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Coronavirus vaccine could add billions in value to this one stock – Yahoo Finance

Posted: March 5, 2020 at 5:52 pm

Gilead could be sitting on close to $20 billion in untapped stock market value, provided it has success with a potential new coronavirus vaccine.

Oppenheimer analyst Hartaj Singh estimates that a worldwide release of remdesivir currently in Phase 3 trial for Gilead could lead to $500 million in yearly pandemic sales stocking. The analyst assumes the coronavirus pill would cost $50 to $100 per patient compared to $16 a pill for flu treatment Tamiflu in the U.S. Singh sees the pill reaching 5 million to 10 million people in terms of pandemic stock-piling.

Gileads trials of remdesivir include one targeting patients with severe manifestations of coronavirus. The other focuses on patients with more moderate affects from COVID-19.

Assuming such a conservative model, successful Phase 3 outcomes in the moderate patients are worth 5% to 10% to Gilead. If both Phase 3's are successful, we foresee greater pricing leverage in developed markets and higher stocking; leading to a 10% to 20% valuation bump. Clearly a pandemic stockpiling of remdesivir (like Tamiflu) is where Gilead stock benefits most. Acute treatment for millions of patients would be more a harbinger of a Street meltdown, Singh writes.

Using the aggressive side of Singhs estimates for remdesivir, Gileads market cap could approach $115 billion versus $94 billion today.

The market has begun to lock in on Gilead and to a lesser extent Moderna as coronavirus vaccine winners.

Shares of Gilead has rocketed 10% higher over the past month while the broader stock market has gone in the tank on fears of a global economic slowdown. On the other hand, Moderna which has a coronavirus vaccine in Phase 1 has seen its stock skyrocket 31% in the past month.

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Brian Sozzi is an editor-at-large and co-anchor of The First Trade at Yahoo Finance. Follow Sozzi on Twitter @BrianSozzi and on LinkedIn.

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How Bad Is the Coronavirus? Lets Run the Numbers – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 5:52 pm

(Bloomberg Opinion) -- The coronavirus outbreakhas been turning a lot of us into amateur epidemiologists. Just listen to Mick Mulvaney, the former real estate developer and member of Congress from South Carolina who is now acting White House chief of staff.The flu kills people, he said last week. This is not Ebola. Its not SARS, its not MERS. Its not a death sentence,its not the same as the Ebola crisis.

All those statements aretrue. The flu does kill people: an estimated 61,099 in the U.S. in the worst recent flu season, that of 2017-2018. People who get Covid-19, the World Health Organizations shorthand for Coronavirus Disease 2019,(1) are much less likely to die than those infected with Ebola, the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome of 2003and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome first reported in 2012. And no, this is not the same as the Ebola crisis.

Its not the same as the 2014 Ebola crisis in part because it appears to be a much bigger deal for the U.S. and other countries outside of West Africa.As Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates, also technically an amateur epidemiologist but by this point quite a well-informed one, put it Friday in the New England Journal of Medicine: Covid-19 has started behaving a lot like the once-in-a-century pathogen weve been worried about.

How do we reconcile these differing views of Covid-19? Well, I too am an amateur as an epidemiologist, but I find that charts and (very simple) equations help me think through things. On the theory that others might find this helpful, too, lets start with the approximate case-fatality rates for the diseases listed by Mulvaney and a few others you may have heard of.

These fatality rates can change a lot depending on time and place and access to treatment. The Covid-19 rate is obviously a moving target, so Ive included both the 3.4% worldwide mortality ratereported this weekby the World Health Organization and the1% estimate froma study released Feb. 10 by theMRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College London that factored in probableunreported cases. The authors of that study also said that,given the information available at the time, they were 95% confidentthe correct fatality rate was somewhere between 0.5% and 4%. Gates used the 1% estimate in his article, and when I ran it byCaroline Buckee,an actual professional epidemiologist who is a professor at Harvards T.H. Chan School of Public Health, she termed itreasonable.

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In a context that includes Ebola and MERS, the Covid-19 death rates are much closer to those of the flu, and its understandable why people find the comparison reassuring. Compare Covid-19 with just the flu, though, and it becomes clear how different they are.

