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Category Archives: Futurist

Taco Bell Previewed Its Futuristic Drive-Thru Concept And It’s Absolutely Incredible – Delish

Posted: August 22, 2021 at 4:13 pm

Taco Bell is no stranger to rolling out innovative food items (they have Loaded Nacho Fries for crying out loud!), but the new drive-thru concept they're proposing just might take the cake. While the next generation of innovations for restaurants like Panera and Pizza Hut are applaudable in their own rights, Taco Bell has a vision that just might change they way we do fast food.

Aptly titling the experience Taco Bell Defy, the new designwhich is scheduled to open in Brooklyn Park, MN, summer 2022will feature a two-story building and a much faster way to get your TB fix. The innovative restaurant will also include a four-lane drive-thru concept with three of those lanes strictly dedicated to mobile and/or delivery order pickups.

Along with the extra lanes, the new 3,000 square-foot restaurant will allow those who order on the mobile app to have a digital check-in screen and scan their order via a unique QR code. That's not the exciting part though. When customers pull forward to get their order, they'll be able to receive their meal through a proprietary lift system and interact with team members via a two-way audio and video experience. Talk about reaching new heights!

Though I'm sure we can expect to hear much more about the new restaurant closer to its opening date, we'll just have to live off the excitement that they've teased us with so far for now. Here's looking forward to seeing more Defy locations throughout the nation in the future!

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Taco Bell Previewed Its Futuristic Drive-Thru Concept And It's Absolutely Incredible - Delish

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Massive Asteroid That Could Obliterate Earth to Fly By, Case the Joint – Futurism

Posted: at 4:13 pm

That WHOOSH you'll feel this weekend is Earth not being obliterated.Rock On

Even though we havent had too many truly near misses, let Asteroid 2016 AJ193 (as its technically known) serve as reason to reevaluate all of your life choices this weekend.

Itll be taking a (relatively) very near fly-by of our planet, casing the place, looking mean, and then. moving on to the rest of the solar system. Even though its officially classified as potentially hazardous thanks to its close proximity to the planet, it doesnt stand a chance of obliterating us, although it will come pretty, pretty close.

Per IFL science, Asteroid 2016 AJ193 named as such for when it was first spotted (in 2016) by the Haleakala Observatorys Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) facility, located in Hawaii will cruise by on Saturday at a distance of 2.1 million miles. That may not sound like much, but the observatory team notes its the closest approach for several decades. Per the raw Jet Propulsion Lab data (which you can view here), IFL points out that AJ193 is 8.9 times the distance between the Earth and the Moon.

This on its own would be pretty fascinating, but the thing is an absoluteunit to boot. Its size has been compared to the Burj Khalifia, the Empire State Building (which its three times the size of), and the Eiffel Tower (which its four times the size of), the Pentagon, a mountain you get the idea. The thing ishuge.

Of course, every time Earth has a close encounter with a rock spiraling by our airspace, its not unreasonable to ask what the hell wed do if, in fact, one of these things cruised our way. Dont worry: There are people working on this very problem. The answer is not nuke it as they do in Michael Bays seminal astro-geology cinematic masterpiece Armageddon, but thats not entirely off-track. NASAs been cooking on a project they call DART: the Double Asteroid Redirection Test.

Basically, DART aims to see if kinetic impactor technology (or: flying a small spaceship into an asteroid to move it off course) would work. That said, a recent hypothetical had some bad news to deliver: Wed be screwed, and in the test, Europe wouldve gotten obliterated (and then, a laArmageddon, we wouldve tried to nuke it, go figure). Either way, asteroid detection and deflection tech remains relatively important: Assuming theres still a habitable planet to destroy by then, an oncoming asteroid set to roll by in 2068 thats coming uncomfortably close is all the more reason detection of these fly-bys remains crucial to developing. Also, the nukes. Apparently, we gotta keep those around, too.

READ MORE: Asteroid As Large As A Mountain Will Fly Near Earth This Weekend [IFL Science]

More on death rocks from space: Theres a Chance This Giant Asteroid Will Smash Earth in 2068

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Scientists Are On the Edge of a Fusion Power Breakthrough – Futurism

Posted: at 4:13 pm

Fusion energy to many, the holy grail of sustainable energy is on the edge of its next breakthrough.

Using a powerful laser at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in California, researchers managed to heat up a peppercorn-sized sample of two hydrogen isotopes well past the temperature of the Suns core, a process known as inertial confinement fusion (ICF).

