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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Secrets Of Longevity In Humans: anti-aging secrets, live …

Posted: December 23, 2013 at 5:44 am

What makes up the true factors of longevity? This site focuses on bringing together the best information from a variety of sources such as:

The latest health science and anti-aging research The healthy lifestyle factors found in every longevity society The anti-aging secrets of ancient cultures Instinctual, intuitive and common sense health philosophies

With the overabundance of health information on the internet, it is easy to get caught up in random anti-aging advice that is all theoretical and just plain fraudulent, such as the ridiculous, yet popular notion of taking Tylenol to protect your heart...

If you have enough self-respect to truly pursue human excellence within yourself, then you are going to love what this site has to offer! With humanity's average life expectancy predicted to grow exponentially over the coming years, it is very realistic that super centenarians will be the new 80. Along with living longer, you want to have vitality in these extra years. The information in these pages shows you how to achieve both!

Here are some examples of the types of articles and anti-aging secrets you will be able to find on this site:

~ A list of superfoods and adaptogenic herbs ~ The benefits of mind exercises such as meditation ~ Basic lifestyle habits for a long life ~ Why you don't need to inherit a long life gene ~ Why live, raw foods make up the best type of anti-aging diet ~ How sex and relationships impact your health ~ How you can get a high protein vegetarian diet if you need it ~ Why should people exercise?

"Stacking" a wide variety of healthy lifestyle factors and healthy habits into your daily routine is one of the key antiaging secrets I reveal in these pages. It's time to begin exploring your youth potential!

Embrace Life Without Limits, Zak

P.S. Please feel free to add me as a contact on any of the sites listed below:

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Secrets Of Longevity In Humans: anti-aging secrets, live ...

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Atopic dermatitis – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: at 5:43 am

Atopic dermatitis (AD) also known as atopic eczema[1] is a type of eczema, an inflammatory, relapsing, non-contagious and pruritic (itchy) skin disorder.[2] It has been given names like "prurigo Besnier," "neurodermitis," "endogenous eczema," "flexural eczema," "infantile eczema," and "prurigo diathsique".[3]

The skin of a patient with atopic dermatitis reacts abnormally and easily to irritants, food and environmental allergens and becomes very itchy, which leads to scratching, redness, and flaky skin. It is sometimes called "the itch that rashes" because the itchiness precedes the rash, and scratching the itchy skin may cause the rash.[4] It also becomes vulnerable to surface infections caused by bacteria. The skin on the flexural surfaces of the joints (for example inner sides of elbows and knees) are the most commonly affected regions in people.

Atopic dermatitis often occurs together with other atopic diseases like hay fever, asthma and allergic conjunctivitis. It is a familial and chronic disease and its symptoms can increase or disappear over time. Atopic dermatitis in older children and adults is often confused with psoriasis. Atopic dermatitis afflicts humans, particularly young children, and is also a well-documented disease in domestic dogs.

Although there is no cure for atopic eczema, and its cause is not well understood, it can be treated very effectively in the short term through a combination of prevention (learning what triggers the allergic reactions) and drug therapy.

Atopic dermatitis most often begins in childhood before age 5 and may persist into adulthood. For some, it flares periodically and then subsides for a time, even up to several years.[5] Yet, it is estimated that 75% of the cases of atopic dermatitis improve by the time children reach adolescence, whereas 25% continue to have difficulties with the condition through adulthood.[6]

Although atopic dermatitis can theoretically affect any part of the body, it tends to be more frequent on the hands and feet, on the ankles, wrists, face, neck and upper chest. Atopic dermatitis can also affect the skin around the eyes, including the eyelids.[7]

In most patients, the usual symptoms that occur with this type of dermatitis are aggravated by a Staphylococcus aureus infection, dry skin, stress, low humidity and sweating, dust or sand or cigarette smoke. Also, the condition can be worsened by having long and hot baths or showers, solvents, cleaners or detergents and wool fabrics or clothing.

Atopic dermatitis is also known as infantile eczema, when it occurs in infants. Infantile eczema may continue into childhood and adolescence and it often involves an oozing, crusting rash mainly on the scalp and face, although it can occur anywhere on the body.[8] The appearance of the rash tends to modify, becoming dryer in childhood and then scaly or thickened in adolescence while the itching is persistent.