The 61,099 flu-related deaths in the U.S. during the severe flu season of 2017-2018 amounted to0.14% of the estimated 44.8 million cases of influenza-like illness. There were also an estimated flu-related 808,129 hospitalizations, for a rate of 1.8%. Assume a Covid-19 outbreak of similar size in the U.S., multiply the death and hospitalization estimatesby five or 10, and you get some really scary numbers: 300,000 to 600,000 deaths, and 4 million to 8 million hospitalizations in a country that has924,107 staffed hospital beds. Multiply by 40 and, well, forget about it. Also, death rates would go higher if the hospital system is overwhelmed, as happened in the Chinese province of Hubei where Covid-19s spread began and seems to be happening in Iran now. Thats one reason thatslowing the spread is important even if it turns out the disease cant be stopped.

Could Covid-19 really spread as widely as the flu? If allowed to, sure. The standard metric for infectiousness is whats called the reproduction number, or R0. Itisusually pronounced R naught, and the zero after the R should be rendered in subscript, but its a simple enough concept. An R0 of one means each person with the disease can be expected to infect one more person. If the number dips below one, the disease will peterout. If itgets much above one, the disease can spread rapidly.

Here are R0s for the same list of diseases as above. These are rough approximations, in most cases the midpoints of quite-large ranges. But they do give a sense of relative infectiousness.

This helps explain why public health authorities want everybody to get vaccinated against the measles. Its not all that deadly a disease, but once it gets going in an unvaccinated population, everybody gets it.

Thenumbers also seem to indicate that Covid-19 isa lot more contagious than the seasonal flu. Average R0 isnt the whole story, though. Why all the worry about MERS, for example, which with an R0 below one shouldnt spread at all? Well, its extremely deadly, its R0 can rise above one in certain environments, among them hospitals, and ... you can catch it from your camel.

Then theres SARS, which is both deadlier than Covid-19 and has a similar R0. Why was it wiped out in about a year, while some experts warn that Covid-19 may be around forever? Because SARSusually didnt become contagious until several daysafter symptoms appeared. This meant that, as four British infectious disease expertswrote in 2004, actions taken during this period to isolate or quarantine ill patients can effectively interrupt transmission. They proposed adding another variable to disease-transmission models: the proportion of transmission occurring prior to symptoms. For SARS, this was less than 11%, probably much less. For influenza, it is between 30% and 50%, making it far harder to control the diseases spread.

With Covid-19, it seems that it can transmit quite a bit before symptoms occur, Buckee says. How much is still up in the air.World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has been arguing this week that pre-symptomatic transmission appears to be low enough that Covid-19 can be controlled in ways that the flu cannot. If this was an influenza epidemic, we would have expected to see widespread community transmission across the globe by now, he said Monday, and efforts to slow it down or contain it would not be feasible.

To understand how the spread of such a disease can be contained, ithelps to break R0 down to its constituent parts. A simple formula that I got from Buckee is:

the probability of infection given contact with an infectious person (b), multiplied by the contact rate (k), multiplied by the infectious duration (d)

In some cases you can shorten the infectious duration with treatment. Quarantining people once you know theyre infected effectively shortens it, too. Variables b and k, meanwhile, areclearly dependent on behavior. The probability of infection is reduced by things like frequent hand-washing, replacing handshakes with fist bumps and such. The contact rate is reduced by staying home. By putting much of the country on lockdown, Chinese authoritiesreduced the contact rate enough that Covid-19s R0 in the countryfell below one. They also incurred huge economic and social costs. Now,as China beginsto go back to work, the big question is whether a less-draconian approach can keep the disease in check or whether it will just start spreading again.

Thats the big question in the U.S., Europeand pretty much everywhere else on earth too. It cant be answered entirely by professional epidemiologists, either. Weighing whether the costs of a particular intervention are worth the benefits is at hearta political decision. So its actually good that politiciansare moonlighting as amateur epidemiologists. Some of them may justneed to study a little harder.

(1) The name for the virus, as opposed to the disease, is SARS-CoV-2.

To contact the author of this story: Justin Fox at

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Stacey Shick at

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Bloomberg LP and its owners.

Justin Fox is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering business. He was the editorial director of Harvard Business Review and wrote for Time, Fortune and American Banker. He is the author of The Myth of the Rational Market.

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Homelessness charity head ‘humbled’ by Alex Trebek’s $100K donation: ‘It really speaks to the kind of man that he is’ – Yahoo Entertainment

Posted: at 5:52 pm

Alex Trebeks personal health struggles havent halted his generosity to those less fortunate.

