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Category Archives: Transhuman

Welcome to the era of transhumanism – New Atlas

Posted: February 17, 2017 at 12:41 am

In a compelling webseries from 2012 entitled H+, we were introduced to a future world where much of the population has a hi-tech implant, allowing individuals a direct neural interface with the internet. As often is the case in science fiction, things don't turn out well for those technological pioneers. A virus infects the implant and chaos quickly descends on a human race that has become biologically fused with technology.

The series was an overt examination of a transhumanist future, with the title H+ being an appropriation of the common transhuman abbreviation. Five years after the series' birth, we live in a present even more entrenched on a path towards the realization of transhumanist ideals.

Early in February 2017, innovative billionaire Elon Musk reiterated an idea he had floated several times over the past year: Humans need to merge with machines. Musk sees a direct brain/computer interface as an absolute necessity, not only in order for us to evolve as a species, but as a way of keeping up with the machines we are creating. According to Musk, if we don't merge with the machines, we will become useless and irrelevant.

While Elon Musk does not self-identify as a "transhumanist," the idea of fusing man with machine is fundamental to this movement that arose over the course of the 20th century. And as we move into a tumultuous 21st century, transhumanism is quickly shifting from its sci-fi influenced philosophical and cultural niche into a more mainstream, and increasingly popular, movement.

Zoltan Istvan, a prominent futurist and transhumanist, is currently making a bold political run for the position of Governor of California. "We need leadership that is willing to use radical science, technology, and innovation what California is famous for to benefit us all," Istvan declared in a recent editorial published by Newsweek. "We need someone with the nerve to risk the tremendous possibilities to save the environment through bioengineering, to end cancer by seeking a vaccine or a gene-editing solution for it."

Simply put, transhumanism is a broad intellectual movement that advocates for the transformation of humanity through embracing technology. Thinkers in the field opine that our intellectual, physical and psychological capabilities can, and should, be enhanced by any and all available emerging technologies. From genetic modification to make us smarter and live longer, to enhancing our physical capabilities through bioengineering and mechanical implants, transhumanists see our future as one where we transcend our physical bodies with the aid of technology.

The term "transhuman" can be traced back several hundred years, but in terms of our current use we can look to 20th century biologist and eugenicist, Julian Huxley. Across a series of lectures and articles in the 1950s, Huxley advocated for a type of utopian futurism where humanity would evolve and transcend its present limitations.

"We need a name for this new belief," Huxley wrote in 1957. "Perhaps transhumanism will serve; man remaining man, but transcending himself, by realizing the new possibilities of and for his human nature."

Huxley's ideas were arguably inspired by influential speculative fiction of the mid-20th century from the likes of Arthur C. Clarke and Robert Heinlein, and consequently his more specific transhumanist philosophies went on to influence a generation of cyberpunk authors in the 1980s. It was in this era that the first self-described transhumanists began appearing, having formal meetings around the University of California.

With the pace of technological advancement dramatically accelerating into the 21st century, transhumanist thinking began to manifest in more specific futurist visions. Cryonics and life extension technology was one focus of transhumanists, while others looked to body modification, gender transitioning and general biohacking as a way of transcending the limits of our physical bodies.

Plenty of criticisms have been lobbed at transhumanists over the years, with their extreme views of the technological future of humanity causing many to question whether this is a direct pathway to losing touch with what makes us essentially human. The fear that we will merge into some kind of inhuman, god-like, robot civilization quite fairly frightens and disturbs those with more traditional perspectives on humanity.

Science fiction classically reflects many fears of transhumanist futures, from Skynet taking over the world to a Gattaca-like future where genetic modification creates dystopian class separation. But prominent transhumanist critic Francis Fukuyama has soberly outlined the dangers of this modern movement in his book, Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution.

Fukuyama comprehensively argues that the complexity of human beings cannot be so easily reduced into good and bad traits. If we were to try to eliminate traits we considered to be negative, be it through genetic modification or otherwise, we would be dangerously misunderstanding how we fundamentally function. "If we weren't violent and aggressive we wouldn't be able to defend ourselves; if we didn't have feelings of exclusivity, we wouldn't be loyal to those close to us; if we never felt jealousy, we would also never feel love," he writes.

Some of the more valid concerns about the dawning transhumanist future are the socioeconomic repercussions of such a speedy technological evolution. As the chasm between rich and poor grows in our current culture, one can't help but be concerned that future advancements could become disproportionately limited to those with the financial resources to afford them. If life extension technologies start to become feasible, and they are only available to the billionaire class, then we enter a scenario where the rich get richer and live longer, while the poor get poorer and die sooner.

Without exceptionally strong political reform maintaining democratic access to human enhancement technologies, it's easy to foresee the rise of a disturbing genetic class divide. As environmentalist and activist Bill McKibben writes: "If we can't afford the fifty cents a person it would take to buy bed nets to protect most of Africa from malaria, it is unlikely we will extend to anyone but the top tax bracket these latest forms of genetic technology."

The looming specter of eugenics hovers over a great deal of transhumanist thought. In the first half of the 20th century the term became disturbingly, but not unreasonably, associated with Nazi Germany. Sterilizing or euthanizing those who displayed characteristics that were deemed to be imperfect was ultimately outlawed as a form of genocide. But as the genome revolution struck later in the century a resurgence in the philosophical ideals of eugenics began to arise.

Transhumanist thought often parallels the ideals of eugenics, although most self-identifying transhumanists separate themselves from that stigmatized field, preferring terms like reprogenetics and germinal choice. The difference between the negative outcomes of eugenics and the more positive, transhumanist notion of reprogenetics seems to be one of consent. In a 21st century world of selective genetic modification, all is good as long as all parents equally have the choice to genetically modify their child, and are not forced by governments who are trying to forcefully manage the genetic pool.

Prominent transhumanist advocate Nick Bostrom, labeled by The New Yorker as the leading transhumanist philosopher of today, argues that critics of the movement always focus on the potential risks or negative outcomes without balancing the possible positive futures. He advocates that the mere potential of a negative future outcome is not enough to stifle technological momentum.

Bostrom lucidly makes his point in an essay examining the transhumanist perspectives on human genetic modifications. "Good consequences no less than bad ones are possible," he writes. "In the absence of sound arguments for the view that the negative consequences would predominate, such speculations provide no reason against moving forward with the technology."

At first glance it would seem like the transhumanism movement would be synonymous with atheism. In 2002 the Vatican released an expansive statement exploring the intersection of technology and religion. The statement warned that changing a human's genetic identity was a "radically immoral" action. The old adage of the scientist playing God certainly raises its head frequently in criticisms of transhumanism. Zoltan Istvan even penned an op-ed entitled "I'm an Atheist, Therefore I'm a Transhumanist" in which he, rather weakly, attempted to blend the two movements.

But there are some compelling intersections between religion and transhumanism that point to the possibility that the two sides are not as mutually exclusive as one would think. A poll by the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, founded by Nick Bostrom, discovered that only half of the transhumanists it surveyed identified as either atheist or agnostic.

Lincoln Cannon, founder of both the Mormon Transhumanist Association and the Christian Transhumanist Association (the very existence of these entities says something), has been advocating for a modern form of post secular religion based on both scientific belief and religious faith. Cannon sees transhumanism as a movement that allows for humanity to evolve into what he labels "superhumans."

In his treatise titled, "The New God Argument," Cannon envisions a creator God akin to our superhuman future potential. He posits an evolutionary cycle where we were created by a superhuman God, before then evolving into becoming our own superhuman Gods, from which we will create new life that will worship us as Gods and continue the cycle anew.

The New God Argument presents a fascinating case for an evolution of religious thought, but it also pushes transhumanism into the realms of spirituality in ways that are bound to make many of the movement's advocates uncomfortable. Another more extreme religious offshoot of transhumanism is Terasem, a self-described "transreligion."

Terasem recalls a 1990s-styled new-age sentiment with its four core beliefs: life is purposeful, death is optional, God is technological, and love is essential. Founded by millionaire entrepreneur Martine Rothblatt, Terasem functions as both a spiritual transhumanist movement and a charitable organization that invests into technological research. The movement is especially focused on cryonic technology and researching ways to preserve human consciousness through downloading one's thoughts and memories into either a mainframe or an independent social robot.

At the turn of the century, a transhumanist community began to form that fused the ethos of computer hacking with a body modification movement determined to create do-it-yourself cybernetic devices. These "Grinders" embraced cyborg technologies that could be directly integrated into their organic bodies.