Approximately 50% of the patients who develop the condition display symptoms before the age of 1, and 80% display symptoms within the first 5 years of life.[6]

Symptoms may vary from person to person but they are usually present as a red, inflamed, and itchy rash and can quickly develop into raised and painful bumps.[9] The first sign of atopic dermatitis is the red to brownish-gray colored patches that are usually very itchy. Itching may become more intense during the night. The skin may present small and raised bumps which may be crusting or oozing if scratched, which will also worsen the itch. The skin tends to be more sensitive and may thicken, crack or scale.

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Eczema – Dermatitis Information – Home Health UK Ltd

Posted: at 5:43 am

What is eczema?

The word eczema comes from the Greek and means 'to boil over'. Eczema or dermatitis are two medical terms used to describe numerous skin conditions. Like many allergic conditions the severity of the disease can vary. Although it can sometimes look very unpleasant eczema is not contagious.

What are the symptoms of eczema?

The main symptoms of eczema is skin that is dry, red and inflamed. The area of skin that is affected is often very itchy and in some cases small blisters may form, which can weep and become crusted. Eczema is usually found on the face, hands, the insides of the elbows and the backs of the knees, but it can cover most of the body.

What causes eczema?

The cause of eczema depends on what type you have, read below for more information on the different types. However, in adults, eczema can be triggered off by certain chemicals so care may need to be taken in some jobs. Areas of work with a high risk include: hairdressing, nursing, cleaning, engineering, animal handling or plastering.

Types of eczema

There are many different forms of eczema, which may look and appear very similar but have very different causes.

Two of the most common types of eczema are atopic eczema and contact dermatitis:

Atopic eczema

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Psoriasis – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Posted: at 5:43 am

La psoriasis (AFI:[soja.sis], del griego , picor) es una enfermedad inflamatoria crnica de la piel que produce lesiones escamosas engrosadas e inflamadas, con una amplia variabilidad clnica y evolutiva. No es contagiosa, aunque s puede ser hereditaria, es ms probable que la hereden los hombres que las mujeres.

Puede afectar a cualquier parte de la piel, frecuentemente a las zonas de codos, rodillas, cuero cabelludo, abdomen y espalda. No es raro que produzca afectacin de las uas.Esto se conoce como psoriasis ungueal. Las uas pueden ser la nica zona afectada al principio de la psoriasis. En ocasiones produce complicaciones como la artritis psorisica.

La clasificacin ms utilizada se organiza segn los sntomas, los tipos de lesiones cutneas y la gravedad general del cuadro. Es la clasificacin ms til para la eleccin de su tratamiento y para el conocimiento del pronstico de la enfermedad en cada paciente. La clasificacin est detallada en el apartado de manifestaciones clnicas. En la antigedad era falsamente diagnosticada como lepra, debido a la similitud de sintomatologa.

Se estima que entre un 1 y un 3% de la poblacin sufre de psoriasis.[1][2] Si bien puede aparecer a cualquier edad, suele hacerlo entre los 15 y los 35 aos, con un pico mximo de incidencia en la segunda dcada. Afecta por igual a ambos sexos, aunque es ms precoz en mujeres y en personas con antecedentes familiares. Por otro lado, no existe relacin entre psoriasis y cncer de piel (no maligniza).

La causa de la psoriasis es una velocidad anormalmente alta de mitosis en las clulas epidrmicas que se puede relacionar con una sustancia transportada en la sangre, un defecto en el sistema inmune.

Se cree que no tiene una causa nica, sino multifactorial, en individuos con predisposicin gentica a padecerla y que puede ser desencadenada o exacerbada por diversos factores ambientales.

La herencia de esta enfermedad es posiblemente polignica. Se ha demostrado una importante agregacin familiar,[3] el aumento de concordancia en gemelos monocigotos y la asociacin a determinados HLA.

En este sentido, se asocia la predisposicin a psoriasis con los antgenos HLA-CW6, y HLA-DR7. Adems, existe correlacin entre el tipo clnico de psoriasis y otros antgenos HLA. Por ejemplo, el HLA-B17 se asocia a un inicio ms precoz y un curso ms grave, y el HLA-B27 est relacionado con la forma pustulosa generalizada.

