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One Million Moms starts petition against ‘irresponsible and tasteless’ Burger King ad featuring a curse word – Yahoo Food

Posted: January 18, 2020 at 10:28 am

Conservative group One Millions Moms is accusing Burger King of airing an inappropriate ad that crosses the line. The ad in question is for the Impossible Whooper, the vegetarian burger it launched in August.

One Million Moms is taking issue with a moment in the commercial when, as they write, One man is completely shocked that the burger is not beef, so he uses the d-word to describe how he feels about himself for being deceived by the taste of the burger.

The d-word referenced is damn. After taking a bite the man says, damn thats good.

One Million Moms is a division of the American Family Association which has been named a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center because of its stance on LGBTQ issues and calls itself an organization for moms who are, fed up with the filth many segments of our society, especially the entertainment media, are throwing at our children. The organization has less than 100,000 Facebook followers but recently made headlines for igniting strong backlash to a Zola ad that aired on the Hallmark Channel and included a lesbian couple kissing. The ad was temporarily removed in response to the outcry, before the Hallmark CEO apologized and reinstated it.

With respect to the Burger King ad, One Million Moms has started a petition to have it removed rom the air; so far roughly 8,500 people have signed it.

Burger Kings Impossible Whopper ad is irresponsible and tasteless. It is extremely destructive and damaging to impressionable children viewing the commercial, the organization writes in their call to action. We all know children repeat what they hear.

This is not the first time that the organization has targeted Burger King. In May 2019, they protested against Burger Kings Real Meals campaign which employed the term DGAF and the word pissed.

So far Burger King has not made a statement in response to One Million Moms and did not immediately reply to Yahoos request for comment.

Related: Hallmark Pulls Same-Sex Advert Following One Million Moms Protest

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One Million Moms starts petition against 'irresponsible and tasteless' Burger King ad featuring a curse word - Yahoo Food

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Iran has the capability to launch cyber attacks on very short notice, expert says – Yahoo Finance

Posted: January 4, 2020 at 12:46 pm

Irans Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khemanei vowed harsh retaliation against Washington, in response to theassassination of top General Qassem Soleimani. Intelligence experts say cyber warfare could be a primary focus, given Tehrans vastly improved capabilities.

The country has invested heavily in its development of cyber warfare, since the destructive Stuxnet malware crippled Irans nuclear capabilities back in 2010. That has drastically reduced its response times to attacks, putting it on the same level as the U.S., according to Tom Warrick, a Non-Resident Fellow at The Atlantic Council and former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Counterterrorism Policy at the Department of Homeland Security.

It's quite possible, as we sit here right now that Iranian cyber attacks may be launched against American targets, whether they be banks oil companies, academic institutions, said Warrick, speaking to Yahoo FinancesOn The Move. It's certainly clear that Iran has the capability to launch attacks on very short notice from cyber.

Warrick says that stands in stark contrast to the near three years it took for Iran to carry out a number of retaliatory attacks on control systems across the world back in 2010. Since Stuxnet, Iran has been suspected of unleashing the Shamoon virus that erased nearly three quarters ofSaudi Aramcos corporate PCs, halted the website of Qatari natural gas firm RasGas, andshut down servers and wiped hard drivesat the Sands Casino in Las Vegas. US banks were also targeted between 2011 and 2012, causing major disruptions from Bank of America to Wells Fargo.

Jeff Bardin, Chief Intelligence Officer at Treadstone 71, a cyber intelligence consulting group says that initial wave of attacks only helped to hone Tehrans cyber tools. In recent years, hackers have expanded beyond traditional phishing schemes into massive data theft and drone jamming or the use of a transmission blocking signal to halt communication to down unmanned vehicles.

Theyre using Russian military technical capabilities with automated jamming of drones and they've been doing that in the Gulf, Bardin said. I think a lot of things that [Iran] has, we haven't seen yet, we might not even be aware of their full capabilities. They've been holding back and building and developing.