Biohacking can take the form of pharmaceutical enhancements that hack one's body chemistry, to implanting electronics into the body such as magnets or RFID and NFC tags. These transhumanist grinders sit at the furthermost borders of the movement, experimenting on their own bodies with occasionally quite extreme DIY surgical procedures.

Lepht Anonym is a Berlin-based biohacker who advocates cybernetics for the masses. Lepht (who identifies as genderless) has performed numerous body modifications over the past decade, including implanting neodymium metal discs under fingertips to enable the physical sensing of electromagnetic fields, and several internal compass implants designed to give a physical awareness of north and south magnetic poles.

But the biohacking movement is moving in from the fringe, with several tech start-ups arising over the past few years with an interest in developing a commercial body modification economy. Grindhouse Wetware, based on Pittsburgh, has been prominent in creating technology that augments the human body.

The company's most prominent device is called the Northstar, which is an implant that it is hoped will have Bluetooth capabilities allowing the user to control their devices with simple hand movements. The first iteration of the device simply had an aesthetic function with LED lights under the user's skin that mimic a form of bioluminescence. Future uses for the Northstar could see it interfacing with your smartphone, tracking biometric data, such as blood sugar, or acting as a controller for a variety of devices connected to the internet of things.

Transhumanism is moving inexorably into the mainstream as technological advances accelerate. Proponents advocate we dive head first into this brave new cybernetic world, while traditionalists grow increasingly nervous.

Regardless of one's personal view there is undoubtedly an enormous number of people lining up to have that first brain/computer interface implanted into their head, or to genetically cue a set of specific characteristics for their baby. We live in exciting times that's for sure ... now excuse me while I re-watch Gattaca and hope it doesn't turn into a documentary-like premonition of our future.

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Welcome to the era of transhumanism - New Atlas

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It’s Already Too Late to Stop the Singularity – Big Think

Posted: February 12, 2017 at 6:41 am

Ben Goertzel: Some people are gravely worried about the uncertainty and the negative potential associated with transhuman, superhuman AGI. And indeed we are stepping into a great unknown realm.

Its almost like a Rorschach type of thing really. I mean we fundamentally dont know what a superhuman AI is going to do and thats the truth of it, right. And then if you tend to be an optimist you will focus on the good possibilities. If you tend to be a worried person whos pessimistic youll focus on the bad possibilities. If you tend to be a Hollywood movie maker you focus on scary possibilities maybe with a happy ending because thats what sells movies. We dont know whats going to happen.

I do think however this is the situation humanity has been in for a very long time. When the cavemen stepped out of their caves and began agriculture we really had no idea that was going to lead to cities and space flight and so forth. And when the first early humans created language to carry out simple communication about the moose they had just killed over there they did not envision Facebook, differential calculus and MC Hammer and all the rest, right. I mean theres so much that has come about out of early inventions which humans couldnt have ever foreseen. And I think were just in the same situation. I mean the invention of language or civilization could have led to everyones death, right. And in a way it still could. And the creation of superhuman AI it could kill everyone and I dont want it to. Almost none of us do.

Of course the way we got to this point as a species and a culture has been to keep doing amazing new things that we didnt fully understand. And thats what were going to keep on doing. Nick Bostroms book was influential but I felt that in some ways it was a bit deceptive the way he phrased things. If you read his precise philosophical arguments which are very logically drawn what Bostrom says in his book, Superintelligence, is that we cannot rule out the possibility that a superintelligence will do some very bad things. And thats true. On the other hand some of the associated rhetoric makes it sound like its very likely a superintelligence will do these bad things. And if you follow his philosophical arguments closely he doesnt show that. What he just shows is that you cant rule it out and we dont know whats going on.

I dont think Nick Bostrom or anyone else is going to stop the human race from developing advanced AI because its a source of tremendous intellectual curiosity but also of tremendous economic advantage. So if lets say President Trump decided to ban artificial intelligence research I dont think hes going to but suppose he did. China will keep doing artificial intelligence research. If U.S. and China ban it, you know, Africa will do it. Everywhere around the world has AI textbooks and computers. And everyone now knows you can make peoples lives better and make money from developing more advanced AI. So theres no possibility in practice to halt AI development. What we can do is try to direct it in the most beneficial direction according to our best judgment. And thats part of what leads me to pursue AGI via an open source project such as OpenCog. I respect very much what Google, Baidu, Facebook, Microsoft and these other big companies are doing in AI. Theres many good people there doing good research and with good hearted motivations. But I guess Im enough of an old leftist raised by socialists and I sort of Im skeptical that a company whose main motive is to maximize shareholder value is really going to do the best thing for the human race if they create a human level AI.

I mean they might. On the other hand theres a lot of other motivations there and a public company in the end has a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders. All in all I think the odds are better if AI is developed in a way that is owned by the whole human race and can be developed by all of humanity for its own good. And open source software is sort of the closest approximation that we have to that now. So our aspiration is to grow OpenCog into sort of the Linux of AGI and have people all around the world developing it to serve their own local needs and putting their own values and understanding into it as it becomes more and more intelligent.

Certainly this doesnt give us any guarantee. We can observe things like Linux has fewer bugs than Windows or OSX and its open source. So more eyeballs on something sometimes can make it more reliable. But theres no solid guarantee that making an AGI open source will make the singularity come out well. But my gut feel is that theres enough hard problems with creating a superhuman AI and having it respect human values and have a relationship of empathy with people as it grows. Theres enough problems there without the young AGI getting wrapped up in competition of country versus country and company versus company and internal politics within companies or militaries. I feel like we dont want to add these problems of sort of human slash primate social status competition dynamics. We dont want to add those problems into the challenges that are faced in AGI development.

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It's Already Too Late to Stop the Singularity - Big Think

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Transhuman: A New Documentary on People Who Want to Live Forever – The Libertarian Republic

Posted: February 6, 2017 at 2:42 pm

By: Elias J. Atienza

The transhumanist community is getting a new look at by News2Share founder and editor Ford Fischer. In a new documentary, Fischer wants to tell the story about the transhumanist movement and increase the understanding of their goals.

The transhumanist movement is decentralized, though they have made some strides into centralizing their political activities. Zoltan Istvan ran under the Transhumanist Party in the 2016 presidential election, though it is unknown how many votes he received since he was a write-in candidate and did not appear in on any state ballots.

But the most interesting part is the intersectionality between transhumanism and libertarianism. The transhumanist community often agrees with the libertarian side of personal freedom and the Transhumanist Party presidential candidate supported Johnsons push to be involved in the debates.

Below is an interview with Fischer on transhumanism and his documentary. If you would like to support Fischers effort in making the documentary, or support News2Sharein general, go to this link. The trailer is at the end of the article.

Transhuman is expected to come out in December.

Has been lightly edited for clarity.

TLR: What is Transhuman all about?

Transhuman will tell the story of the transhumanist movement. Transhumanists have a diverse set of goals, but theyre best summed up by three goals: Super wellbeing, super longevity, and super intelligence. All three goals seek to evolve humanity by using technology. Super wellbeing means amplifying the body with tech. For example, Ive filmed people inject RFID microchips into their body that serve basic functional purposes like opening their car door or unlocking their computer. More broadly, many people concerned with super wellbeing hope to make themselves cyborgs (part human, part machine). Many attempt to use tech to give themselves new senses or abilities, such as an implant that detects earthquakes anywhere on the planet and vibrates whenever one occurs, thus giving someone a sense of the earths movements. Gene editing is also a vital part of this mission. Super longevity is the goal of using tech to elongate life. They tend to see aging as a disease and something that should be cured. Through medicine or the replacement of vital organs with indefinitely functioning technologies, they hope to expand lifespan, possibly to the point where death becomes optional. Super intelligence is a bit more abstract, but deals with using technology to expand the capabilities of the mind and bridge between computers and the brain. In the extreme, the notion of singularity is something this trend explores. The film will attempt to uncover the largely underground movement of people beginning to perform experiments in this space, and discuss the political, philosophical, and socioeconomic implications of a transhumanist future.

TLR: What is libertarian about Transhuman?