ICF is one of two major branches of fusion energy research, with the other being magnetic confinement fusion, a field that has seen its own recent breakthroughs.

During the experiment carried out at the NIF earlier this month, scientists managed to harvest 70 percent of the energy about 1.35 kilojoules worth used by the powerful laser to start the fusion reaction inside the reactor, the BBC reports.

While that may not sound like much, its a big leap in the field. This is a huge advance for fusion and for the entire fusion community, Debbie Callahan, a physicist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory where the NIF is located, told the BBC.

In other words, we are slowly approaching the point where are truly achieving nuclear fusion, or generating a net-positive amount of energy the industrys holy grail that has yet to be reached despite almost a century of research.

The promise is as lucrative as it has ever been: an infinite supply of carbon neutral energy without ever running the risk of a nuclear meltdown.

Scientists at the NIF are particularly excited about their recent experiment as the fusion reaction is starting to be hot enough to lead to more fusion reactions, a process known as ignition.

Self-sustaining burn is essential to getting high yield, Callahan explained to the broadcaster. The burn wave has to propagate into the high density fuel in order to get a lot of fusion energy out.

It was a big moment for the team. Demonstration of ignition has been a major scientific grand challenge since the idea was first published almost 50 years ago, said Jeremy Chittenden, co-director of the Centre for Inertial Fusion Studies at Imperial College London which is helping analyze the data, in a statement. It was the principal reason for the construction of NIF and has been its primary objective for over a decade.

The NIF team have done an extraordinary job, Steven Rose, director of the Center for Inertial Fusion Studies at Imperial, added. This is the most significant advance in inertial fusion since its beginning in 1972.

The research could also have wider reaching implications for the world of physics. The NIF lasers already created the most extreme conditions on Earth, but the new experiment appears to have doubled the previous temperature achieved, said Brian Appelbe, Research Associate in the Centre for Inertial Fusion Studies at Imperial, in the statement. We have entered a regime weve previously never been in this is uncharted territory in our understanding of plasma.

That said, its too early to pop the champagne corks. The team is still going through the data with a fine-tooth comb to ensure that we understand the result, according to Callahan.

The scale of the NIF experiment also leaves something to be desired, despite the high praise. It only yielded about the equivalent to the energy required to boil a kettle, as Chittenden told the BBC.

Its scale may be a long, long way off. But any kind of breakthrough in this field, one thats long vexed some of the worlds greatest working scientists, where the stakes could not be higher, is nothing if not slightly astounding on its own.

READ MORE: US lab stands on threshold of key nuclear fusion goal [BBC]

More on fusion energy: Jeff Bezos Is Helping Build a Fusion Power Plant in the UK

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The Future of Education, According to the World’s Top Thought Leaders and Futurists – FE News

Posted: at 4:13 pm

Further Education News

The FE News Channel gives you the latest education news and updates on emerging education strategies and the#FutureofEducation and the #FutureofWork.

Providing trustworthy and positive Further Education news and views since 2003, we are a digital news channel with a mixture of written word articles, podcasts and videos. Our specialisation is providing you with a mixture of the latest education news, our stance is always positive, sector building and sharing different perspectives and views from thought leaders, to provide you with a think tank of new ideas and solutions to bring the education sector together and come up with new innovative solutions and ideas.

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Every week FE News has over 200 articles and new pieces of content per week. We are a news channel providing the latest Further Education News, giving insight from multiple sources on the latest education policy developments, latest strategies, through to our thought leaders who provide blue sky thinking strategy, best practice and innovation to help look into the future developments for education and the future of work.

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In Pictures: See Inside the Italian Futurist Painter Giacomo Ballas Apartment, and Works From His Long-Awaited Retrospective in Rome – artnet News

Posted: August 4, 2021 at 2:04 pm

Born in Turin in1871, artist Giacomo Balla went on to become one of the worlds best-known Modernist artists. Associated with the Italian Futurists, he left anindelible mark on the history of painting, uniting elements of fantasy with close studies of light, space, and movement.

Inspired by Eadweard Muybridges dynamic photographs, and along with peersUmberto Boccioni, Gino Severini, and Mario Sironi,Balla infused his works with the Futurist ethos that pervaded Italy in his day. It was not without controversy: members of the movement, including the poetFilippo Tommaso Marinetti, who wrote the Futurist Manifesto, were closely aligned with Italian Fascism.Those ties are what ledBalla to break with the group.

Alex Cecchettis Come la luna si vede a volte in pieno giorno at Fondazione MAXXI. Photo:Musacchio, Ianniello & Pasqualini.