Iran has the capacity to launch a cyberattack. (Getty)

That could all add to the unpredictability of any cyber war with Iran. Former NSA and Marine Corps hacker David Kennedy, who founded TrustedSec said the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is likely to approach cyber operations withfewer restraintsthan other American adversaries like Russia, North Korea, or China, leading to attacks that are both aggressive and unpredictable - to the point of being reckless. Adding to the threat, Tehran is likely to lean on its proxy forces, including Hezbollah and Hamas, to effectively launch a full scale attack, both on the cyber and kinetic front, according to Bardin.

Critical infrastructures like power grids and the financial system have long been seen as ripe targets for cyber warfare, but Bardin says Iran may look to the Russian playbook, to focus any offensive campaign on President Trump himself, conducting influence operations including meddling in the upcoming U.S. Presidential election.

They are following the same model and have been following the same model as the Russians did to influence people's minds, Bardin said. They have a whole group under the Basij that does that. They train for that, they do this work, and they can pay them next to nothing to do this.

The U.S. government has increased cyber capabilities dramatically over the years, with spending requests totaling just over$17 billionin the fiscal 2020 budget. Bardin says the Defense Departments tools against any attack are unmatched, but the U.S. remains vulnerable in part because it doesnt impose the kind of control Iran does over the internet.

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Earlier this year, Iranian officials said the country haddeveloped a firewallto protect against viruses like Stuxnet.

The problem is, is we don't have a national firewall to protect every industry in the US, we're everywhere, Bardin said. Yes, we are more capable but ...We have a bigger attack surface

Akiko Fujita is an anchor and reporter for Yahoo Finance. Follow her onTwitter@AkikoFujita

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Dalvin Cook’s return could be huge for Vikings as they face Saints on Yahoo Sports app – Yahoo Sports

Posted: at 12:46 pm

Dalvin Cook went 10-4 this season. The Minnesota Vikings were 0-2 without him.

Whats that? Running backs dont have individual records? Quarterbacks shouldnt either because football is a team game, but the final two games did show how much Cook has meant to the Vikings this season.

The do-everything third-year running back is returning from a shoulder injury and right on time for the Vikings, who face the New Orleans Saints in a wild-card game on Sunday that can belive-streamed on the Yahoo Sports app.

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The Vikings have plenty of stars and Kirk Cousins will get all of the credit or blame for what happens Sunday. But Cook is their most valuable player.

Perhaps the time off came at the right time for Cook. He suffered a shoulder injury in Week 15. He had previously had a chest injury, and his numbers dipped after that. Or, its possible he was just wearing down a bit under the weight of a career-high workload. Either way, the Vikings lost both games without Cook to end the season.

This week, Cook said he was healthy and also refreshed.

The health part is huge, but so is the notion that Cook is refreshed. He had 1,654 total yards and 13 total touchdowns. He dealt with injuries in each of his first two seasons, but got 303 touches this season. Cook had just 258 touches in his first two NFL seasons combined.

The Vikings wanted to shift to a run-first attack, and that was centered around the multiple talents of Cook. For the most part, it worked out very well, though Cooks production dipped as the season went on. Cook hasnt averaged four yards per carry in a game since Week 8. To pull off an upset, the Vikings need him to look like he did in the first half of the season.

Minnesota Vikings running back Dalvin Cook (33) should return for Sunday's playoff game. (AP Photo/Andy Clayton-King)

The Vikings are one of the better No. 6 seeds youll find, but theyre also facing one of the best No. 3 seeds ever. Since 1990, only three 13-3 division champions havent gotten a bye: 1999 Titans, 2011 Saints and 2019 Saints. Its fairly shocking New Orleans is playing this weekend.

The Saints are playing very well lately, with quarterback Drew Brees and receiver Michael Thomas setting records, Alvin Kamara starting to look like his normal self and a defense that has been pretty good most of the season. Even as a No. 3 seed, the Saints are a Super Bowl contender.

They could also be a one-and-done, because the Vikings are quite capable. Minnesotas ability to pull off the upset rests in large part on Cook, and whether hes recharged after a couple of weeks out with an injury.

Frank Schwabis a writer for Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him atshutdown.corner@yahoo.comor follow him on Twitter!Follow @YahooSchwab

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Why Trump will lose in 2020 – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 12:46 pm

With unemployment at a 50-year low and the stock market near record highs, President Trump should be a shoo-in for reelection. Hes not.