The Jeopardy! host, who has been fighting stage IV pancreatic cancer, has donated $100,000 to the Los Angeles-based Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission, a non-profit that works to to prevent, reduce and eliminate poverty, hunger and homelessness.

Ken Craft, the president and CEO of the charity, tells Yahoo Entertainment that Trebek had quietly and without fanfare been making donations to the group for several years. Amid Hope of the Valleys latest expansion over the last 10 years, it has opened 12 facilities, with three more opening in upcoming months, doubling its sleeping capacity Craft reached out to top donors in a plea for financial help and one day his phone rang.

I was sitting at my desk in January and I get a phone call and the gentleman on the other line said, Ken, this is Alex Trebek, Craft recalled. The game show host said he had been keeping tabs on what the organization was doing and requested a tour of the North Hollywood shelter, one of the new facilities.

Needless to say, Craft obliged, recalling how Trebek, 79, pulled up to the facility in his Ram truck wearing jeans, a sweatshirt, a ball cap and glasses. I hardly recognized him, he said. Im always used to seeing him in a suit on Jeopardy!, which Trebek has hosted since 1984.

Alex Trebek, on the set of Jeopardy!, made a large donation to the Los Angeles-based non-profit Hope of the Valley, saying he liked what the group was doing to help combat homelessness. (Photo: Eric McCandless/ABC via Getty Images)

Craft showed him the facility, which will house 84 people, and all its amenities. And then they drove to a second facility thats in the works and toured that as well. The men parted after Trebek said he wasnt feeling so well, around the time he was having trouble with his chemo medications, but said he would be in touch in a few weeks.

And several weeks later, Trebek called again, inquiring about the financials of the charity from Crafts salary ($105,000) to the overall budget. Craft offered to provide the TV personality with audited financials, which he did, and soon after Trebek invited him to his house. At the meeting, it was apparent to Craft that Trebek had done his research on the non-profit.

He had printed out our financials, Craft recalled, and said, If Im reading this correctly, you make about 40 percent of your revenue from your thrift store. Is that correct? I said, Yes it is. He said, I like that. Youre earning money. He pointed out some other things. Then he said, By the way, the reason why I asked you how much you make is because I supported another charity at one point and after the fact, I learned that the CEO was making $450,000. I just dont think thats a good use of non-profit finances. It was just great conversation, and he said, I really like what youre doing.

Trebek then presented Craft with an envelope inside a check for $100,000 and said he hoped it would help with the expansion. Craft said it moved me emotionally and with tears in my eyes he thanked him, including after getting permission with a hug.

According to Craft, Trebek said he became interested in the charity because while driving around L.A. he noticed an increased number of homeless and felt he needed to do something to contribute and help. Craft said he will remain absolutely humbled and honored and eternally grateful Trebek chose Hope of the Valley, which he founded a decade ago.

Trebek also invited Craft and his wife to a taping of Jeopardy!, taking time during a commercial break to tell the audience that while he didnt usually do this type of thing, he wanted to call attention to a couple here that Im incredibly proud of, Craft recalled Trebek saying. Theyre doing great work in the fight against homelessness and I believe in them and I support them. They were then called up to the set for further praise and a keepsake photo op.

It just moved me because here he is he has his own challenges, his own health issues that hes working through and yet instead of it being about Alex, its about others, Craft said. His focus is outward to the community and helping those who are suffering. I think it really speaks to the kind of man that he is. Not only is he generous, hes compassionate, hes caring but hes also thoughtful. He wanted to do due diligence to make sure that we are a good organization and its a good investment of his finances.

Craft said he got Trebeks approval to make his generosity public with the hope that generosity breeds generosity. And he also got the OK to name the largest gathering room at the new North Hollywood (NoHo) facility after Trebek and his wife, Jean.

Trebek plans to be there when the Alex and Jean Trebek Multipurpose Room opens, right now scheduled for June.

In a statement to Yahoo, Trebek says, Homelessness is a serious problem. I wanted to do something, so I researched this charity, visited their facility, and personally saw the good work they are doing, and wanted to help. I hope others will do what they can as well.

Last March, Trebek went public with his pancreatic cancer diagnosis. With a fighting spirit, he underwent chemo and it was deemed a success, but in September he had a setback and had to begin another round of chemo. In January, he shared that his doctors had to switch up one chemo drug he was on because it was killing him.

Trebek, who doesnt plan to retire anytime soon, has also said amid his battle that some days are better than others. But having the support of so many people around the globe certainly helps.

