Charles H. Bradley: It is not racist to name a virus after where it started? – The Laconia Daily Sun

Posted: March 24, 2020 at 5:55 am

To The Daily Sun,

Ive been resisting the temptation to record my thoughts and misgivings about the coronavirus pandemic and pandemonium. Marie and I are following President Trumps guidelines, but my concern is that the supposed expert, Dr. Fauci, has caused an extraordinary overreaction because of his political goals. So the question is not whether the coronavirus is a pandemic (it is), but whether the pandemonium is necessary.

1. Here is what Dr. Fauci said about the H1N1 virus (Swine Flu) in September 2009, when Barack Obama was president and after millions had become infected and thousands had died: People just need to use good judgment. Parents should not send their kids to school if they are sick, if youre sick dont go to work . . .. avoid places where there are people who are sick and coughing, now that is a difficult thing to do," he said, "You cant isolate yourself from the rest of the world for the whole flu season.

2. Almost every flu season since September 2009, the cold virus and the flu have caused anywhere from 35,000 to 65,000 plus deaths and hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and millions of people infected (see numerous articles from American Thinker). Dr. Fauci has held the same position at the CDC this entire time. Therefore, it does seem reasonable to ask Dr. Fauci why the clarion call to arms now when you have presided over 650,000 deaths from the flu since 2009? Having watched the presidents daily reports to the USA, I am astounded the snarky idiots of the White House kiddie press corps have been unable to ask Dr. Fauci this question, while attempting to create national pandemonium over, at least by Faucis past standards, an incipient pandemic, whose ultimate toll can only be known in retrospect.

3. Political correctness has again reared its ugly head. The ignoramuses of the mainstream media, including Covuto and John Roberts on Fox, have decided it is racist to label a virus from whence it came. Apparently, they have never heard of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. In November 2019, China refused President Trumps offer of assistance. There is a more sinister goal in their Chinese Virus Syndrome Obsession (CUSO). The Chinese globalists and panderers understand that Chinas failure to inform the world in a timely manner of the Wuhan virus will accelerate President Trumps Americanization of our means of production, including our pharmaceutical and medical device industries. The choice is Make America Great Again or Let China Rule the World.

4. Finally on Sunday, the Valerie Pflames, John Brennan and Comey proteges began to emerge from the denizen of our intelligence community. I am so sick and tired of the criminal leaks from the nincompoops of the CIA and NSA. They are so dumb that these scalawags do not understand that the only audience they have are the Demolitioncrats, Pravda on the Hudson (NY Times) and Pravda on the Potomac (The Washington Post).

Out of words, decide for yourself! Time will tell.

Charles H. Bradley


Here is the original post:

Charles H. Bradley: It is not racist to name a virus after where it started? - The Laconia Daily Sun

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