In fact, Trump could very plausibly lose in November. Perhaps by a wide margin. Here are 4 reasons why:

The economy isnt strong enough. There probably wont be a recession by Election Day in November, but there will still be plenty of discontent. Income inequality hasworsened under Trump, with the wealthy benefiting much more from a booming stock market than working- and middle-class Americans. Evidence continues to mount that Trumps signature achievement, the 2017 tax-cut law,benefited businesses and the wealthymore than ordinary workers. Trump and other backers of the law insisted a boom in business spending would follow the tax cuts, but Moodys Analytics found recently that just 20% of the corporate tax savings went to investment. The other 80% went to stockbuybacksand dividend hikes that mainlybenefittheshareholder class.

Economic growth under Trump peaked at 2.9% in 2018. It has slowed since then and will probably end 2019 around 2%, with even slower growth likely next year. That should be good enough to keep the unemployment rate low, but not necessarily enough for Trump to win. Trumps net approval rating is -10.3, according to aFivethirtyeight composite, which means his disapproval rating is about 10 points higher than his approval rating. Research by Alan Abramowitz of the University of Virginias Center for Politics shows that an incumbent with a -10 net approval rating needs economic growth of between 2% and 3% to win reelection. Trump probably wont get that in 2020. Theres one other factor blocking the normal tailwind a president gets from a decent economy: Trump is the first president in 150 years running for reelection after being impeached.

It's also possible recession fears could return later in 2020, just as theymaterialized in the summer of 2019. And some traders expect stocks to flatline or drop in 2020, perhaps even entering a correction that ends an 11-year rally. Even small fluctuations in confidence could be enough to sink Trump.

Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg speaks to volunteers and supporters in Old City in his first field office in Philadelphia on Saturday, Dec. 21, 2019. (Tyger Williams/The Philadelphia Inquirer via AP)

Bloombergs money. Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg probably wont win the Democratic presidential nomination. But he could still end up being the most influential Democrat in the campaign. Bloomberg has pledged to spend whatever it takes to beat Trump in 2020, and the multibillionaire has virtually unlimited funds to do it. Money isnt everything in politics, but Bloomberg has been adept at spending money on targeted ads and organizational activities that have helped toelect more Democrats in Virginiaandpush Democratic causes such as gun control. Whether hes the Democratic nominee or not, Bloombergs spending on behalf of the party will probably produce a financial advantage, maybe a decisive one.

Trumps health care blind spot. Even in a decent economy,health care is a chronic problemfor some people who dont have insurance and others who do but still cant afford theout-of-pocket expenses. Trump has no plan onhealth care, other than continuing totry to dismantle Obamacare, otherwise known as the 2010 Affordable Care Act. The Trump administration remains party to a controversial lawsuit attempting to kill the entire law, which may succeed, canceling insurance for about 20 million people and restoring the old, heinous insurance company practice of denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions. Thats about 60 million Americans.

Every Democratic candidate, by contrast, has a serious health care plan.Medicare for all, the Bernie Sanders plan for eliminating private insurance and forcing everyone into a government plan, is undoubtedly too radical for some voters. ButJoe Biden,Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and evenElizabeth Warrenhave plans for an optional government coverage for those who want it. That seems like anidea whose time has arrived, and Trumps only riposte is to riff about socialized medicine and promise a health care plan of his own that plainly doesnt exist.

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Democratic presidential candidate South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg speaks during a campaign event Thursday, Dec. 5, 2019, at New England College in Henniker, N.H. (AP Photo/ Cheryl Senter)

Barack Obamas role. The former president has been largely silent about Trump, and also about the Democratic presidential contest. But it seems certain that once Democrats choose their nominee in 2020, Obama will fully back the candidate and campaign on his or her behalf. That could help boost minority turnout, which was weak in 2016 and contributed to Hillary Clintons loss. Trumps so-called base would stick with him, but thats only about 25% of the electorate. Others support Trump because they dislike radical Democrats such as Bernie Sanders or feel Trump is presiding over a prosperous era they dont want to disturb. If any of those things turn Democrats way, Trump will be a one-term president.