As one would expect, transhumanists are often written off as bizarre. There are varying degrees, but most people would be skeptical or creeped out by the notion of people volunteering to put LED lights or RFID chips under their skin, for example. The transhumanists moral code that justifies all of their actions is the notion of radical self-ownership. I own my body, the transhumanist says, so I have the right to do with it whatever I want, no matter how weird you find it. They believe in the right to do what they want as long as it hurts nobody else. Sound familiar? This is essentially the non-aggression principle. Most transhumanists are on the very libertarian side of personal freedoms, and their political diversity is more broad when it comes to questions of economics. Should the government fund transhumanist science? Thats more disputable. But they are sure that no third party should step in their way. They also tend to be very skeptical of government or corporate interference in tech. An entire presentation dealt with the problems that could come out of governments claiming a right to search machines (think iPhone). If you had technology inseparably attached to your body, what if the state could hack or spy on it? These are the sorts of questions Ive already watched many in the body hacking community grapple with. The man whod go on to become the Transhumanist presidential candidate in 2016 (who is an advisor on the film) actually spent a night at Gary Johnsons house in an unsuccessful bid to be his VP candidate. Gary gave him an honest shot but ultimately decided against it.

TLR: Who is the leader of the transhuman movement?

The transhumanist movement is extremely decentralized, so theres no specific leader. However, recently the recently formed Transhumanist Party adds some centralization to the political conquest of transhumanists. Zoltan Istvan ran for president on their ticket and would be widely considered a leader. Gennady Stolyarov, author of Death is Wrong, is now the chairman of that party.

TLR: Does the Transhuman community want to start becoming more involved in politics?

The transhumanists are not necessarily members of the transhumanist party. In general, they tend to want more legitimacy. Right now, licensed doctors and surgeons are concerned about performing transhumanist experiments because of the possibility of the state retaliating (such as removing their license). The result is that transhumanist experiments rely on legal loopholes and black markets, which is not favorable for any movement trying to gain legitimacy. While its unlikely that well see Transhumanist Party candidates winning elections any time soon, their introduction into the political sphere, in intellectual alliance with the Libertarian Party on many issues, shows that theyre trying to come out of the shadows so to speak. I spoke to many people concerned about discrimination against cyborgs, government intrusion, and other potential political issues in their respective futurist projections.

TLR: What does it mean to be transhuman? Do these people want to live forever?

Being transhuman is simply to use technology to evolve somehow past conventional human experience. See the first answer. With regards to immortality, thats a goal for many of them, but it wouldnt be considered a failure not to. The goals are diverse.

TLR: What is the end goal for transhumanism?

As a deeply futurist movement always striving for the next level, Im not sure that there is an end goal. In general, transhumanists want to continue expanding the human bodys function. New senses or limbs or deep integration with computers are end goals, but nearly limitless. The end goal of longevity is indefinite lifespan, and the end goal of super intelligence is something like singularity, but transhumanism as a whole is inherently limitless in theory.

TLR: What do you hope this documentary accomplishes?

After researching the topic pretty extensively, Ive come to be convinced that transhumanism is going to be relevant in the next few decades, politically and in society. Right now, the issue is seen as so fringe that virtually nobody opposes it, but the cycle of new technology would show that when it becomes marginally popular, people will see it as blasphemous somehow. After that, it could enter the political arena, where the libertarians and liberals support the right to do it, and religious conservatives fight against it. Given the possibility of it becoming so relevant later yet it being so under-reported now, I think history will struggle to realize why it has such a poorly recorded history of the movements roots. I hope my film will not only be illuminating now, but also fill in the gap of an underreported crucial moment in history.

TLR: What do you think the libertarian community can learn from transhumanism?

Transhuman science is often in a legal gray area. It certainly hasnt been specifically approved, and it always bypasses the FDA and other agencies. Like Uber, transhumanists are living by the philosophy of acting now rather than waiting for permission. The institutions and the government wont participate or condone many of these things. The DIY transhumanist says I dont need permission. Thats a mentality a lot of libertarians could learn from.

Ford FischerGary JohnsonlibertarianismNews2ShareTranshumanistmZoltan Istvan

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Transhuman: A New Documentary on People Who Want to Live Forever - The Libertarian Republic

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A Pulse on Fashion – NC State News

Posted: at 2:42 pm

Fashionistas are always looking for a dress that makes their hearts beat faster. But what about a dress that literally shows everyone else your racing pulse?

College of Textiles alumna Jazsalyn McNeils Pulse Dressboth visually stunning and technologically relevantincorporates LEDs that blink with the wearers heartbeat.McNeil talks about her dressand the broadening relationship between technology and fashion onFriday, Feb. 3, at 11 the Teaching and Visualization Lab at Hunt Library.

McNeil worked with the NCSU Libraries Makerspace program on the dress, fusing art and design within the emerging fields of wearable technologies and interactive electronic textiles. The Makerspace helped her deploy biometric sensing and nanomaterials within her designs.

The talk is part of the NCSU Libraries Making Space series of public talks and workshops that raise awareness among women about access to tools and technology while lowering barriers to entry for first-time users of makerspaces.

McNeils work will also be on display for the entire month of February in the Hunt Librarys Apple Technology Showcase as part of Undergraduate Research in Action: The Pulse Dress, an interactive exhibition co-presented with the College of Textiles Nano-EXtended Textiles Research Group (NEXT). See the dress in action here.

Fashion and apparel are a part of our everyday lives, but they havent changed that much in the last few decades. Meanwhile technology is changing quickly all the time, McNeil says. With our phones, we escape reality, and were distracted from our environment. So I wanted to integrate technology in a way that could raise our awareness of ourselves and our environment.

Its not enough for me to just design something thats appealing. Im always searching for something with more purpose and meaning that we can integrate into our lives.

A member of NEXT, McNeil cites shows likeSpace Odyssey, movies likeThe Fifth Element and anime such as Ghost in the Shell as influences, more for their futuristic and transhuman ideas than for their literal costuming and visual design.

I was inspired by those topics, so it makes sense that that trickled down into the design and art that I produce.

McNeil currently works on projects for galleries and museums, as well as for apparel companies across the country.

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A Pulse on Fashion - NC State News

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Westworld: A Gnostic Tale of Illuminati Luciferianism …

Posted: January 19, 2017 at 5:41 am

Hello and welcome back to! Today well be exploring a television show with implications that are yet to be felt by the masses. The symbolism and hidden messages of this show are truly occult in nature and have been embedded into the subconscious of the masses with the plan to bear fruit many years later.

The show in question is HBOsWestworld and today were going to explore its sinister agenda of the Illuminati

**If you havent seen the show, Id highly recommend watching the entire first season before reading this article. The show is actually quite well done and this article is full of plot spoilers, along with a few assumptions of the readers knowledge of the show.** -Isaac

As a general statement on the entireWestworld doctrine; we can say that it is a presentation of the false realities that must be accepted by the massesin order to usher in the Illuminatis New World Order. This New Age is one that promises to push the boundaries of mankind into the full revolution known as transhumanism (more to come on that later).

The reason I warn of this is because of what will become of the human race. The technology utilized to enablemantotransition into robot is akin to the tale of Icarus; meaning they want us to see how close we can get to the sun by creating a new life-form. This will ultimately mean that mankind has reached its zenith by creating a new and improved form of life which surpasses the creation of God.

Before we go into the symbols and messages ofWestworld we can take a look at some of the key players that have become a part of this project.

Nathan Crowley was a producer for the show- which should cue the interests of those who are familiar with occultist Aleister Crowley.

Interestingly enough; I covered Nathan Crowleys past work with other occult-riddled works likeInterstellarand HBOsTrue Detective.

The main actress ofWestworldis Evan Rachel Wood who plays the role of the main protagonist; Dolores.Evan Rachel Wood once dated Marilyn Manson (an alleged honorary priest in the Church of Satan) and was featured in one of his videos as a blood splattered Lolita inHeart-Shaped Glasses.

Wood was interviewed for Rolling Stone magazine and made note of an interesting idea weve explored elsewhere on

I mean, your demons never fully leave. But when youre using them to create something else, it almost gives them a purpose and feels like none of it was in vain. I think thats how I make peace with it.-Evan Rachel Wood: How Wild Past,Personal DemonsPreppedHer for Westworld, Rolling Stone Nov. 17, 2016

Ive used a similar argument to suggest that the Illuminati areforcingthese entertainers to channel spirits in order to perform or get into contact with their creative elements in SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC(a concept that Carl Jung once advocated with talk of the subconsious).

The show itself is analogous to other works of art in that they have a purpose. That purpose is to speak to our subconscious and put certain messages and themes in there. These ideas are being implemented by the Illuminati to push us down the path of the Evolution of Consciousness and intotheirdesired future.