Ballas work is on view now at theFondazione MAXXI in Rome, the city in which he lived for more than 30 years. The show, titledCasa Balla: From the House to the Universe and Back,also includes a thematic exhibition of works inspired by Balla and his home.

The apartment where the artist and his family lived until his death in 1858, Casa Balla, is a kaleidoscopic space filled with cloud-scapes and mosaics, where each object, utensil, and article of clothing is a work of art unto itself. According to curators Bartolomeo Pietromarchi and Domitilla Dardi, the apartment is a truegesamtkunstwerk.

See more images from the exhibition and Ballas home below.

Detail of Ballas apartment at Fondazione MAXXI. Photo:Musacchio, Ianniello & Pasqualini.

Detail of Ballas apartment at Fondazione MAXXI. Photo:Musacchio, Ianniello & Pasqualini.

Detail of Ballas apartment at Fondazione MAXXI. Photo:Musacchio, Ianniello & Pasqualini.

Detail of Ballas apartment at Fondazione MAXXI. Photo:Musacchio, Ianniello & Pasqualini.

Detail of Ballas apartment at Fondazione MAXXI. Photo:Musacchio, Ianniello & Pasqualini.

Detail of Ballas apartment at Fondazione MAXXI. Photo:Musacchio, Ianniello & Pasqualini.

Detail of Ballas apartment at Fondazione MAXXI. Photo:Musacchio, Ianniello & Pasqualini.

Detail of Ballas apartment at Fondazione MAXXI. Photo:Musacchio, Ianniello & Pasqualini.

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In Pictures: See Inside the Italian Futurist Painter Giacomo Ballas Apartment, and Works From His Long-Awaited Retrospective in Rome - artnet News

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An in-depth look into the mysterious, futuristic world of Stray – PlayStation.Blog

Posted: at 2:04 pm

Hello, everyone! After a long period of intense work with the team, we are delighted to finally be able to show more about our game Stray with this just-released gameplay trailer. But we wanted to add a bit more context to what youve hopefully just enjoyed.

At its core, Stray is an adventure game. It tells the story of a cat who accidentally falls into a weird, mysterious city and his journey to return to his family. Exploration is a key element and as we love to add lots of details to our environments, we hope players will enjoy looking for all the little bits of hidden lore that weve added across each level.

Theres quite a lot to find and learn about this forgotten city and the surprising characters who live in it! Not everything will be explained clearly, so it will be up to the most attentive and insightful players to figure out what exactly this place is, who these inhabitants and creatures are, and the story and purpose of this beguiling world in which we are immersed.

The cat is definitely the star of the show in the game though, and it was important for us to show a glimpse of all the playful interactions that he can have with his environment. Some of them are useful and will help solve puzzles as you progress, and some are just here because cats will be cats and as most cat owners know painfully well, no sofa can be left unscratched.

The unique perspective of playing as a cat also creates interesting opportunities in terms of level design. Some of the usual tropes of videogames can be twisted in funny and interesting ways: a grid blocking the way for humans? Not for a cat! A decorative rain pipe spiraling along a building? Perfect platforming sequence for a feline!

But even though cats can do lots of amazing things, they dont usually interact with technology that well. The small drone, B12, that youll encounter has lots of helpful features like translating the language of the machines inhabiting the world, or storing precious items that you find during your journey. But above all, he is a friendly being with a mysterious story learning about his past as his relationship with the cat evolves is a key element to this adventure.

Their journey will not be a calm river, though action and fast-paced sequences are a strong component of Stray, too. Some areas of the game are way more dangerous and unwelcoming for the little duo, and our heros agility and quick moves will be put to the test to survive vicious enemies like the swarm of Zurks as seen in the trailer. The Zurks have a big impact on the lives of the inhabitants of the city, but they are not the only type of foe that you may encounter. And while being quick and agile is required, being stealthy and sneaky will be just as important to find the exit of this strange and futuristic maze.

Hopefully this gives you a more detailed and in-depth look at the world of Stray, but we still have a lot more to show! Theres a whole other part of the city waiting to be discovered that we shared a glimpse of in our very first teaser. The whole team is working full speed to deliver the most polished experience possible, and we look forward to seeing players explore our world early next year. Until then, like Oscar, our Office Manager, always says: PrrrMEeow!

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Venice bridge is built with ancient masonry and 3d printing – Fast Company

Posted: at 2:04 pm

A small seaside park in Venice, Italy, was recently upgraded to include an innovative new concrete pedestrian bridge from the research arm of the global contemporary design firm Zaha Hadid Architects. Like many of the firms signature projects, it has swooping lines, smooth curves, and the vaguely futuristic shape of something that seems built either by or for space robots.