Rick Newman is the author of four books, including Rebounders: How Winners Pivot from Setback to Success. Follow him on Twitter: @rickjnewman. Confidential tip line: Encrypted communication available. Click here to get Ricks stories by email.

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The best fantasy players of the last decade, according to ‘The People’ – Yahoo Sports

Posted: at 12:46 pm

I started playing fantasy football in 2007, so most of my experience with the fake game came in the decade that just wrapped up. As such, it was great to take a look back in this weeks episode of The Fantasy Football Survival Kit at some of the top players from the last 10 years that helped me try (keyword, try) to win some fantasy championships during my come-up years. Of course, some user submissions stuck out more than others.

Beyond the obvious top suggestions like Adrian Peterson or Chris Johnson, I was happy to see Arian Foster pop up. Not just because Foster was wildly productive for a good stretch of the decade, leading the NFL in rushing touchdowns twice, but he holds a special place in the heart of fake footballers. We all hype up sleepers and breakout players. Most of them fade away to dust. Foster was a former undrafted player whom fantasy managers hyped up after a strong end to his 2009 season earned him a starting spot in Gary Kubiaks ultra-high-leverage rushing scheme. He went on to become the best back in fantasy in 2010.

Thats coming through for us.

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So, too, was it just to see Drew Brees make the list. Beyond the fact that Brees, my first fantasy quarterback in 2007, was a stud on his own, he elevated so many players on his team. From all-stars like Jimmy Graham to Michael Thomas to random contributors like Lance Moore and all the way to countless pass-catching backs, playing alongside Brees was money for skill-position players the last 10-plus years.

Lastly, it was a pleasure to get fantasy cult heroes like Danny Woodhead and Ryan Fitzpatrick into the segment. After all, The Fantasy Football Survival Kit is all about THE PEOPLE. Are they technically some of the most prolific players in fake football the last decade? No, but please, lets not take this so seriously. Its a game thats supposed to be fun and one that helps create community. Few things create a tighter bond between friends or internet compatriots like developing weird attachments to the NFLs unheralded. Its just another tasty layer when those players go on to become major fantasy values and help fill the gaps on championship teams.

If you didnt have a couple of teams that benefitted from Danny Woodheads annual undervalued draft cost in PPR or make it through a stretch by streaming Ryan Fitzpatrick, were you even really playing fantasy the last 10 years? Hard to say, if you ask me.

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Carson Wentz faces another ‘biggest game’ as Eagles face Seahawks on Yahoo Sports app – Yahoo Sports

Posted: at 12:46 pm

In Week 16, Carson Wentz said a showdown against the Dallas Cowboys was probablythe biggest game of his career. Then that win would have meant nothing had the Philadelphia Eagles lost to the New York Giants in Week 17.

Wentz passed those tests. The Eagles won both and an NFC East championship. That wipes away a lot of the negativity over a disappointing Eagles season. People will just remember the 2019 Eagles made the playoffs. Thats all they remember about the 2018 Eagles too, not the underachieving that preceded that playoff trip.

But this truly is the biggest game of Wentzs career. Hell lead the Eagles in a wild-card playoff game against the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday, a game that can belive-streamed on the Yahoo Sports app.

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It seems a little strange, but this is Wentzs first playoff game. Its not like he was Deshaun Watson and played in a College Football Playoff title game, either. Sunday will be huge in defining what we think of Wentz as a player.

The Wentz story is complicated.

Wentz had a good rookie season for the Eagles, and in his second year he was an MVP favorite. Same as Patrick Mahomes or Lamar Jackson. Then he tore his ACL against the Rams late in the regular season.

Nick Foles ended up defining Wentzs career up to this point more than anyone, fair or not. Foles helped lead the Eagles to a championship and won Super Bowl MVP. When Wentzs season ended in 2018 due to a back injury, Foles saved the underachieving Eagles, leading them to a playoff spot and a postseason win, too. Playoff success matters most in sports, and an Eagles quarterback not named Wentz experienced a lot of it.

Then this season Foles went to Jacksonville and there was no looming shadow over Wentz. The Eagles struggled most of the season, though thats not all Wentzs fault. A late rally got the Eagles into the playoffs, and thats big for Wentz. He can write a different chapter to his season. He started that in December.