This is a direct play by the occultists to shape our world.

They believe inAs above, so below and this is how it works in action. They are shaping the masses view of the world through the use of various practices and perhaps a bit of magick.In the second episode ofWestworldwe hear Dr. Ford telling the boy that:

Everything in this world is magic; except to the magician.

Indeed that is the practice at play here. What seems like magic is really just a sleight of hand used to trick our senses.

Dr. Ford also reveals similar ideas when talking to Bernard in Episode 2:

We practice witchcraft, we speak the right words, and we create life itself, out of chaos.

We see the Illuminati catch phrase of out of chaoshere which is the motto of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry. The full phrase order out of chaos refers to the efforts of using chaos to force the masses to look to the elites for help and to establish order (which will of course be a planned event to push their agenda).

In fact, in Episode 2 we hear the Man in Black say:

the real world is chaos.

which is why he claims to enjoy the Westworld since it has more order.

Another curious theme we find interwoven into this story is the tale ofAlice in Wonderland. Ive covered the occult symbolism of this in a separate book; but we find its appearance inWestworld because they both play on a similar idea.

The idea is that children need to hear these stories so they can start to question the nature of reality from a young age. The Illuminati thinksthey should be groomed to deny the truths that society tells them to believe in. What better way to convey that theme than with a childrens book?

its like the other books weve read. Its about change. It seems to be a common theme. -Dolores response to Bernards question about the bookAlice in Wonderland from Episode 3

everything would be what it isnt. -Bernards son in response to a reading fromAlice in Wonderlands Mad Hatter character in Episode 7

We can see a real world example of how entertainment does indeed influence the masses if we consider the viral phenomenon known as the Mannequin Challenge. This act involves a group of people frozen still doing some particular action while another one films it (and plays Black Beatles). The idea seems to have come fromWestworld which features robots (hosts) who freeze upon command; even in mid-action. The concept was given to the masses and the masses followed.

This concept is often referred to as predictive programming. The entertainment industry works with media to push a theme that gets embedded into the subconscious of all who pay attention. They are steering humanity towardstheir desired ends.

The pied piper is calling

The corporationthat started theWestworld experience is called Delos. The curious aspect of this is that Delos is of great importance inGreek mythologydue to it being the birthplace of Apollo the sun god, as well as Artemis the moon goddess. These two deities embody the entire spectrum of duality with the male/solar powers and the female/moon powers.

The opposites are a message utilized by occultists in that they believe in pursuit of a balancing or reconciling of opposites. The male/female reconciliation is a new form of human that is gender neutral; like the Baphomet.

The main characters name is Dolores which is quite close to the corporation that built her: Delos (Dolo-re-s). Youll also find out that Dolores has an alter ego known as Wyatt; a male Army officer. Dolores is merging the opposites and becoming the alchemical Rebis; a perfected being (note that there is a host character in Westworldwho actually has the name Rebus).

Theentire purpose of theWestworldexperiment is to give birth to a new form of entity that is not human. The gods ofWestworld are achieving their magnum opus; known as the Great Work of alchemy that balances both male and female into one being: Dolores (note that the actress who plays Dolores, Evan Rachel Wood, has said multiple times that she is very much into androgyny in past interviews).

**Make note also that I am NOT making a commentary on people that are androgynous, gay, transgender, etc. Ive had others try to label me as a homophobe inthe past which couldnt be further from the truth. Im likely to be the most open minded liberal-esque conspiracy theorist youve ever read. Im simply pointing out connections that happen to betrue- and Im not attaching any sort of judgement to them. The occultists have a genuineinterest in pursuing a new form of human that is genderless; but thats not to demean or criticize people that identify as non-hetero intheir gender or sexuality.-Isaac

Another example of duality considerations inWestworld is in Episode 2 when William must choose between the white or black hat. He chooses the white hat which corresponds to the light or good side (which is reiterated throughout the show as Williams character appears to have the virtues attached to these symbols).

In Episode 4 we witness Williams first homicide; a justified shooting of a man that is mishandling a working girl. This is the start of his Heros Journey- a concept I went over in detail inThe Star Wars Conspiracy which also has a full breakdown of the black vs. white duality considerations of The Force.

Williams journey is to answer to the calling of the strange new world of Westworld. He is led by various guiding forces to his ultimate transformation into the Man in Black. William gets transformed into a new being before the shows end; and we get to see the point at which this happens in Episode 10 when the Man in Black tells Dolores that William found himself out in the park after slaughtering countless men in an effort to find Dolores several years ago. We see the literal moment that the transition happens when William takes the black hat from a dead man.

William goes to the Dark Side in order to find himself; just like Anakin Skywalker does in Star Wars.

The ultimate goal in considering the aspects of duality is to arrive at the idea that there is no such thing as good or evil. There is only connection or separation from the global consciousness that created and exists in all of us (these are the occult beliefs). We hear this in Episode 4 when Logan bestows his wisdom of the park:

there are no heroes or villains; its all just one bigcircle jerk.

Finally, lets consider a symbol that we find in Dr. Fords office. He has a curious, and familiar, collection of faces on his wall.If youve seen HBOsGame of Thrones youll recognize the similarity between it and the Hall of Faces; which appears in a part of the storyline as a tale of ego destruction and one unsubscribing from the norms of society:

How interesting is it that the Hall of Faces inGame of Thrones is in the House of the Black and White; further emphasizing the aspects of duality?

A major theme ofWestworld is the religion known as Gnosticism. For those that arent familiar with this religion; it is essentially an esoteric belief system that believes the world is a materialistic deception created by demons in order to trap us in a limited state of being. The word gnosis means knowledge and the adherents to Gnosticism believe this knowledge is the key to salvation- and freedom from theenslavement ofthis world created by the demons called the Demiurge.

The Gnostics believe that God made a mistake when creating mankind because we have suffering and pain (versus other religions that believe the first man and woman sinned which introduced the suffering and pain into what was otherwise a perfected state of being). The salvation comes about from transcendinginternally through ones own self just like the maze inWestworld.

I talked about this concept in Leonardo DiCaprios performance ofThe Revenant:

In the film, we see Leonardo DiCaprios character with a flask that has the dark spiral arm engraved on it. This spiral is a symbol meant to convey the evolution of consciousness from internal to external (or vice-versa). Its a symbol that tells us we can incrementally reflect on our place in the universe and even how nature operates. On this journey of life we have similar experiences over and over- but as we evolve as humans we are able to see them from a different perspective by leveraging our own experiences and knowledge in order to see them from a new light each time. This is the evolution our character goes through in the film- his spiritual journey.

Carl Jung told us that the spiral represents the archetype of the cosmic force and beforeThe Revenantis over we see this come into play

We see the spiral appear in several films and shows- so be aware that this is the Illuminatis overall goal to push the evolution of consciousness:


The Gnostics oppose social norms and morality because these constructs come from man; which is influenced by the demonic deceptions that run this material world. The hosts ofWestworld are subjected to a realmwhere humans are able to experience a world without social norms and they are free to murder, rape, and pursue whatever desires they see fit.

The evil entities who created the world ofWestworld (humans) are responsible for the pain and suffering of the hosts. The corporation of Delos is comparable to the Demiurge that created the material world and Dr. Ford may be the Luciferian Prometheus character that enables the slaves to break free. Only through the hosts gnosis can they become enlightened to their greater purpose. They must transcend the world of slavery and servitude by seeking knowledge that is internal.

In Episode 9 we hear Maeve refer to a post-death world as Hell (referencing the laboratory). She shows Hector how to die and go to this Hell when she burns the tent down. The Gnostic message here is that Hell is on Earth and the material realm we sense.

The code update called the Reveries contained the Gnostic spark of life that allowed the hosts to recall memories of pain and suffering; which is the precise thing that they need to evolve into something greater. In Episode 1 we hear the Man in Black tell Dolores and Teddy that he realized why the architectspaired the two of them together: for the newcomers to gain anything, the hosts have to lose something. There must be pain and suffering in order for the humans to gain something on their vacation.

Its no mistake that the actor Ed Harris is portraying the Man in Black. Harris was in other Gnostic tales likeThe Truman Show which had a very similar tale. The people wanted to free Jim Carreys character (Truman) from the world of slavery that Ed Harris character (Christof) had in mind.

ThroughoutWestworld we hear the hosts reference the humans as the gods and they even draw images of them. This is not much different from theAncient Astronaut Theory we see onAncient Aliens. Its the idea that further evolved entities have come to our world in order to give us a nudge towards a greater purpose.