Entre otros, cabe destacar:

Aunque est poco esclarecida, hay dos hechos bsicos: la hiperplasia epidrmica por un aumento de la poblacin germinativa, y el infiltrado inflamatorio de la dermis. La inflamacin viene mediada por el Linfocito T CD4+ que libera (junto al queratinocito) citocinas proliferativas, que estimulan la proliferacin de las clulas epidrmicas. La respuesta inflamatoria es de tipo celular, frente a un autoantgeno an desconocido, o frente a un superantgeno estreptoccico en el caso de la psoriasis en gotas postinfecciosa.

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What Is Psoriasis?

Posted: at 5:43 am

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis (sore-EYE-ah-sis) is a medical condition that occurs when skin cells grow too quickly. Faulty signals in the immune system cause new skin cells to form in days rather than weeks. The body does not shed these excess skin cells, so the cells pile up on the surface of the skin and lesions form.

What are the signs and symptoms? The lesions vary in appearance with the type of psoriasis. There are five types of psoriasis: Plaque, guttate, pustular, inverse, and erythrodermic. About 80% of people living with psoriasis have plaque (plak) psoriasis, also called psoriasis vulgaris. Plaque psoriasis causes patches of thick, scaly skin that may be white, silvery, or red. Called plaques (plax), these patches can develop anywhere on the skin. The most common areas to find plaques are the elbows, knees, lower back, and scalp.

Psoriasis also can affect the nails. About 50% of people who develop psoriasis see changes in their fingernails and/or toenails. If the nails begin to pull away from the nail bed or develop pitting, ridges, or a yellowish-orange color, this could be a sign of psoriatic (sore-EE-at-ic) arthritis. Without treatment, psoriatic arthritis can progress and become debilitating. It is important to see a dermatologist if nail changes begin or joint pain develops. Early treatment can prevent joint deterioration.

What causes psoriasis? Psoriasis is not contagious. You cannot get psoriasis from touching someone who has psoriasis, swimming in the same pool, or even intimate contact. Psoriasis is much more complex.

So complex, in fact, scientists are still studying what happens when psoriasis develops. We know that the persons immune system and genes play key roles. In studying the immune system, scientists discovered that when a person has psoriasis, the T cells (a type of white blood cell that fights unwanted invaders such as bacteria and viruses) mistakenly trigger a reaction in the skin cells. This is why you may hear psoriasis referred to as a T cell-mediated disease.

This reaction activates a series of events, causing new skin cells to form in days rather than weeks. The reason T cells trigger this reaction seems to lie in our DNA. People who develop psoriasis inherit genes that cause psoriasis. Unlike some autoimmune conditions, it appears that many genes are involved in psoriasis.

Scientists are still trying to identify all of the genes involved. One of the genes that has been identified is called PSORS1 (SORE-ESS-1). This is one of several genes that regulates how the immune system fights infection.

Scientists also have learned that not everyone who inherits genes for psoriasis gets psoriasis. For psoriasis to appear, it seems that a person must inherit the right mix of genes and be exposed to a trigger. Some common triggers are a stressful life event, skin injury, and having strep throat. Many people say that that their psoriasis first appeared after experiencing one of these. Triggers are not universal. What triggers psoriasis in one person may not cause psoriasis to develop in another.

Who gets psoriasis? People worldwide develop psoriasis. In the United States, nearly 7.5 million people have psoriasis and about 150,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Studies indicate that psoriasis develops about equally in males and females. Research also shows that Caucasians develop psoriasis more frequently than other races. A study conducted in the United States found the prevalence was 2.5% in Caucasians and 1.3% in African Americans.

What Is Psoriasis?

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Gene Therapy – American Medical Association

Posted: at 5:43 am

Gene therapy is a novel approach to treat, cure, or ultimately prevent disease by changing the expression of a persons genes. Gene therapy is in its infancy, and current therapies are primarily experimental, with most human clinical trials still in the research stages.

How does gene therapy work? Genes are composed of DNA that carries information needed to make proteins the building blocks of our bodies. Variations in the DNA sequence or code of a gene are called mutations, which often are harmless but sometimes can lead to serious disease. Gene therapy treats disease by repairing dysfunctional genes or by providing copies of missing genes.