Carson Wentz will start his first playoff game on Sunday. (Photo by Mike Stobe/Getty Images)

Wentz turned his game on in December. In five games, he had 1,509 yards, 10 touchdowns and one interception. He did most of that despite some crippling injuries around him. He played his best football since that 2017 near-MVP season, and did it when the Eagles needed it most.

That matters. But the Eagles didnt pay him a $128 million contract extension to play his best ball in the regular season. Much of the noise about Wentz will quiet down if he has a big postseason. He is a very good player but its a tough market that has experienced the ultimate playoff success without Wentz.

Wentz has laid a good foundation for his career. Some iconic playoff performances would help enhance it.

Frank Schwabis a writer for Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him atshutdown.corner@yahoo.comor follow him on Twitter!Follow @YahooSchwab

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What the Iran strike means for gas prices – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 12:46 pm

The American airstrike that killed Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad Thursdayhit financial marketsalmost immediately with oil prices jumping,stock indicesdown, and weapons manufacturer stocks higher.

The airstrike adds considerable tension to the delicate region, and raises concerns that escalation could result in oil supply disruptions that could push prices higher prices that would ultimately end up being paid by consumers when they fill up their cars. Crude oil prices jumped around 4% from $61 a barrel to almost $64 before calming down slightly.

A deterioratingrelationship between the U.S. and Iranhas the potential to affect consumers and theU.S. economy, though there are multiple factors that should keep things stable for people at the pump.

Patrick DeHaan, the head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy, told Yahoo Finance that the initial reactions may add 3 to 7 cents per gallon to gas prices, or even 5 to 10 cents per gallon. But far more importantly, how Iran decides to react or retaliate will set the tone.

The sky is the limit based on their potential reaction, DeHaan said of Iran.

However, he noted there is significant insulation that could shield impact in the form of Saudi Arabia. An enemy of Iran, the country holds sizable spare capacity that could be utilized to soften any impact to oil supply, DeHaan said.

As ING Group wrote in a research note Friday, ittakes a lot to scare the oil marketbecause supply is so comfortable.

Saudi Arabias capacity is one of the many reasons prices at the pump could stay under control even if the situation escalates.

Graphic by David Foster/Yahoo Finance

Its not just capacity but Saudi Arabias diversified portfolio of export options. Even if Iran were to try to block the Strait of Hormuz, ING noted that the countrys new pipeline could allow the country to ship its oil via the Red Sea, limiting potentially severe effects.

Oil exports that use the Strait of Hormuz make up around20% of global oil consumption, and its blockage could send prices up to$150 per barrel.

In September, when drone attacks hitSaudi Arabias oil production facilities an attack that was blamed on Iran prices rose, but then fell quickly as the situation contained itself and the Saudis managed to get supply back up.

Another reason gas prices are shielded is the fact that its an election year. As ING pointed out, the fact that its an election year means President Trump may be more inclined to open the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserves should supply get tight.

Oil and gas prices may rise a little bit, causing drivers to pay more at the tank, but U.S. shale players could stand to further insulate prices from rising too high and keep GDP from being affected too much. In the past few years, American shale production has skyrocketed to around 9.2 million barrels per day, from 5.2 million in 2017. This supply, as RSM Chief Economist Joe Brusuelasnoted, has the potential to contain problems across the globe.

Furthermore, higher oil prices usually spur capital expenditures for domestic energy operations, since higher oil prices mean a better chance at profitability for frackers. Though consumers may end up spending more, it could end up a wash for GDP growth, offsetting the consumer harm.

Our general rule of thumb, Goldman Sachswrote back in September, is that a $10/barrel increase in oil prices typically lowers the GDP contribution from consumption by 0.15% cumulatively.

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In other words, the price changes are usually enough to affect consumers behavior if the prices last and affect Americans at the pump for a long time. According toDeutsche Bank, for every one-cent rise in gas prices, consumer spending on non-energy goods and services falls $1.16 billion per year.