Whats important about the concrete bridge is what it doesnt have. Using a building technique inspired by ancient masonry, the bridge requires neither steel reinforcements, binding mortar, nor the large amount of carbon-intensive concrete that a conventionally built structure would require.

[Photo: in3d/courtesy BRG/ZHACODE]The bridge is able to stand, and indeed to carry the weight and forces of regular use, through a highly detailed and computer-driven design that used 3D printing to precisely generate 53 hollow chunks of concrete that stack together into a structure as strong as stone.

[Photo: in3d/courtesy BRG/ZHACODE]The bridge was designed by Shajay Bhooshan, co-founder of Zaha Hadid Architects Computation and Design Group ZHACODE and Philippe Block, a professor in the Institute of Technology in Architecture at ETH Zurich, in collaboration with 3D printing company incremental3D and the global building materials company Holcim. Like ancient stone bridges and cathedrals, the structure was designed in an old style but with new material precision. Installed as part of the current Venice Architecture Biennale, the bridge is an attempt to prove that ancient and modern techniques can be combined to create better structures.

[Photo: Tom Van Mele/courtesy BRG/ZHACODE]Many masonry structures are standing after centuries because of their capacity to move and to settle. Theyre still there, theyre very robust but not in a way that modern engineering enables, says Block. Arched stone bridges from Roman times, for example, have stood intact for centuries due to their sheer compression and weight. This is a beautiful thing that we want to reintroduce into modern architecture and engineering practice.

[Photo: Naaro/courtesy BRG/ZHACODE]The pieces of the bridge were 3D printed to be discrete chunks that are mostly hollow, with only small concrete braces within. Computational design was used to determine how each piece could support weight on its own, and how all 53 pieces of the bridge could fit together and provide structural strength entirely through compression. This approach cuts down the amount of concrete and eliminates the need for the steel reinforcing bars that concrete structures require. Fewer materials lower the overall cost of building, and the relative ubiquity of concrete means this type of construction could potentially happen anywhere.

Youre placing material exactly where it is needed, says Bhooshan, who developed the design as part of his PhD research at ETH Zurich.

[Photo: Naaro/courtesy BRG/ZHACODE]Rather than the typical 3D printing approach that lays a uniform line of mixture over and over again to build simple walls, Bhooshan and Block worked with Holcim to develop a special 3D printing approach that can lay a variable width of material, enabling a more complex structural form while using less steel and concrete. The non-parallel forms open up new aesthetic opportunities for 3D printing concrete. Its really about starting from the design and thinking about how the materials want to be used in the best way, says Francis Steiner, Holcims head of digital design and fabrication. This is where we see the future of 3D concrete printing.

[Photo: Naaro/courtesy BRG/ZHACODE]Constructed earlier this summer over a simple wooden bracing structure, the bridge also has small concrete pads and steel tension ties at the five points where it meets the ground, and steel steps. Because the bridge requires no mortar or glue to hold it together, it is capable of being disassembled and rebuilt elsewhere as needed (there may come a time when buildings and infrastructure have to be moved quickly for cities to adapt to climate change). Block says the team is currently in the process of finding a second home for the bridge.

Despite its location in the lagoon city of Venice, the bridge is situated in the middle of a park and doesnt actually cross water. But that hasnt stopped it from being used, according to Bhooshan. Since opening, it has been popular with kids, people walking dogs, and park visitors walking up just for a perch to stare out at the ocean. It turned out to be a very social space, he says. That was quite a surprising and pleasant and happy coincidence to discover.

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New Paper Warns That Environmental Collapse Will Lead to "Untold Suffering" – Futurism

Posted: at 2:04 pm

"Transformational system changes are required, and they must rise above politics."Dying Earth

The ecological vital signs of the planet are in dire shape, according to an updated report endorsed by almost 14,000 scientists.

Even before it came out, we knew that the paper would present a grim outlook for the future of life on Earth. And now, the very first sentence of the study, published Wednesday in the journal BioScience, points out that the panel of scientists declared a climate change emergency that would cause untold suffering back in 2019. And the rest of the paper explains how nearly every single measurement save for a few exceptions like increased solar energy adoption is now worse than before.

The updated planetary vital signs we present reflect the consequences of unrelenting business as usual, the paper reads. A major lesson from COVID-19 is that even colossally decreased transportation and consumption are not nearly enough and that, instead, transformational system changes are required, and they must rise above politics.

