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Category Archives: Gambling

Netherlands regulator sets online gambling exclusion rules – Yogonet International

Posted: July 21, 2021 at 12:39 am


he Netherlands Gaming Authority, the Kansspelautoriteit (KSA), has established the policy rules for people to be involuntarily excluded from participating in any kind of gambling.

As a result of the Remote Gambling Act, which went into force on April 1 this year to regulate online gambling for the first time in the country, there will be a player exclusion register called Cruks (Centraal Register Uitsluiting Kansspelen), where players can be included both voluntarily or involuntarily, in order to prevent and tackle gambling addiction. It will be operational as of October 1.

Per the new policy rules, someone close to the player such us family members or employer, but also gaming operators or providers, must submit a request to the Gaming Authority for registration.A condition for being included in the exclusion register is that the measure prevents further damage financial, social, personal. It should also be clear that less drastic measures will not help.

If an operators less severe measures do not prove effective in preventing problem gambling for a player, and if such a player disregards the operators advice to register voluntarily with Cruks, at this point the operator should lodge an application with the regulator to register the player involuntarily.

From October 1, all gambling operators must connect to Cruks and check whether there is a registration there before a player starts playing. If that is the case, the player should be denied access to the game.

Applications may be submitted electronically or by post, and must detail an explanation of the third partys relationship with the player, and the motives for requesting exclusion. Cruks is accessed through DigiD system, a form of online ID that allows Dutch residents to access online services and government websites in the Netherlands.

When a player registers with an online operator for the first time, or if the player wants to access a land-based casino, they enter their public service number, which leads to the generation of a Cruks code. This code is then compared to the list of codes for self-excluded players and if it matches, the player must not be allowed to register or enter.

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Netherlands regulator sets online gambling exclusion rules - Yogonet International

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MLB and gambling dont mix well, and Big Papi is an odd match maker. – Pinstripe Alley

Posted: at 12:39 am

During a live segment of the FOX networks broadcast of the All-Star pre-game show on Tuesday night, FOX employee David Ortiz promoted a FOX betting app that he also participates in by taking cash out of a briefcase and throwing the cash into the crowd. If you happened to miss that not-so-impromptu promotion Tuesday night and the previous sentence confuses you, thats certainly understandable. There were many aspects of the scene that raised several questions but perhaps answered some as well.

In order to fully frame how odd the current relationship between baseball and gambling is, right up to Ortizs current involvement, we have to take a quick step back to review how baseball got to this point. In full disclosure, by a quick step back, I mean over 150 years back in time.

Gambling originally wasnt a residual side effect of baseball it was a driver of the games popularity as soon as the game became what we now call baseball in the mid-19th century. Baseballs initial gain in popularity came only after professional gamblers took interest in it. Gamblers realized there would be more interest, and therefore more money to be made, if fans could make side bets during games. Baseball was a tool used by gamblers, not the other way around.

Esteemed baseball historian John Thorn has said, I dont think you could have had the rise of baseball without gambling. Box scores, statistics, player evaluations, and the reserve clause only came about due to the value they provided gamblers. Game fixing dates back as early as 1865 that is when we had our first scandal and three players were banned, Thorn reminds those of us who believe scandal started with Chick Gandil. (Read Thorns book Baseball in the Garden of Eden for an in-depth exploration of this topic.)

If that didnt make it clear that dealing with gamblers and gambling, in general, was a pretty big roll of the dice (pun intended), the Black Sox scandal certainly did. We all know the story. Books have been written and movies have been made about it, so theres no need to rehash it here, but there is an important point and lesson that we should take from it thats pertinent to this discussion. Its certainly open for individual interpretation among reasonable baseball fans whether or not the scandal left the game for dead and only saved by Babe Ruth. What is unquestionable is that it left a Kennesaw Mountain-sized obstacle of poor public perception regarding fair play for the sport to overcome.

In a similar vein, theres no need to digress with an extended discussion about Pete Rose and his many departures from what would be considered normative behavior. However, there is a key point from his case that is often overlooked that again, may be pertinent to todays chat: A common refrain from Roses defenders is that he only bet on the Reds to win games. That is to say, he didnt bet on the Reds to lose games which would suggest he would have to try to throw those games if he did the games he bet on, he was really trying to win.

What that logic overlooks, is that if Rose bet on the Reds to win a particular game, then did not bet on the subsequent game, that is a de facto implication that he expected the team to lose, thereby giving gamblers an edge. Of all the justifiable criticisms of Rose you can make, hes never come across as a dumb person therefore, he was well aware of the extent to which he was helping his partners in literal crime, regardless of the specifics of his bets.

That brings us back to David Ortiz, one of baseballs spokespeople for gambling. In 2005, Ortiz had a friend who was close enough to him that the friend was allowed in players only areas in the Boston clubhouse. After an investigation, evidence surfaced that Ortizs friend was betting on Red Sox games in a Boston barbershop that was a front for an illegal gambling parlor. (In one instance, the friend bet Boston would lose to Chicago and took the over he won both bets.) Enough evidence in fact, that the friend would no longer be allowed in Red Sox facilities without proper background checks, ID, credentials, etc. MLB for their part, still allowed the individual on the field with Ortiz for the 2006 Home Run Derby, with then-EVP Rob Manfreds knowledge and blessings.

When Ortiz was confronted by MLB security that his friend was still illegally betting thousands on Boston games, Ortiz pled ignorance. Yet coincidentally, shortly after the meeting ended, Red Sox security got a call from an informant that the gambling room of the barbershop had been shut down and cleared out. Then in 2007, Ortiz's friend was arrested on numerous charges at Ortizs home. (Read Baseball Cop by Eddie Dominguez for the full account, and the receipts.)