Ethan Wolff-Mannis a writer at Yahoo Finance focusing on consumer issues, personal finance, retail, airlines, and more. Follow him on Twitter@ewolffmann.

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Quarterback Exit Interview: Can Lamar Jackson beat the regression bug? – Yahoo Sports

Posted: at 12:46 pm

I did not have a strong year projecting the quarterback position in 2019. I was around industry consensus on Lamar Jackson, and that simply was not good enough. (Ironically, my one Jackson team somehow missed the playoffs.) A lot of my quarterback targets had disappointing years.

And yet, it was one of my best profit years for fantasy, filled with deep playoff runs and a handful of titles and cash spots.

These two contrasting things merge at a simple point quarterback is everything in the NFL, but its of lesser importance in fantasy. And while a QB problem is a nightmare for a pro team, its the most fixable problem for a fantasy player.

Dont get me wrong, it would have been fun to be in on Jackson, the player of the season. Hes headed for the MVP. Along with Christian McCaffrey and Michael Thomas, he dominated in our world. He brought upside and floor every week. And unlike McCaffrey and Thomas, Jackson wasnt that expensive in the summer the profit windfall was gigantic. I tip my cap to people like Andy Behrens, who pounded the table for Jackson all summer.

So its difficult to squint ahead to 2020 and imagine Jackson wont be the best quarterback again. Hes a star passer. Hes the best running quarterback weve ever seen. Baltimores infrastructure is strong. Jackson is young, smart, athletic, coachable. Whats not to like here?

But sustained dominance is hard. And weve seen this before, a player who dominates the QB position then falls back in the following year. Regression is a beast.

Lamar Jackson was the fantasy value of the year in 2019, but is he worth first-round tender next season? (Kirk Irwin/Getty Images)

Take Patrick Mahomes last year. MVP, most fun player in the league, revolutionary guy. And then this year he had some injuries, the Chiefs hit a few potholes, and the touchdown rate fell. Mahomes had a good year, sure, but he didnt fully justify his ticket.

Russell Wilson was easily the QB1 in 2017; he fell to QB9 the next year. Cam Newton smashed everything in his MVP year, the easy QB1. He was QB18 the next season (and he played in 15 games). Peyton Manning went from record-breaker in 2013 to QB4 in 2014; not a massive dip, but a notable one.

Michael Vick broke fantasy in 2010, to the point that some called him the No. 1 overall pick for the next year. He wound up QB11, in part because he missed three games. To be fair, missed time was standard with Vick; he played one 16-game season for his entire career. And while it feels cheap to ding Tom Brady for a 15-game injury, he did crash after his 2007 season, too.

What could befall Jackson? Maybe teams will have better defensive plans for him. Maybe Jackson will encounter injury while he sure seems to have that Wilson sense of how to avoid the kill shots, it only takes one to derail a season. Jacksons league-best touchdown rate a whopping 9.0 is sure to fall. And after watching Jackson set a new record for QB rushing yards, Im reluctant to expect a full-on repeat of that. Thats not how outlier seasons generally work.

Jacksons monster season, to me, reinforces two things I want a quarterback whos a dual-threat if I can land him, and I want to try to hit a home run in the middle rounds. And even if all that falls apart, there are always secondary routes to consider. Look at the return Josh Allen gave us this year. Look what Ryan Tannehill did when he got a chance to play. Daniel Jones was a monster down the stretch. If you had the stones to ride with Ryan Fitzpatrick in December, youre planning a parade route now.

I want to be transparent on this I have Jackson tentatively slotted No. 1 on my 2020 quarterback board. Im just not going to draft him at the likely cost. Its always been the easiest position to navigate, and the easiest position to fix even if things initially go bad. Ill stick with that idea as I get ready for the fresh season.

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No, its not the fun call to make. And it sure wasnt fun to be out on Jackson this year. But my goal is focused on finding the next Jackson; the next middle-round or waiver-wire smash. This has never been a position where I want to pay for big-ticket retail. My early picks will focus on other areas.

1. Lamar Jackson

2. Patrick Mahomes

3. Russell Wilson

4. Deshaun Watson

5. Josh Allen

6. Kyler Murray

7. Matt Ryan

8. Dak Prescott

9. Drew Brees

10. Jameis Winston

11. Carson Wentz

Consider that list in pencil. I wont even think about it when my real rankings come out in the spring and summer; I always start from scratch. This is just something to keep us warm on a cold January night.