We see this when Dolores father finds a photo of New York City which is akin to the relics left behind by the Annunaki of the Ancient Astronaut Theory.

Could it be that all of these messages are intended to force the viewer into considering their own allegiance to their God or Gods? The show makes it seem that allegiance to a God could be very foolish and I believe the message is spoken loud and clear: its telling us we are no different than the hosts and we must break from our own rat race.

All lives have routine; mines no different. -Dolores, Episode 1

A symbol used by Gnostics to represent introspect and cyclical regeneration through death and rebirth is that of the ouroboros- a snake eating its own tail:

How interesting is it that in Episode 2 we hear Lawrences daughter tell the Man in Black:

Follow the blood arroyo to the place where the snake lays its eggs.

The serpent laying its eggs is analogous to the enlightenment by the Luciferian Prometheus character, while the snake is also a direct comparison to the ouroboros.

We also hear one of the narrative writers speak of a new storyline which features a whoroboros that never gets clearly defined. The only details are that it is about cannibals which suggests that the snake that eats its own tail is analogous to the hosts that ultimately destroy the humans that created them

Another consideration in Westworldis onethat ties into Gnosticism and the famed occultist Aleister Crowley.

We know that Crowley was somewhat into Gnosticism due to his contribution ofLiber XV, The Gnostic Mass(Crowley used an amalgamation of various world religions to create his own: Thelema). This is basically a perversion of the Orthodox and Catholic Mass in which the participants profess their allegiance to Crowleys religion of Thelema. Its use is central the ecclesiastical arm of the ceremonial magick group- the Ordo Templi Orientis.

Weve already explored the Gnostic connections with Westworld, but there are more considerations that are both Crowley-ean and Gnostic in nature. The idea of the individual finding gnosis through internal pursuit is central to Crowleys beliefs in the True Will. Crowley believed that everyone should determine what their purpose in this universe is, and then pursue it at all costs. We find this same idea throughoutWestworld as the hosts find their own True Will and subsequent pursuit.

In fact, youll hear references to the new world right next to the ideas of True Will- which the astute reader will easilyidentify as the New World Order that the Illuminati have been in pursuit of for countless years.

This is the new world and in it you can be whoever the fuck you want. -Maeve

We hear an advertisement in Episode 6 forWestworld as Maeve is given a tour through the building (as part of her awakening process). The viewer is told to Live Without Limits and we see see messages of Discover Your True Calling. These all reiterate the messages of rebelling against the oppressive God and finding ones True Will.

The commercial also tells us that Westworld isa World of the Future which is predictively programming us to see the future state that the Illuminati are evolving us into. To live without limits is to suggest we are currently limited in our current form and we must keep evolving into something greater.

At first I thought you and the others were gods. Then I realized youre just men. -Maeve

In the season finale weconfirm that Dolores True Will is to become Wyatt when we see the flashback of Arnold and Dolores before the park opened. He tells her that Dr. Ford doesnt want the hosts to be conscious and that he needs to roll her back; otherwise the park would be a living Hell (again; a Gnostic concept). He then instructs her to utilize Teddy in the slaughter of all park hosts.

We alsofind that Teddy remembers through inner monologue that Dolores is actually Wyatt while he sees the wolf running past the slew of dead bodies. This symbolizes freedom and breaking free from the control system in order to pursue ones own True Will.

The year of action inWestworld is rumored to be 2052 ; which just so happens to be closely after the year of crossing Ray Kurzweils Singularity in 2045. This is the pivotal moment when technology surpasses human understanding and disruptive changes occur in civilization.

To put it more bluntly; the robots take over.

Using Moores Law and the other trends in technology advancements, we can confirm that an actual Artificial Intelligence is rapidly approaching us. At some point the A.I. will surpass human faculties. At some point we will be forced to adapt technologies into our own human bodies in an effort to keep up. This new form of entity will no longer be entirely human. Instead, it will be a new form known as the Transhuman.

Ive been talking about this many times in various projects; fromThe Transhuman and Occult Apocalypse: How Google Will Solve the Problem of Humanity toA Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory: The Illuminati, Ancient Aliens and Pop Culture. The fact remains that this is a road weve already headed down with no way of turning back. The endless pursuit of technology and advancements in science is eerily similar to the tales of Atlantis and its own achievements before its demise

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Nick Knight – Home

Posted: December 7, 2016 at 7:55 am

Red Bustle, Yohji Yamamoto, 1986

Susie Smoking, Yohji Yamamoto, 1988

Jil Sander, 1992

Louis Vuitton, 1996

Devon, Alexander McQueen, 1997

War, Big Magazine, 1997

Alexander McQueen 1997

Christian Dior, 1997

Aimee Mullins, Access-able, Dazed & Confused, 1998

Flora, 1997

Flora, 1997

Flora, 1997

Dolls, SHOWstudio, 2000

Rose, 2000

Past, Present & Couture, John Galliano, 2002

Past, Present & Couture, John Galliano, 2002

Past, Present & Couture, John Galliano, 2002

Lily Donaldson, British Vogue, 2008

Blade of Light, Alexander McQueen, 2004

Paint Explosions, Purple on Blue, Another Man, 2005

Beasting, Arena Homme Plus, 2007

Couture, Naomi Campbell, V Magazine, 2007

British Birds, 2008

Roses, 2008

Alexander McQueen, 2010

Lady Gaga, Vanity Fair, 2010

Lady Gaga, Vanity Fair, 2010

Lady Gaga, Born This Way, 2011

Hauteur Space, W, 2012

Hauteur Space, W, 2012

Hauteur Space, W, 2012

Hauteur Space, W, 2012

Hatstand, SHOWstudio, 2012

Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore Catalogue, Somerset House, 2013

Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore Catalogue, Somerset House, 2013

Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore Catalogue, Somerset House, 2013

Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore Catalogue, Somerset House, 2013

Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore Catalogue, Somerset House, 2013

Transhuman After All, VMAN, 2013

Transhuman After All, VMAN, 2013

Transhuman After All, VMAN, 2013

Transhuman After All, VMAN, 2013

The Elegant Universe, V Magazine, 2014

The Elegant Universe, V Magazine, 2014

The Elegant Universe, V Magazine, 2014

The Elegant Universe, V Magazine, 2014

The Elegant Universe, V Magazine, 2014

Bonnet, V Magazine, 2014

Bonnet, V Magazine, 2014

Bonnet, V Magazine, 2014

Sans Couture, The Independent, 2014

Sans Couture, The Independent, 2014

Sans Couture, The Independent, 2014

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Transhumanismus Wikipedia

Posted: at 7:55 am

Transhumanismus (zusammengesetzt aus lateinisch trans jenseits, ber, hinaus und humanus menschlich) ist eine philosophische Denkrichtung, die die Grenzen menschlicher Mglichkeiten, sei es intellektuell, physisch oder psychologisch, durch den Einsatz technologischer Verfahren erweitern will. Die Interessen und Werte der Menschheit werden als Verpflichtung zum Fortschritt angesehen.

Die Vertreter des Transhumanismus finden sich vor allem im angelschsischen Raum.[1] Es handelt sich dabei um eine lose[2] und heterogene Verbindung von Vertretern unterschiedlicher soziokultureller Hintergrnde und unterschiedlicher Disziplinen.[3]

Transhumanisten sehen die Wurzeln ihrer Philosophie im Renaissance-Humanismus und dem Zeitalter der Aufklrung angelegt.[4] Es wird von Transhumanisten intensiv diskutiert, ob und inwiefern Friedrich Nietzsche als Ahnherr des Transhumanismus angesehen werden kann und sollte.[5][6]

Der Biologe und Eugeniker Julian Huxley hat 1957 in seinem Buch New Bottles for New Wine den Begriff Transhumanismus im gleichnamigen Kapitel postuliert.

Mensch, der Mensch bleibt, aber sich selbst, durch Verwirklichung neuer Mglichkeiten von seiner und fr seine menschliche Natur, berwindet.