To reverse disease caused by genetic damage, researchers isolate normal DNA and package it into a vehicle known as a vector, which acts as a molecular delivery truck. Vectors composed of viral DNA sequences have been used successfully in human gene therapy trials. Doctors infect a target cell usually from a tissue affected by the illness, such as liver or lung cellswith the vector. The vector unloads its DNA cargo, which then begins producing the proper proteins and restores the cell to normal. Problems can arise if the DNA is inserted into the wrong place in the genome. For example, in rare instances the DNA may be inserted into a regulatory gene, improperly turning it on or off, leading to cancer.

Researchers continue to optimize viral vectors as well as develop non-viral vectors that may have fewer unexpected side effects. Nonviral gene delivery involves complexing DNA with an agent that allows it to enter a cell nonspecifically. DNA delivered in this manner is usually expressed for only a limited time because it rarely integrates into the host cell genome.

Initial efforts in gene therapy focused on delivering a normal copy of a missing or defective gene, but current programs are applying gene delivery technology across a broader spectrum of conditions. Researchers are now utilizing gene therapy to :

What diseases could be treated with gene therapy? About 4,000 diseases have been traced to gene disorders. Current and possible candidates for gene therapy include cancer, AIDS, cystic fibrosis, Parkinsons and Alzheimers diseases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease), cardiovascular disease and arthritis.

In cases such as cystic fibrosis or hemophilia, disease results from a mutation in a single gene. In other scenarios like hypertension or high cholesterol, certain genetic variations may interact with environmental stimuli to cause disease.

Has gene therapy been successfully used in humans? Gene therapy is likely to be most successful with diseases caused by single gene defects. The first successful gene therapy on humans was performed in 1990 by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. The therapy treated a four-year-old child for adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency, a rare genetic disease in which children are born with severe immunodeficiency and are prone to repeated serious infections.

Since 1990, gene therapy had been tested in human clinical trials for treating such diseases as severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID), cystic fibrosis, Canavan's disease, and Gaucher's disease. In 2003, more than 600 gene therapy clinical trials were under way in the United States but only a handful of these are in advanced stages. SCID, in which children lack natural defenses against infection and can only survive in isolated environments, remains the only disease cured by gene therapy.

Are genetic alterations from gene therapy passed on to children? Gene therapy can be targeted to somatic (body) or germ (egg and sperm) cells. In somatic gene therapy, the patients genome is changed, but the change is not passed along to the next generation. In germline gene therapy, the patients egg or sperm cells are changed with the goal of passing on changes to their offspring. Existing gene therapy treatments and experiments are all somatic.

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Politically incorrect – RationalWiki

Posted: at 5:43 am

The preferred self-congratulatory term for the enthusiastically offensive.

Describing oneself as politically incorrect is on nearly every occasion an admission on the part of the speaker that the audience is about to be sold a line of ignorant bullshit.

"Politically incorrect" is often a code-phrase, often used by bigots when describing their ideas, which roughly translates as "now this will offend the imaginary liberals in my brain." Labelling one's self as "politically incorrect" is one of the easiest means by which to rebrand your own intolerance, racism, or homophobia as a fight against Big Government Intervention. This is done all the time by people who are fundamentally against any kind of equal rights. Their basic claim that they must be right because people who think women are equal or that gay men should be allowed to marry too are "just being politically correct" about it.

For whatever reason, "PC" has attached itself to various science produced by "liberal academia." For example, the "journalist" Tom Bethell claims to deliver politically incorrect truths about "PC science" to the masses. This "PC science" apparently includes evolution, global warming, AIDS epidemics, the theory of relativity, and much, much more! Promoters of pop evolutionary psychology that acts as a rationalization for bigotry also often remind us that "Science isn't PC!"

It was also the name of Bill Maher's television show from the late 90s, born on Comedy Central and later picked up by ABC. It was cancelled when he argued that the 9/11 hijackers were not actually "cowards."

The conservative Regnery Publishing prints a series of books called the Politically Incorrect Guides or P.I.Gs, which are largely written by wingnuts living in an alternate universe. The acronym is quite appropriate.

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Politically incorrect - RationalWiki

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Tyranny! Duck Dynasty Star Phil Robertson Suspended For Politically Incorrect Views – Video

Posted: at 5:43 am

Tyranny! Duck Dynasty Star Phil Robertson Suspended For Politically Incorrect Views
"On December 18th A E suspended Duck Dynasty patriarch [and star] Phil Robertson #39;indefinitely #39; for comments he made regarding his views on homosexuality.". ...