Next up: The running backs.

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Sources: Jason Garrett is talking with players as if he’s still going to be with the Dallas Cowboys – Yahoo Sports

Posted: at 12:46 pm

In the building ambiguity ofJason Garretts future with the Dallas Cowboys, one more oddity is being added to an opaque picture as Garrett finishes exit interviews with players: Those familiar with some of the meetings say Garrett is operating like hes going to be a part of the organization moving forward.

According to multiple sources familiar with a handful of Garretts exit interviews, he conducted himself in the same manner as past seasons thanking players for their contributions in 2019 and then talking about their offseason outlook. Several sources added that in some cases where players had expiring contracts, Garrett went as far as expressing that the Cowboys would have interest in the players returning in 2020.

The interview confused [the player], one source said. [He] went in thinking it was going to be a goodbye and maybe hed hear a this is a business speech and it turned out to be more of a good job and see you later feeling. Its normal to the point of being weird, given everything [he] was expecting.

Added another source familiar with the exit interviews: Jason is so myopic. I think hes just doing his job like everything is normal because his contract hasnt expired yet. Hes still under contract so hes still doing his job like he normally would.

Not all of the Cowboys players have chosen to meet with Garrett for exit interviews. Sources have told Yahoo Sports that a handful of veterans left town without sitting down with the coach. But the status quo in at least some exit interviews appears to be just another extension of a situation that has seen Garrett meet with ownership multiple times since the season ended without a clear sign of Garretts fate.

His head coaching contract is set to expire on Jan. 14 and Dallas has yet to reach out to a single outside candidate for an official interview.

ESPNs Ed Werder reportedon Thursday night that the Cowboys will move on with Garrett not part of the organization.

Since the end of the regular season, Jerry Jones has been radio silent on the status of Jason Garrett. (Jonathan Bachman/Getty Images)

Sources inside the organization have consistently expressed a lack of any defined decision or even an indication of what could happen next with Garrett. One source, who spoke with Yahoo Sports on Monday, suggested that the team had interest in a handful of potential head coaching candidates in the college ranks, but said there was no guidance on when or if any of those interviews would take place. He added thatBaltimore Ravensoffensive coordinator Greg Roman also had some interest with Dallas, but a source with the Ravens said on Tuesday that there had been no call from the Cowboys about Roman.

That lack of movement with any outside candidates, combined with Garrett continuing to show up for work with Dallas, has created an odd void that is drawing speculation from all corners. It has also fueled a perception that Cowboys ownership is attempting to craft a scenario that would keep Garrett in the fold, either as head coach or potentially moving to some other part of the franchise. Dallas hasnt given a solid indication of either outcome, withJerry Jones and son Stephen failing to speak since the end of the season and even cancelling their normal radio appearances.

The vacuum and unprecedented lack of leaks in the situation has left fans, media and even other NFL sources to come to varying conclusions, most driven down one of two tracks.

Taken down the first track, the pause in Garretts status can be perceived through a lens of speculative logic, which would suggest that ownership has a head coaching candidate in mind who is simply not available for interviews at this point, thereby removing any need to push Garrett out the door before his contract expiration. Such a candidate would likely be involved in wild-card playoff games and off the grid until at least next week. That would give Dallas the time to continue assessing Garretts status while waiting for an interview window with other candidates to open.

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However, that doesnt account for the availability of some college coaches like Oklahomas Lincoln Riley or Baylors Matt Rhule, whom Dallas could seek for interviews immediately now that they arent part of college bowl or playoff games. That reality is especially glaring for Rhule, who is already on the radar of theCarolina PanthersandNew York Giants, while having turned down an interview opportunity from theCleveland Browns.