The scientists behind the updated report plan to revisit the planets vitals again in another few years, Live Science notes. If we want to see improvement and perhaps mitigate some of that suffering by then, the scientists recommend taking three crucial steps.

First, they say that we as a planet need to stop using and ban fossil fuels. Then we need to impose a significant price on carbon in order to discourage emissions, and finally we need to protect and restore the planets various forests, wetlands, and other natural carbon sinks in order to get things back on track.

Implementing these three policies soon will help ensure the long-term sustainability of human civilization and give future generations the opportunity to thrive, the paper reads. The speed of change is essential, and new climate policies should be part of COVID-19 recovery plans.

READ MORE: Ignoring climate change will yield untold suffering, panel of 14,000 scientists warns [Live Science]

More on the climate change emergency: Scientists Warn That the Earth Is Literally Dying

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The Space Station Incident Was Far Worse Than NASA Admitted – Futurism

Posted: at 2:04 pm

The ISS spun nearly enough to qualify for Olympic skateboarding.Record Baby

Last week, calamity nearly struck the International Space Station when Russias newly-docked Nauka module accidentally fired its thrusters and sent the space station literally spinning.

Now, it seems the problem was worse than anyone admitted at the time. Initially, NASA announced that the ISS had rotated about 45 degrees away from its original position. But faced with reporting from The New York Times, the space agency confirmed that the ISS actually spun a full rotation and a half before crew members got it under control.

The 45-degree number was initially offered in the first minutes after the event occurred by our guidance, navigation and control officer in Mission Control, but were later updated following an analysis of the actual divergence, a NASA spokesperson told

Its easy to imagine the Hollywood version of the events, where the ISS is spinning so rapidly that panicked crew gets plastered against the walls as they try to regain control. But even with the incident being more dangerous than NASA first let on, the space agency says the ISS still rotated too slowly about half a degree per second at its fastest for any astronauts to physically feel the movement.

The ISS spun one-and-a-half revolutions about 540 degrees before coming to a stop upside down, NASA flight director Zebulon Scoville, who led the ground effort during the incident, told the NYT. The space station then did a 180-degree forward flip to get back to its original orientation.

As a result, a sense of calm professionalism pervaded throughout, Scoville said.

Probably the intensity goes up a little bit, Scoville said. But theres a pervasive kind of calmness of people not panicking and just looking at the data, figuring out what was happening and try to solve the problem from there.

However, Scoville did add that he had to declare a spacecraft emergency for the first time.

READ MORE: Space station mishap with Russian module more serious than NASA first reported []

More on the ISS incident: Crisis Briefly Spins International Space Station Out of Control

The Space Station Incident Was Far Worse Than NASA Admitted - Futurism

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Study: These Countries Are Most Likely to Survive Collapse of Civilization – Futurism

Posted: at 2:04 pm

Did your country make the cut?Civilization Collapse

While Australians are fighting over rat carcasses in a Mad Max scenario, it might be pretty much business as usual in New Zealand.

At least, thats the conclusion of a new study by researchers at the UKs Anglia Ruskin University, who examined which places on Earth would be best prepared to deal with breakdowns in global supply chains, financial structures, and other complex systems that we couldnt count on anymore after a true breakdown of world order.

Significant changes are possible in the coming years and decades, said Aled Jones, one of the researchers who worked on the study, in a press blurb. The impact of climate change, including increased frequency and intensity of drought and flooding, extreme temperatures, and greater population movement, could dictate the severity of these changes.

Along with New Zealand, the study published this month in the journal Sustainability found that Iceland, the UK, and Ireland would be most likely to sustain order as the rest of the world collapsed. Also on the list, with all apologies to the Mad Max franchise: Australia.

Underlying the report, though, is a chilling assumption: that the global order we take for granted could genuinely come under threat within our lifetimes due to looming environmental, energy, and infrastructure crises.

As well as demonstrating which countries we believe are best suited to managing such a collapse which undoubtedly would be a profound, life-altering experience our study aims to highlight actions to address the interlinked factors of climate change, agricultural capacity, domestic energy, manufacturing capacity, and the over-reliance on complexity, are necessary to improve the resilience of nations that do not have the most favorable starting conditions, Jones said in the blurb.

READ MORE: New Zealand is best placed to survive collapse [Anglia Ruskin University]

More on Nikola: Founder of Tesla Wannabe Charged With Fraud for Lying About Hydrogen-Electric Truck

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