By: SteinbergFiles

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GLAAD: Lethal enforcers of left’s tolerance mob

Posted: at 5:43 am

Duck Dynastys Phil Robertson is not alone. Hes the latest in a long, long lineup of politically incorrect targets of the lefts sensitivity mob. Founded in 1985, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) gangstas wont stop until both the cultural and legal enforcement of their agenda are the norm.

The A&E network (Atheists & Elitists) suspended the reality TV patriarch and self-made businessman on Wednesday for the Biblical views he expressed in an interview with GQ. Robertson was asked by the liberal magazine what he viewed as sinful. Drawing on the condemnation of sexual immorality in Corinthians 6:9, he cited adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers they wont inherit the kingdom of God.

Robertsons punishable transgressions? Responding honestly to a question posed to him (this was not an unsolicited anti-gay rant; it was a response) and abiding by his Christian faith. GLAADs P.C. Praetorian Guard sprung into repressive action. The same group that initially gave f-word-spouting, homophobic liberal Alec Baldwin a pass accused Robertson of uttering some of the vilest and most extreme statements against LGBT people ever. (They should listen to the Koran-inspired executioners rants of gay-hanging and gay-stoning Iranian mullahs sometime.) GLAAD also railed against Robertsons vile preference for female anatomy over male as if it were an international human rights violation.

A&E folded faster than a stadium seat, immediately disavowing Robertson and suspending him from his familys show indefinitely. Meanwhile, network execs continued to cash in on the lucrative Duck Dynasty empire with a marathon of program reruns on the very day they threw Robertson under the bus. The network is free to do that, of course. And I am free to tell you all about the radical thugs that A&E indulged.

GLAAD has worked tirelessly to marginalize and suppress the free speech of Christian leaders, Christian businesses and conservative talk-radio hosts dating back to their infamous Dr. Laura boycott 13 years ago. The groups mission is not about equality or defending against defamation. Its about silencing critics, making open debate radioactive, demonizing people of faith and making even the slightest perceived slight a hate crime.

Last year, GLAAD speech-squelchers issued a blacklist of 34 Christian commentators they wanted networks to ban from their air for extreme views (read: opposing gay marriage). Earlier this year, GLAAD attacked the National Geographic Channel for partnering with the traditional values-promoting Boy Scouts on a reality TV program.

GLAAD is free to start its own Gay Scouts, but instead chose to harangue NatGeo for refusing to run a disclaimer at the beginning of each show condemning the Boy Scouts leadership policies.

Its not enough to live and let live. You must repent and genuflect before the self-serving gods of selective progressivism. Thats why GLAAD forgave Hollywood director Brett Ratner for using the word fag. He was allowed back into the protected Hollywood club after submitting to GLAAD reeducation camp and appearing in GLAAD public service announcements. Bill Clinton, who authored both the Defense of Marriage Act and the Dont Ask, Dont Tell policies so reviled by the homosexual lobby, ended up receiving a GLAAD Advocate for Change award earlier this year for changing his mind when politically expedient.

For the civility police, the operational motto is always: Do as we say, not as we do, in the name of social justice. Amen.

In the 1960s, radical philosopher Herbert Marcuse popularized the repressive tolerance theory of modern progressives. Liberating tolerance would mean intolerance against movements from the right and toleration of movements from the left, Marcuse pontificated. Certain things cannot be said, certain ideas cannot be expressed, certain policies cannot be proposed.

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Letter: Intolerance is a two way street

Posted: at 5:43 am

Posted: Monday, December 23, 2013 1:00 am

Letter: Intolerance is a two way street By Haven Shoemaker Jr. Carroll County Times

So when did Christians' beliefs, particularly those of conservative Christians, become politically incorrect? For that matter, when did it become acceptable for those on the left to be tolerant of free speech unless it is speech that they don't like?

I'm speaking specifically about the A&E Network's decision to indefinitely suspend Duck Dynasty star, Phil Robertson after his candid public discussion regarding his firm belief that homosexuality is a sin based on his reading of Scripture.

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Letter: Intolerance is a two way street

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