Some people would say, Thats a bad deal that Alex has got,' Trebek said last month. But there are a lot of people out there who have been informed that they have cancer, they have heart problems, serious other diseases, they have Parkinsons, whatever, you name it. But they have to deal with it, and thats what I have to [do].

He went on to say hes humbled by all the love and had no idea that our show and myself had such an impact on the lives of so many people out there.

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‘Anything can happen to anybody’: Kobe Bryants tragic death led to a life insurance boom – Yahoo Money

Posted: at 5:52 pm

In the days following Kobe Bryants tragic death in a helicopter crash, fans all over the world mourned the NBA all-stars death. And some were also motivated to protect their own families if something terrible happened to them.

The volume of life insurance application requests and submissions spiked in the days after the 41-year-olds death on Jan. 26, 2020, according to True Blue Life Insurance, an online aggregator and comparison site for life insurance.

Read more: 10 simple things you can do to protect your family and money

Application requests jumped by 50% on the Tuesday after Bryants death, 52% on Wednesday, and 55% on Thursday, while the volume of submitted applications increased by 58% on Sunday, Jan. 26 the same day as the crash and 61% on Monday. The spike subsided to normal levels within a week.

One of the main triggers when people buy life insurance is someone they know passes away, said Brian Greenberg, founder and CEO True Blue Life Insurance. In a lot of the phone calls to our agents, Kobe came up.

A view of the giant mural by the street artist Jorit Agoch, depicting Kobe Bryant, in the Montedonzelli district of Naples. (Photo: Marco Cantile/LightRocket via Getty Images)

Jen Plisch, a sales agent with the company for four years, recalled that several people mentioned Bryant in the week after his death while signing up for insurance. One, in particular, stood out to her.

A mother of six children called in, telling Pilsch she had been meaning to get life insurance on everyone in her family, but kept procrastinating. But Bryants death triggered the woman, whos in her early 30s, to finally do it. She bought policies for herself, her husband, and each of her children.

A lot of times [life insurance] is on the back burner until something happens, Pilsch said, adding that the NBA legends death got people thinking that anything can happen to anybody.

January is traditionally the busiest time of the year for True Blue, Greenberg said. People often have conversations with family during the holidays where death and life insurance comes up. Many make resolutions to look into buying a policy in the new year, he said.

Fans react as they watch the "Celebration of Life for Kobe and Gianna Bryant" service on an mobile device outside the Staples Center in Downtown Los Angeles on February 24, 2020. (Photo by Mark RALSTON / AFP) (Photo by MARK RALSTON/AFP via Getty Images)

Bryants passing accelerated many of those plans.

I think he was so well-known, so well-liked and he was young with children. Its just a similarity effect, Greenberg said. Its not like Kobe Bryant needed life insurance.

Usually people are motivated after someone they know passes suddenly and they dont have life insurance. They may set up a GoFundMe campaign to pay for the funeral or other ongoing financial burdens, Greenberg said.

One of Bryants many lasting legacies could be helping families avoid that fate.

Weve never seen a spike like we did with Kobe, Greenberg said of other celebrity deaths. We called it the Kobe Bryant effect.

Janna is an editor for Yahoo Money andCashay. Follow her on Twitter@JannaHerron.

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Former ESPN reporter Britt McHenry shares photo from hospital bed before brain surgery to remove ‘golf-ball sized tumor’ – Yahoo Sports

Posted: at 5:52 pm

Last week, former ESPN reporter and current Fox News contributor Britt McHenry announced that the has a brain tumor.

On Wednesday, she went in for brain surgery.

Prior to the procedure, McHenry posted a photo from her hospital bed on Twitter, thanking her former and current colleagues for their support.

As of the time of this post, there were no further updates on McHenrys procedure. She kept the location of her procedure private.

McHenry explained on an Instagram video on Tuesday how she discovered the tumor in an effort to raise awareness.

Ive been having headaches for six months now, but I was going through a very public and well-documented stressful situation at work, McHenry said. So I assumed the migraines and vomiting and nausea was associated with that stress.

She said a chiropractor eventually recommended that she undergo an MRI, which detected a golf-ball sized tumor.

Please know, I'm only 33, and if you are having consistent symptoms anywhere, it could be something more serious," she said.

It's scary to have your head cut open, but I'm in good hands, and I appreciate everyone whos reached out.

The stress McHenry mentioned referenced a sexual harassment suit she filed against her employer.

