.S. Capitol riots.

Several people listening to the speeches carried large American flags. Others had flags supporting former U.S. President Donald Trump.

In 2020, Reopen NC held several gatherings in Raleigh to protest Gov. Roy Cooper's executive orders that prevented some businesses from being able to operate. In February, Gov. Cooper ended a nightly curfew designed to limit the spread of the virus and eased other pandemic-related restrictions.

See the original post:

Proud Boys among several groups to lead rally in downtown Raleigh -

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