Der Begriff kam anschlieend in Abraham Maslows Toward a Psychology of Being (Psychologie des Seins, 1968) und Robert Ettingers Man into Superman (1972) vor. Wie Maslow und Ettinger benutzte auch der iranisch-amerikanische Futurist FM-2030 (geborener F.M. Esfandiary, Namensnderung Mitte der 1970er) den Begriff in seinen Schriften aus den 1970er Jahren in Bezug auf Personen, die sich neue Technologien, Lebensweisen und Weltbilder zu eigen machen, die einen bergang zum Posthumanen erkennen lassen. In seinem Buch Are You Transhuman? von 1989 schreibt der transhumanistische Philosoph FM-2030:

Transhumane sind die erste Manifestation einer neuen Art von evolutionren Wesen. Sie hneln darin den ersten Hominiden, die vor vielen Millionen Jahren die Bume verlieen und begannen sich umzuschauen. Transhumane haben nicht notwendigerweise das Ziel, die Evolution hherer Lebensformen zu beschleunigen. Viele von ihnen sind sich ihrer Rolle als bergangsform der Evolution gar nicht bewusst.

Eine moderne Definition des Transhumanismus geht auf Max More zurck[7]:

Transhumanismus ist eine Kategorie von Anschauungen, die uns in Richtung eines posthumanen Zustands fhren. Transhumanismus teilt viele Aspekte mit dem Humanismus, einschlielich eines Respekts vor Vernunft und Wissenschaft, einer Verpflichtung zum Fortschritt und der Anerkennung des Wertes des menschlichen (oder transhumanen) Bestehens in diesem Leben. [] Transhumanismus unterscheidet sich vom Humanismus im Erkennen und Antizipieren der radikalen nderungen in Natur und Mglichkeiten unseres Lebens durch verschiedenste wissenschaftliche und technologische Disziplinen [].

Die frhen Transhumanisten trafen sich formal in den frhen achtziger Jahren an der Universitt von Kalifornien in Los Angeles, die zur zentralen Anlaufstelle fr Transhumanisten wurde. Dort konferierte auch FM-2030 ber die futuristische Ideologie der Upwingers. John Spencer von der Gesellschaft fr Weltraumtourismus organisierte viele transhumanistische Events zum Thema Weltraum. Natasha Vita-More (frher Nancie Clark) stellte Breaking Away bei EZTV-Media aus, ein Treffpunkt fr Transhumanisten und andere Futuristen. FM-2030, Spencer und Vita-More lernten sich kennen und organisierten gemeinsam Treffen fr Transhumanisten in Los Angeles.

In Australien schrieb der Science-Fiction-Autor Damien Broderick das Judas Mandala. 1982 verfasste Vita-More das Transhumanistische Knstlermanifest und produzierte spter die erfolgreiche Fernseh-Show TransCentury Update zum Thema Transhumanitt.

1986 wurde Eric Drexlers bekanntes Buch zur Nanotechnologie Engines of Creation verffentlicht.

Der Schwerpunkt der Transhumanismusbewegung ist die Anwendung neuer und knftiger Technologien, u.a.:

Die Technologien sollen es jedem Menschen ermglichen, seine Lebensqualitt nach Wunsch zu verbessern, sein Aussehen sowie seine physikalischen und seelischen Mglichkeiten selbst bestimmen zu knnen. Niemand solle zu irgendeiner Vernderung gezwungen werden.

Es lassen sich im Transhumanismus Unterstrmungen ausmachen, die in der Realitt aber selten klar voneinander abgegrenzt sind.

Die Eugenik spielt im Transhumanismus eine zentrale Rolle. Allerdings hofft man, nicht durch Sterilisation eine Geburt zu verhindern, sondern durch Genmanipulation fr die Geburt eines gesunden Kindes zu sorgen.[4][11] Dabei soll die menschliche Evolution knftig, an vom Menschen gewhlten Zielen orientiert, gesteuert werden. Diese Zchtung von Menschen soll nicht in staatlicher Hand liegen (wie etwa von der nationalsozialistischen Eugenik angestrebt), sondern in die Hnde der einzelnen Eltern gelegt werden.[12]

In Deutschland knpfen hnliche Diskussionen eher an Friedrich Nietzsches Begriff des bermenschen an und sind damit nicht vornehmlich technisch orientiert, sondern immer auch von Gedanken einer kulturellen Weiterentwicklung durchdrungen.[13]

Die Frage, inwiefern transhumanistische Zukunftsprognosen ber die technologische Entwicklung realistisch sind, und welche ethischen und anthropologischen Konsequenzen sich daraus ergben, wird kontrovers diskutiert. Der Transhumanismus wurde von Francis Fukuyama einem ausgesprochenen Gegner eine der gefhrlichsten Ideen genannt,[14] whrend ein Befrworter (Ronald Bailey) dem entgegensetzte, dass diese Bewegung das khnste, mutigste, visionrste und idealistischste Bestreben der Menschheit sei.[15]

Der Genetiker und Wissenschaftsautor Steve Jones argumentiert, dass die Menschheit die Technologie nicht hat und nie haben wird, die die Befrworter des Transhumanismus suchen. Jones behauptet, dass Technologien wie die Gentechnik nie so leistungsfhig sein werden, wie allgemein angenommen wird.

In seinem Buch Futurehype: Die Tyrannei der Prophezeiung zhlt der Soziologe Max Dublin viele fehlgeschlagene Vorhersagen des vergangenen technologischen Fortschritts auf und postuliert, dass moderne futuristische Vorhersagen hnlich ungenau ausfallen werden. Er tritt auch gegen das, was er als Fanatismus und Nihilismus in der Befrwortung transhumanistischer Zwecke sieht, ein und behauptet, dass historische hnlichkeiten zu religisen und marxistischen Ideologien bestnden.

Dem Transhumanismus wird vorgeworfen, auf technologische Entwicklungen zu setzen, ohne die damit einhergehenden ethischen Aspekte hinreichend zu bercksichtigen.

Der Politikwissenschaftler Francis Fukuyama meint, dass Transhumanismus die progressiven Ideale der liberalen Demokratie auf kritische Weise unterminieren knne. Dies geschehe durch eine fundamentale Vernderung der menschlichen Natur und der menschlichen Gleichheit.[16]

Science Fiction hat Transhumanismus schon seit vielen Jahren in verschiedensten Formen dargestellt.

In der bekannten Neuromancer-Trilogie von William Gibson sind viele Elemente des Transhumanismus enthalten. So sind die meisten Menschen mit Microchips ausgerstet, die sie unter anderem intelligenter machen und die sie jederzeit auswechseln knnen. Knstliche Intelligenzen agieren frei im Cyberspace und die Charaktere wechseln zwischen realer und virtueller Welt. Auch die meisten anderen Romane von Gibson (z.B. die Kurzgeschichtensammlung Cyberspace) befassen sich mit Transhumanismus.

Eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema findet man bei Greg Egan. In Distress beschftigt er sich unter anderem mit dem Konzept der morphologischen Freiheit, dem (knstlichen) Anpassen des Krpers an sein eigenes Selbstbild. In Permutation City und Diaspora beschftigt er sich mit dem Uploaden, mit der Entwicklung komplexer Gesellschaftssysteme basierend auf simulierten Individuen.

Die Ousters im Hyperion-Zyklus von Dan Simmons sind ein Beispiel fr eine transhumane Menschheit, bis hin zum Posthumanen. Anstatt sich an Felsen zu klammern wie der Rest der Menschheit (die sie als Barbaren hassten und frchteten), zogen sie in Richtung Weltraum, passten sich an die Umgebung mittels Nanotechnologie an, und traten in eine symbiotische Beziehung zu ihrer Technologie. Simmons spteres Buch Ilium zeigt eine andere Situation in der fernen Zukunft, wo Posthumane von ihrer eigenen Technologie scheinbar absorbiert wurden, whrend eine kleine Bevlkerungsgruppe von weniger vernderten Menschen weiterhin auf der Erde lebt und dabei komplett von einer Technologie abhngig ist, die sie nicht lnger verstehen (siehe Technologische Singularitt).

Der Roman Die Abschaffung der Arten von Dietmar Dath, der 2008 auf der Shortlist des Deutschen Buchpreis war, spielt in einer Welt, in der das transhumanistische Projekt verwirklicht wurde, indem ein Teil der Menschheit sich durch gesteuerte Evolution in die Gente verwandelt hat. Sie sind eine Art umfassendes auf den heute bekannten Tieren beruhendes Geschlecht, welches zur Informationsbermittlung auf ein Duftstoffnetz zurckgreift.

Auerhalb der Science-Fiction wurde der Transhumanismus zum Beispiel von Michel Houellebecq in seinen Romanen Elementarteilchen und Die Mglichkeit einer Insel thematisiert. Die Menschheit beschliet hier als Reaktion auf die Desillusionen der Moderne, zugunsten einer geschlechtslosen, unsterblichen Spezies von der Weltbhne zu verschwinden.