In December,she sued Fox News, claiming the network failed to respond to her multiple accusations that former co-host George Murdoch sexually harassed her.

Prior to joining Fox News as a host on streaming service Fox Nation, McHenry spent three years at ESPN from 2014-17 as a reporter making regular contributions to SportsCenter, NFL Live and Baseball Tonight.

She was part ofa round of mass layoffs at ESPN in 2017. From there, she leaned into her conservative political beliefs, translating them into a role with the Fox News network.

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Shaq’s hairline is here, thanks to Dwyane Wade – Yahoo Sports

Posted: at 5:52 pm

Dwyane Wade didnt ask for any money after winning a friendly bet with Shaquille ONeal this week.

Thankfully, we all get to benefit.

ONeal and Wade threw down a bet for Mondays Milwaukee Bucks-Miami Heat game, which the Heat won 105-89. Wade, of course, took the Heat.

So after the game, ONeal hit Wade up and asked how they wanted to settle the bet, and if he should pay him. Wade, though, had something better in mind.

He said, Nah, you have to let your hairline grow out. We want to see your hairline looking like Kenny Smith, ONeal said. So I just lined it up for yall so yall can see where my hairline starts.

I look good, and Im proud to do it, and Im keeping it all week.

Naturally, with his hairline starting so far back on his head, ONeal was subject to plenty of jokes on social media.

Please, for all our sakes, keep these bets coming.

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Biden’s odds surge on after big Super Tuesday wins, but Trump still favored in November – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 5:52 pm

Joe Bidens decisive Super Tuesday victories have catapulted him from also-ran to the prohibitive favorite to win the Democratic presidential nomination, with predictive markets and Wall Street betting on the former vice president to prevail in his effort to outflank Bernie Sanders.

After a blowout win in South Carolina over the weekend, Bidens momentum carried him to a string of impressive wins on Tuesdays primary contests. While he lost California, the ex-Senator and VP racked up a string of shutouts across the South including Texas.

In fact, traders attributed Wall Streets rally on Wednesday in part to investors breathing a sigh of relief that Sanders fortunes appear to be waning. Real Clear Politics and Smarkets forecast his chances of winning the Democratic nomination at well over 60%, while U.K. betting site Paddy Politics implies a nearly 78% chance Biden will face President Donald Trump in November.

With former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg all dropping out and coalescing behind Bidens candidacy, he appears poised to consolidate support among centrist Democrats. Oddsmakers now favor a primary contest that pits the more moderate Biden against the Vermont Senator.

A tense night followed for the other candidates as it soon became clear this was a Sanders vs. Biden contest, said Sarbjit Bakhshi, Smarkets head of political markets, on Wednesday.

Biden winning Texas cemented an unbelievable resurgence, which started back in South Carolina and has continued until now - leaving him the firm favorite, Bakhshi added.

Traders gather at a post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Wednesday, March 4, 2020. Stocks are surging in early trading on Wall Street, led by health care stocks after Joe Biden scored a number of Super Tuesday wins. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

Tuesdays victories represented a sharp reversal of fortune for Biden, who was all but written off just a week ago as Sanders a self-described Democratic socialist whose aggressive tax-and-spend platform has unsettled Wall Street surged in national polls.

Just last week, Smarkets and Paddy Power both had Bidens chances languishing at the low end of the shrinking primary field. On Wednesday, the former VP surged on both platforms and helped feed a rally in key Dow (^DJI) components.

Health insurance stocks like UnitedHealth (UNH), Pfizer (PFE) and Walgreens-Boots Alliance (WBA) spiked on expectations that Bidens less government-centric plan wont radically reshape the sector. Sanders has embraced a Medicare-for-All, which in theory would nationalize most if not all of health care.

Health care can be a little bit more volatile as this political season plays out with the ebb and flow of which candidate is considered the frontrunner, TD Ameritrade strategist Shawn Cruz told Yahoo Finance on Wednesday.

I think that will intensify as we get closer to the general election, especially if its looking like a little bit of a toss-up of whos going to win, he told On the Move.

Regardless, both Smarkets and Paddy Power investors expect Trump to prevail over both Sanders or Biden with the widening coronavirus outbreak not yet denting the presidents fortunes. Trump has a nearly 62% chance to win in November, according to Paddy Power, with Biden seen having a probability of over 36%.

