Fed Cup Asia Oceania group-1 womens tennis tournament postponed – The Hindu

Posted: February 4, 2020 at 11:51 am

The International Tennis Federation (ITF) has postponed the Fed Cup Asia Oceania group-1 womens tennis tournament, by at least three weeks, according to a release from the All India Tennis Association (AITA) on Monday.

The event was originally scheduled to be hosted by China in Dongguan, but had to be moved by the ITF owing to travel restrictions in China following the virus outbreak. The rescheduled competition was to be held in Nur Sultan, Kazakhstan, from February 4 to 8. It was noted that the government of Kazakhstan had prohibited the organisation of international sports events in the country, due to the threat of coronavirus.

The ITF is working with the Womens Tennis Association (WTA) to ensure availability of top players and are also exploring further venue options to host this event, said AITA CEO Akhouri Bishwadeep, in the statement.

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Fed Cup Asia Oceania group-1 womens tennis tournament postponed - The Hindu

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