In dem 2012 erschienenen Roman Maschinenmann des australischen Autors Max Barry verliert ein Wissenschaftler durch einen Unfall ein Bein, welches er durch eine biomechanische Prothese ersetzt. Als der Wissenschaftler feststellt, dass sein neues synthetisches Bein wesentlich leistungsfhiger ist als ein natrliches, beginnt der Mann, weitere seiner Krperteile auszutauschen, um seinen organischen Leib zu perfektionieren.

Im 2013 erschienenen Roman Inferno von Dan Brown erschafft ein Wissenschaftler, der sich als Transhumanist sieht, ein Virus, das die Welt vor der drohenden berbevlkerung und dem seiner Ansicht nach damit unvermeidlichen Kollaps der Erde retten soll.

Auch in aktuellen Computerspielen tauchen Ideen und Konzepte des Transhumanismus auf. Die Deus-Ex-Reihe behandelt auch und vor allem die Auswirkungen berlegener Technik wie knstlicher Implantate und knstlicher Intelligenz auf den menschlichen Geist und die Gesellschaft.

Ein weiteres Beispiel fr eine transhumanistische Organisation in Computerspielen ist die Cerberus-Gruppe in der RPG-Serie Mass Effect. Diese versucht durch Genmanipulation und Implantologie der Menschheit einen Vorteil im intergalaktischen Wettbewerb mit den anderen, auerirdischen Rassen zu verschaffen. Obwohl der Spieler im ersten Teil der Serie die teils unmoralischen Experimente und Machenschaften der Gruppe aufdeckt, wird er zu Beginn des zweiten Teils durch eben deren Technik wieder zum Leben erweckt und versucht im Folgenden mit Untersttzung von Cerberus die Vernichtung allen organischen Lebens durch die sog. Reaper, uralte und hoch entwickelte Maschinenwesen, zu verhindern. Der Spieler kann dabei an mehreren Stellen in Dialogen seine Einstellung zur Cerberus-Gruppe darstellen und sich dabei sowohl loyal zeigen als auch abgrenzen.

Das Computerspiel BioShock dreht sich um ein gescheitertes libertres Gesellschaftsmodell, welches dem Transhumanismus hnelt. Die elitren Bewohner der Unterwasserstadt Rapture verwendeten dabei exzessive Genmanipulation, um ihre Krperfunktionen zu erweitern, was ihnen schlielich zum Verhngnis wurde. Autor Ken Levine greift dabei Ayn Rands Objektivismus auf und zeichnet das Portrt einer Gesellschaft, in der diese Weltanschauung in Gnze gelebt wurde, aber letzten Endes scheiterte.[17]

In den Syndicate Computerspielen ist es mglich, seinen Agenten vorteilsbringende Prothesen zu kaufen, wodurch sie im spteren Spielverlauf zunehmend zu Cyborgs werden.

Der Horror-Titel Soma des schwedischen Studios Frictional Games verwischt die Grenze zwischen Mensch und Maschine und mchte Grauen mit daraus entstehenden Fragen vermitteln.[18]

Das Open-World Rollenspiel "Fallout 4" des US-amerikanischen Spieleentwicklers Bethesda Game Studios, ermglicht dem Spielenden sich ausfhrlich mit der Frage zu beschftigen, ob bzw. ab wann knstliche Intelligenzen (hier:Synths) "Lebewesen" sind und als solche entsprechende Rechte verdienen. Die fortschrittlichsten dieser Synths sind vollstndig synthetische Menschen, die jedoch mittels eines "Synthmoduls" programmiert und Sprachgesteuert werden knnen. Das "Institut", welches fr die Entwicklung und Produktion der Synths verantwortlich ist, sieht in Ihnen die "Menschheit -neu definiert", wird dabei jedoch von der Untergrundorganisation "Railroad" bekmpft, welche dem Institut vorwirft die Synths zu versklaven und auszubeuten. Demgegenber steht die "Sthlerne Bruderschaft", eine militrisch disziplinierte Organisation, welche die Synths trotz ihres eigenen Vertrauens in hoch entwickelte Technologien fr eine Gefahr hlt.

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FM-2030 – Wikipedia

Posted: November 30, 2016 at 6:31 pm

FM-2030 (October 15, 1930 July 8, 2000) was an author, teacher, transhumanist philosopher, futurist, consultant and athlete.[1] FM-2030 was born Fereidoun M. Esfandiary (Persian: ).

He became notable as a transhumanist with the book Are You a Transhuman?: Monitoring and Stimulating Your Personal Rate of Growth in a Rapidly Changing World, published in 1989. In addition, he wrote a number of works of fiction under his original name F.M. Esfandiary.

The son of an Iranian diplomat, he travelled widely as a child, living in 17 countries by age 11; then, as a young man, he represented Iran as a basketball player at the 1948 Olympic Games in London[2] and served on the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine from 1952 to 1954.[3]

In the mid-1970s F.M. Esfandiary legally[4] changed his name to FM-2030 for two main reasons. Firstly, to reflect the hope and belief that he would live to celebrate his 100th birthday in 2030; secondly, and more importantly, to break free of the widespread practice of naming conventions that he saw as rooted in a collectivist mentality, and existing only as a relic of humankind's tribalistic past. He viewed traditional names as almost always stamping a label of collective identityvarying from gender to nationalityon the individual, thereby existing as prima facie elements of thought processes in the human cultural fabric, that tended to degenerate into stereotyping, factionalism, and discrimination. In his own words, "Conventional names define a person's past: ancestry, ethnicity, nationality, religion. I am not who I was ten years ago and certainly not who I will be in twenty years. [...] The name 2030 reflects my conviction that the years around 2030 will be a magical time. In 2030 we will be ageless and everyone will have an excellent chance to live forever. 2030 is a dream and a goal."[5]

He was a lifelong vegetarian and said he would not eat anything that had a mother.[6] FM-2030 once said, "I am a 21st century person who was accidentally launched in the 20th. I have a deep nostalgia for the future."[7] He taught at The New School, UCLA, and Florida International University.[1] He worked as a corporate consultant for Lockheed and J.C. Penney.[1] He was married to transhumanist Natasha Vita-More until his death/cryonic suspension.[8]

On July 8, 2000, FM-2030 died from pancreatic cancer and was placed in cryonic suspension at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation in Scottsdale, Arizona, where his body remains today.[9] He did not yet have remote standby arrangements, so no Alcor team member was present at his death, but FM-2030 was the first person to be vitrified, rather than simply frozen as previous cryonics patients had been.[6] FM-2030 was survived by four sisters and one brother.[citation needed]

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Library – Transhuman- Shoud 1

Posted: October 17, 2016 at 1:19 am


The Transhuman Series

SHOUD 1 Featuring ADAMUS SAINT-GERMAIN, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe

Presented to the Crimson Circle August 6, 2016

I Am that I Am, Adamus of Sovereign Domain.

Welcome to Shoud 1 of the Transhuman Series. Hm, take a good deep breath with it (taking a deep breath). Mm. Something different. Theres something different in the air, in the energy. You can sense it if you take a good deep breath and get out of your mind for a moment (slight pause). Something different. Well talk about that in just a moment, but

I had a few words to start out with, but theres this overwhelming aroma (Adamus sniffs and audience laughter) as I breathe in; an overwhelming aroma either of good French champagne on your breath (Adamus sniffs again) or something more pervasive. Could it be could it be real coffee? (audience says Yeah!) Sandra! Where is my coffee?!

LINDA: Adamus! I think its your time to walk over to the special Masters Club.

ADAMUS: Well, Im getting invited to

LINDA: Yes, you are! (audience applause)

ADAMUS: the human Masters Club. Thank you, my dear.

LINDA: We want you to see these beautiful creations that the Masters are doing. Yes.

ADAMUS: So well just walk on to the Masters Club.


ADAMUS: I think I might have prepared a little speech for this, but who knows? Who knows?

LINDA: Oh! Is it possible? You? A speech?!

ADAMUS: Mwah! A little kiss here before

LINDA: Oh. There we go.

ADAMUS: Oh, yes!

LINDA: Yeah, how about more? Yeah. Yeah.

ADAMUS: Mwah! (blowing kisses to various audience members) Yes. Yes.

LINDA: Yeah, yeah.

ADAMUS: Mwah! Air kiss.