In fact, Price told Yahoo Finance that one Paddy Power investor has placed a bet worth $210,000 (165,000) on Trumps victory the sites largest election bet to date.

The sites bet on Trump dovetails with a recent investor survey by Deutsche Bank showing a whopping 95% of market participants believing that the president would win a second term. Over 60% of those respondents said it was very likely, according to the bank.

Nearly 7 months from the election, it looks like [Trump] should be in good shape based on historical metrics of unemployment and economic growth, Deutsche said barring a large shock from the COVID-19 outbreak, which may yet happen.

Yahoo Finances Chelsea Lombardo contributed to this article.

Javier David is an editor for Yahoo Finance. Follow him on Twitter:@TeflonGeek

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Report: Tony Romo agrees to record broadcast deal to remain with CBS – Yahoo Sports

Posted: at 5:52 pm

Tony Romo and CBS have agreed to a record-breaking broadcast contract, the New York Posts Andrew Marchand reports.

The former Dallas Cowboys quarterback will remain as the networks No. 1 NFL analyst with a contract that pays him $17 million per season, easily the largest deal for a game analyst in sports. Marchand describes the deal as significantly more than five years.

It marks a significant raise over three-year, $10 million deal Romo reportedly signed as a rookie broadcaster in 2017.

By comparison, Romo averaged a little more than $9.1 per season over the course of his 14-year playing career in the NFL.

The deal puts an end to speculation that Romo would leave CBS for ESPNs Monday Night Football booth as the two networks were reportedly ready to engage in a bidding war for his services when his initial CBS deal expired in March.

According to Marchand, CBS extended the offer before ESPN had a chance to make a bid. The high demand paid off in a big way for Romo.

ESPN, meanwhile, will have to move on to Plan B.

Tony Romo will reportedly almost double the average salary he made as a player with his new CBS broadcast deal. (AP Photo/Michael Ainsworth, File)

Romo joined the broadcast booth alongside play-by-play man Jim Nantz after he retired from the Cowboys in 2016. He replaced Phil Simms, who shifted to the networks studio show.

Between his enthusiasm, relatability and penchant for calling plays before they happened, Romo became an immediate favorite among fans and critics.

Concerns that he jumped the line to join the networks No. 1 team with no experience were quickly quelled as his game analysis drew rave reviews.

According to Front Office Sports, Foxs Troy Aikman was previously the highest-paid current NFL analyst, making $7.5 million annually.

Jon Gruden made $6.5 million per year as a Monday Night Football analyst, while broadcast icon John Madden made $8 million per year in the early 1990s, per the report.

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9 key dates when we’ll have economic data on coronavirus effects – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 5:52 pm

The market has been reacting in roller-coaster fashion to the coronavirus outbreak. Since Feb. 20, the S&P 500 (^GSPC) plunged 13% into correction territory, went up around 5%, down 3% and then back up 4%, bringing the total drop from the pre-coronavirus worries to about 7% for now.

The for now is really key, because there isnt that much data in yet on whats going on economically. Every news network and pundit says a version of well see.

Economic data and company earnings lag far behind trading data, so while the markets sentiment is easy to track, it takes some time for information to trickle in letting policymakers and investors know what the deal really is.

According to Deutsche Banks chief economist Torsten Slk, theres already some data.

The first signs are already in the Chicago and ISM supplier delivery times, Slok wrote in an email. JPMorgan pointed out this week in a research note that the survey showed increased supply times due to virus-related issues.

There are a lot of key dates on calendars charting economic releases economists are watching.

This comes out every week on Thursdays, and the labor market seems to be weathering coronavirus for now, Reuters reported. Weekly jobless claims didnt go up they actually fell 3,000 to 216,000 (seasonally adjusted).

Slk said that this is a key indicator for any signs that the labor market is seeing layoffs from gig employers or elsewhere.

By tracking jobless claims, economy observers can see if the labor market is weakening or strengthening.

The next indicator is consumer sentiment on March 13 and 27. This is absolutely key for gauging how worried households are about the virus, said Slk.

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell speaks during a news conference, Tuesday, March 3, 2020, to discuss an announcement from the Federal Open Market Committee, in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

While sentiment is just how people feel via answering a survey, retail sales data shows hard data for consumer spending, Slk pointed out, which is important in understanding how late February and Marchs sales have been hit by coronavirus fears. While some products might see less activity, theres been a run on outbreak-readiness products.

