GIW to Discuss Bigger Slurry Pump Trends at Oil Sands Conference – Offshore Technology

Posted: May 23, 2024 at 7:54 am

GIW Industries Inc has the largest slurry pump in the oil sands industry. The TBC-92 was built to withstand high pressures and resist wear from aggressive tailings. The shell and impeller hydraulics are designed to optimise performance and wear, providing high suction capability and large solids passage. Learn more about the TBC-92 and GIWs other technological innovations at the Oil Sands Conference & Trade Show, 10-11 September, Fort McMurray, Alberta.

Come see what the big deal is about by visiting Booth 3513 (Hall C):

The GIW team will be there to address any questions about the TBC-92, product lines, innovative technologies, and more.

Stay connected, add us to your conference agenda, and find out what else will be taking place at Booth 3513.

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GIW to Discuss Bigger Slurry Pump Trends at Oil Sands Conference - Offshore Technology

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