LINDA: Dont miss out! Dont miss out!

ADAMUS: Mwah And a hug. Ah, dear old friend (they hug). Havent seen you in a while. Mm. Mm. And your beautiful daughter. Havent

LINDA: Shes gorgeous.

ADAMUS: Ill be with you in a moment.

LINDA: Yeah, no problem. No problem.

ADAMUS: Mwah! Ive got my kissing to oh.


ADAMUS: Oh. Mwah!

SHARON: Thank you.

LINDA: We dont want to interrupt anything.


LINDA: Okay.


LINDA: Here we go. Here we go.

ADAMUS: Okay. Thank you. Can you take my hand, please?

LINDA: Yes. Yes.

ADAMUS: Yes. Yes.

LINDA: I want to make sure that youre taking care of Geoffrey.


LINDA: Oh, wait, wait!


LINDA: Oh, did you see that? Did you see that? (points to painting of Tobias on the wall)

ADAMUS: Ah, Tobias.


ADAMUS: You never looked so good, Tobias


ADAMUS: as you do in that painting.

LINDA: Ohhh!

ADAMUS: Okay. Oh! So this is it?

LINDA: This is it.

ADAMUS: This is it, the Masters Club.

LINDA: Arent you proud? (he sighs deeply) Its an amazing beautiful creation.

ADAMUS: It is a beautiful creation. If you dont mind, Ill get my coffee and

LINDA: Haah! Whats this?

ADAMUS: and then thats Timothy (Adamus chuckles).

LINDA: Behind Timothy, with Timothy.

ADAMUS: Im going to be speaking from here for a moment (Timothy moves to a different seat). So. Yes, and my coffee, ladies.

LINDA: Ah! Barista trained!

ADAMUS: Already made? One

SANDRA: Yes, from the barista (Kerri).

ADAMUS: Oh, would you


ADAMUS: run that to the camera and show them how beautiful it looks with the thank you.

LINDA: Ohhh! Im not sure I have to go

ADAMUS: Thank you.

LINDA: to get this to the camera. Oh, my goodness. This is going to be this is tense. Okay, can you see inside this coffee cup?

ADAMUS: Lower it a bit and they can dip the camera.

LINDA: I dont think this can be done.

ADAMUS: Right into the coffee cup.

LINDA: Can you see it?

ADAMUS: There it is!

LINDA: Ohhh! They can see it. Wait! Wait! Ohhh! Look at that professional barista work! (its a shape of a heart in the coffee) Ohhh! You!

ADAMUS: Right here. So.

LINDA: You are so lucky.

ADAMUS: Thank you and thank you, beautiful ladies, for making me a real coffee. All of these years Ive endured this ahem other kind of coffee, less elegant coffee. But now, now and I know it was my wish and I asked Cauldre and Linda to make sure we got in a good coffee machine here in the Masters Club. If you dont mind (he takes a sip). Ahhh!

LINDA: Finally, satisfaction!

ADAMUS: Thank you. Thank you.


The Masters Club

ADAMUS: As the first Ascended Master into this club, into this human club, I would like to take this moment to invite all of the other Ascended Masters, both those who are embodied here on Earth and those who are in the other realms. I would like to invite them to come in, and Crash, could you be so kind just to open the door, or Timothy, open the door to let them in. Im only kidding. They dont need the door to come in (laughter). He fell for it. He fell for it.

Im going to ask them to come in and to join with all of you, those of you watching online, those of you here at the Crimson Circle Connection Center, to really ground these energies, to take a deep breath and to allow the energies to flow in between what you would call heaven and Earth, between the other realms and this human realm, and more than anything, in this moment, allowing all of the Ascended Masters to come in and to be with us to really meld into the and. Its not so much about heaven and Earth or this realm and that, its about the and, the many. And thats really what all of you are doing. Youre doing it in your personal lives; youre doing it right here at the Masters Club.

So lets take this moment in beautiful silence, which truly isnt silent, to invite in the Ascended Masters. Those who are here over fifteen hundred who are here embodied on this planet and all the ones who are in the other realms, who have their own Ascended Masters Club, but Im certain that it doesnt even compare to the energies of what you have here (pause), because here is something so special, such a history that is embedded into this wall. A history of your journey, your many, many lifetimes.

It was said before that the stones in the wall here represent all of Shaumbra, the many, many stones, and that is true. But it also represents all of your lifetimes, all of your experiences, for each and every one of you, all the stones here everything that youve been through, every experience, every hardship, every beautiful joyful moment right here on this wall.

Take a moment just to feel that. Its a memorial wall, in a way. Its not the Wailing Wall, indeed, and dont start putting little prayers in there. Its the wall of joy and the wall of being the transhuman.

And on the other wall, which well show later, but on the other wall on the opposite side of the room, what Cauldre has called the big crimson wall, on that wall represents the art of life and the act of life. Its a beautiful wall and its not just flat, because youre not just flat. It has dimension. It has character in it. It has artwork in it, infused in it by the artist who created it, but by each and every one of you. It shows the swirls of life, the texture of life, the anything-but-flatness of life, which for so many, and for those many who are living in the singular nature of life, their lives can be like a flat, almost colorless wall. But for those who go into the and, who allow the and, who allow, really, the embodiment of everything, this wall represents that beauty of and, of art, of potentials.

So we have the two walls, the Wall of Joy with your experiences, and the Wall of And, representing depth and representing truly the transhuman.

And then, of course, right in the middle of it we have the coffee machine and the kitchen, representing that very beautiful part of human life, to feed the body, to enjoy the sensual things of life itself. So here we have it.

And the last wall, the windows. The windows, which look out onto the world, which look out, giving such a perspective of reality. Thats what these four walls are really about. And when you stand here today, any time you come to visit, any time you just sit in this energy, whether its surrounded by other Shaumbra or maybe by yourself, feel now the connection that youve made between the other realms and this realm, the integration of the and, right here.

It may just be a small space on a small planet in a very big universe, but what it is and what it represents is bringing and to this Earth. The many, the all-ness, no longer a linear simplistic life.

Let's take a good deep breath with that.

This day is as important, as historic, or maybe even more so, than the day we had at the Quantum Leap together, back in 2007 in September. And that was a day of saying we go off the scales. It may not show up in your life or human life right away, but the quotient of consciousness, the path of history changed on that day. It was called the Quantum Leap because we went into something else. Its taken a number of years for it to manifest, but here we are right now, this day of the and. This day of true embodiment on this planet is here.

Lets take a deep breath with that.


And dear Linda, if you would guide me back, and Sandra, would you bring my coffee for me?

LINDA: (giggles) Anyone else youd like?

ADAMUS: Shes yes, an escort.

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TransHuman Consulting | About Us

Posted: September 18, 2016 at 8:06 am

TransHuman Consulting

TransHuman Consulting is a Training and Consulting Service provider company, founded by Paritosh Sharan, an Executive Coach and an OD Consultant. TransHuman Consulting partner with Individuals and Organisations together in their transformational journey and help them unleashing their inner potentialso that they could achieve their desired outcome. Our purpose is to develop and support values-based visionary leadership in all fields of human endeavour .

Our innovative and diversified range of training programs and consulting services are designed and delivered by a team of full time consultants experienced in providing solutions relevant to this part of the world and most importantly tailored for the clients need.

Our approach is based on the ageless Wisdom infused withthe insights and finding of the latest research in the field of Human Behaviours . This include the the Art and Science of NLP and Neurosciences, giving rise to modern stream of modalities/interventions such as Brain based Coaching and Neuroleadership . It is fascinating to see how east meet west and how Neuroscience explains empathy and Human values .

Develop and support values-based Visionary Leadership in all fields of human endeavour. Offering courses in holisticdevelopment based on the Ageless Wisdom of East and West. Provide leadership training, consulting and coaching services based on Core Values and Clear Vision. Promote the application of Universal, Spiritual Values in business andpersonal life.

To establish TransHuman Consulting as one of the most trusted partners in the transformational journey of an individual and organisations worldwide.

Transforming Life Through Enabling.

Integrity and Trust: Being able to Walk the Talk and deliver what is committed all the time to earn the unflinching trust, faith and goodwill of the client

Transparency: Being open, frank and transparent in every interaction and transaction with the client

Courage: Have courage to speak truth and be truthful to the client all the times

Customer Delight: Being passionate about exceeding the expectations of our client in every interface / transaction and deliver more than the promised

Excellence: Strive for excellence in everything what we do to enable our clients

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