And the second track? That one is more about the evidence that is playing out in front of our eyes, which suggests that, taken at face value, Garrett is still in play to return as head coach (or in some other capacity) for the Cowboys. That evidence includes the reality that Garrett could have been dismissed immediately but wasnt. It includes sources who say that he has done exit interviews with players as he normally would, including looking toward the 2020 season. And it includes the fact that Dallas has been tied to no above board interviews of candidates, nor have there been the types of leaks that usually define an obvious next candidate. WhileRon Rivera was quickly tied to and eventually landed the Washington Redskins job, there has been no such hot candidate that has arisen for Dallas. Nor has there even been a strong No. 1 target, like Rhule with the Giants or the trio of Mike McCarthy, Josh McDaniels andKevin Stefanski in Cleveland. Even Carolina has shored up an interview list.

That activity elsewhere has left the Cowboys on an island and increasingly looking more and more odd by the day, a theme that will only intensify if this lasts to the very conclusion of Garretts deal on Jan. 14. If thats the case, Dallas will not only have missed out on multiple candidates, but it will likely see all the other jobs filled before it does its first interview.

That is, unless Garrett is going about his job because hes the actual No. 1 candidate in Dallas. And the interview everyone is waiting for is actually happening right now, every day, when Garrett keeps showing up for work.

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Can Deshaun Watson rise to the challenge as Texans face Bills on Yahoo Sports app? – Yahoo Sports

Posted: at 12:46 pm

Because Deshaun Watson was a star at Clemson and had a seamless transition to being a fantastic quarterback in the NFL, it seems hes been playing longer than he has.

This is just year three for the Houston Texans quarterback. Watson led his Texans to a second straight AFC South championship and Houston will face the Buffalo Bills in the first game of the NFL playoffs, a game that can belive-streamed on the Yahoo Sports app.

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Were way, way too early into Watsons career to talk about legacies. But theyre built on playoff games, and you never know how many youll have. Watson is very good, but young quarterbacks Patrick Mahomes and Lamar Jackson have blown past him to become the darlings of the league.

Narratives change with playoff runs, though it will be a big challenge for Watson on Saturday.

The Bills are very good on defense, and Watson knows that firsthand. The Bills have plenty of young stars. Buffalo was second in the NFL in points allowed and third in yards allowed. Their best player is probably cornerback TreDavious White, and his matchup against Texans receiver DeAndre Hopkins will be fascinating.

On Oct. 14, 2018, the Bills made life tough for Watson. They sacked him seven times. Watson had 177 yards, one touchdown and two interceptions. The Texans won because Nathan Peterman in the game for an injured Josh Allen threw a late pick-six.

Teams change a lot from season to season, so maybe theres not a lot to take from that game. But the Bills are still well aware that they need to slow down Watson to win.

He presents a lot of different problems, Bills defensive coordinator Leslie Frazier said,according to the Houston Chronicle. His throwing ability, along with his escape ability as well. There are times you watch him on tape where it looks like people have him hemmed up and somehow, some way he gets out of it and on the run he makes some very accurate throws.

Hes really the straw that stirs the drink for their offense. Youve got to find a way to contain him. If not, it can be a long day, he just can hurt you in so many different ways.

Deshaun Watson had a rough game against the Bills in 2018. (Photo by Bob Levey/Getty Images)

Watson had a good season, but his numbers were mostly similar to last season with a few more interceptions and slight downticks in other categories. It wasnt bad, but it wasnt the breakout some anticipated. But with an iconic playoff performance or two it will seem like a big breakout season.

Its not only a big game for Watson, but for Allen too. Allen, who came along well in his second season quarterbacking the Bills, is making his first postseason appearance.

The Bills are still starving for playoff success. They did break a long playoff drought two seasons ago, but lost to the Jacksonville Jaguars. That was their first playoff game since losing to the Titans in the Music City Miracle game the end of the 1999 season. The Bills still havent won a playoff game since 1995.

Theyll have a chance on Saturday. Buffalo had a fine season and seems to be a team on the rise. With a playoff win or two, they can establish themselves as a potential contender to the AFC East title in 2020 and it has been a long time since anyone has made a legitimate run at the New England Patriots.

To get their first playoff win in more than 24 years, the Bills know their top priority is slowing down Watson. That wont be easy.

Frank Schwabis a writer for Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him atshutdown.corner@yahoo.comor follow him on Twitter!Follow @YahooSchwab

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