The industrial production number, compiled by the Federal Reserve, is a metric that shows how much manufacturing, mining, and utilities are producing compared to their sustainable maximum output.

This will show economists and investors how the manufacturing industry has been dealing with the shock and to what extent supply chains have been impacted, Slk said.

This survey essentially asks people three questions: how their own financial situation is, how they view the economy short-term, and how they view the economy long-term.

These answers provide more information about how consumers are feeling about whatevers happening. Wall Street values this data because consumer spending is a critical factor in gauging the health of the economy.

The Institute for Supply Management index gives another snapshot of supplier delivery times and more letting investors and economists know how much disruption there has been.

A comprehensive snapshot of the labor market during early Marchs market drop and whatever we will see in the rest of the month.


Ethan Wolff-Mannis a writer at Yahoo Finance focusing on consumer issues, personal finance, retail, airlines, and more. Follow him on Twitter@ewolffmann.

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Dana White to ask Tom Brady about playing for Raiders during UFC 248 promotional livestream – Yahoo Sports

Posted: at 5:52 pm

LAS VEGAS One of the reasons that Dana White is by far the best combat sports promoter in the world is the many new and unique ways he uses his own celebrity to draw interest in UFC fight cards. Hes recently begun livestreaming with celebrities on his Instagram page, which has in excess of 4.3 million followers.

He planned to do a livestream with actor Mark Wahlberg on Tuesday at 9:15 p.m. ET, and will do one with Raiders running back Josh Jacobs on Friday at 4 p.m. ET.

The one that may draw the most interest, though, is the one on Wednesday at 3 p.m. ET with NFL quarterback Tom Brady. During a scrum with reporters at the UFC Apex facility on Tuesday to discuss Saturdays card at T-Mobile Arena, White was asked if he would lobby Brady to leave the New England Patriots and sign as a free agent with the Las Vegas Raiders.

The Raiders will begin play in Las Vegas in a $2 billion stadium on the south end of Las Vegas Blvd., and an idea that has been gaining traction in the city has been for the team to sign Brady and make him its starting quarterback.

Bryan Salmond, the sports anchor at KSNV Channel 3 in Las Vegas, asked White if hed ask Brady if hed sign with the Raiders during the livestream. White is a Patriots fan, so his dream scenario would be for Brady to return to New England and quarterback the Patriots.

But hes bought a suite next to ex-partner Lorenzo Fertitta at the new Allegiant Stadium and is now a Raiders season ticket holder, so it wouldnt be all bad if Brady donned the Silver & Black.

Sure, Ill ask him, White said. Trust me, Ive been terrorizing Brady. If you ever want to rob a bank, do it with Brady. This guy doesnt say [anything] to anybody. I know Ive been trying to get him. Wahlberg. Matt Damon and Ben Affleck have been terrorizing him. Everybody from Boston has been terrorizing this guy and he hasnt been saying anything. Obviously, if he doesnt sign with Boston, which is where I would like him to be, hopefully he comes to Vegas.

White was in a light-hearted mood on Tuesday. He said hes most excited about Saturdays co-main event between flyweight champion Zhang Weili and former champion Joanna Jedrzejczyk.

But he quickly downplayed any notion that he might consider taking a fight himself. For some reason, a reporter noted Whites physical size and asked if there was any way he would get into the Octagon and take a fight himself. In 2006, he agreed to box Tito Ortiz, a former UFC champion he once managed whom he had been feuding with for years.

While White maintains he would have beaten Ortiz in a boxing match, he made it clear hell never agree to such a stunt again in the future.

Oh, hell no, White said when the reporter asked him if hed ever get into the Octagon to fight. I battle to get on a treadmill every day. Believe me, the days of me doing that are over, long gone. Wait till you hit 50. Come back and tell me what you think about fighting when you hit 50.

The same reporter then asked White about a report that Yoel Romero, who challenges Israel Adesanya for the middleweight title in the main event, planned to slam him in the event if he won.

White hadnt heard about it and said he hoped Romero wouldnt do it.

I dont like that, White said, laughing, when asked for his response. I didnt hear that until just now. He wants to slam me? Yeah. Um, no. I guess if he wanted to [expletive] slam me, Im getting slammed. I dont think Id be able to defend that, but lets hope that doesnt happen.

UFC president Dana White (L) will go live on Instagram with actor Mark Wahlberg Tuesday at 9:15 p.m. ET to talk about UFC 248. (Photo by Allen Berezovsky/Getty Images)

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