MLBs current relationship with, and promotion of, gambling is holding a gas can in one hand and a lit match in the other. Even devils advocates arguments dont hold up to even a modicum of scrutiny.

If you believe players make far more money relative to average American incomes than they ever have, so they wont be susceptible to game-fixing, I have news for you. First, most MLB players are not set for life from their baseball income, and perhaps more importantly as writer Joe Sheehan has pointed out, the umpires are the lowest-paid employees on the field and wield as much influence on game outcomes as anybody. Additionally, if you believe rich people would never circumvent rules to become even richer, then the help you need exceeds the time we have today.

If youve noted that MLB and Rob Manfred have been clear, especially with new collective bargaining talks coming up, that players are aware that the gambling is for fans only, and there will be strict enforcement of such, I have more news. There are very few absolute truths in baseball, but one is that MLB will look the other way when serious issues arise if it suits them. Theyve done it with PEDs, domestic abuse, literal human trafficking, sticky stuff and yes, gambling, for as long as baseball has been baseball. When someone shows you who they are, in this case, a century and a half ago, believe them the first time.

The number of fans who watch baseball without betting on it far exceeds the number of fans who watch baseball and bet on it. So why would MLB risk alienating the majority of its fans with even a hint of impropriety regarding the games and their outcomes? Of course, because MLB wants both fan bases and will try to accommodate both until the hypothetical gas can and lit match meet. Work fast, break things, worry about consequences later has long been a mantra of billion-dollar industries.

That said, its hard to envision a scenario where this does not end with some sort of scandal that damages the sport. The working historical relationship between baseball and gambling is not dissimilar to the working relationship George Steinbrenner and Billy Martin had everyone seemed to know it wouldnt end well except the parties involved. The slight difference was that there were rare occasions in which George and Billy got along baseball and gambling have never worked well together.

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MLB and gambling dont mix well, and Big Papi is an odd match maker. - Pinstripe Alley

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Pennsylvania breaks gambling fiscal year revenue record – Yogonet International

Posted: at 12:39 am


he previous high for revenue in a state fiscal year was during 2018/2019 when revenue was slightly more than $3.3 billion. Since that time there has been significant growth in the nascent sports wagering and fantasy sports contests markets along with the establishment of both the iGaming and VGT markets. Those four markets combined constituted almost 33% of the total revenue achieved in Fiscal Year 2020/2021.

The year over year increase of revenue this past fiscal year compared to Fiscal Year 2019/2020 was significant, primarily as a direct result of casino shutdowns and other factors related to Covid-19 restrictions. This included closure of casinos for three months in the second quarter of 2020 affecting slot machine, table games, video gaming terminals (VGTs), and retail sport wagering revenue, along with the stoppage of play of major sporting events which further affected sports wagering.

Estimated combined tax revenue from these gambling initiatives for the Fiscal Year 2020/21 was $1,593,642,159 compared to $1,123,665,601 in the previous fiscal year. Tax revenue figures reflect amounts generated prior to any adjustments by the PA Department of Revenue.

Slot Machine Revenue

Fiscal Year 2020/21 gross revenue from slot machines at the casinos was $1,887,573,437 an 11% increase in revenue when compared to the $1,697,955,473 generated in Fiscal Year 2019/20.

Slot machine revenue for each of the casinos, with the percentage change reflected over the previous year, is as follows:

Table Games Revenue

Fiscal Year 2020/21 gross revenue from table games at the casinos was $721,763,471, a 11.98% increase in revenue when compared to the $644,543,736 generated in Fiscal Year 2019/20.

Sports Wagering Revenue

Fiscal Year 2020/21 revenue from sports wagering was $308,849,184, a 171.58% increase in revenue when compared to the $113,724,759 generated in Fiscal Year 2019/20.

Sports wagering revenue for each of the casinos, with the percentage change reflected over the previous year, is as follows:

Fantasy Contests Revenue

Fiscal Year 2020/21 revenue from fantasy contests was $28,186,529, a 35.07% increase in revenue when compared to the $20,868,176 generated in Fiscal Year 2019/20.

Internet Casino-Type Gaming (iGaming) Revenue

Fiscal Year 2020/21 revenue from iGaming was $897,216,020, a 272.45% increase in revenue when compared to the $240,894,852 generated in Fiscal Year 2019/20.

The first iGaming provider became operational in July 2019. At the end of the fiscal year there were ten iGaming operators in Pennsylvania.

Video Gaming Terminals

Fiscal Year 2020/21 revenue for Video Gaming Terminals at Truck Stops was $31,334,744 a 361% increase in compared to the $6,798,123 in Fiscal Year 2019/20. The first VGTs became operational in August 2019. At the end of this fiscal year, there were 49 VGT facilities operating in Pennsylvania compared to 28 facilities in operation at the end of Fiscal Year 2019/2020.

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Pennsylvania breaks gambling fiscal year revenue record - Yogonet International

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Twitch Is Keeping An Eye on Controversial Gambling Streams – EsportsTalk

Posted: July 16, 2021 at 1:20 pm

The Twitch community has spoken out repeatedly about the trouble with gambling streams. There are some pretty huge streamers running gambling streams on Twitch, where they run slots for hours upon end. This is perhaps thanks to the rise of cryptocurrency casinos. Its been said that 64 of the top 1,000 most-trafficked Twitch streamers have gambled on the crypto slots, or advertise deals with a variety of crypto gambling websites. There are a wealth of dangers when it comes to gambling streams, and not even just potentially going broke live on the stream. It very well could be that these streamers are playing with currency provided by the sites, to get more people interested. So whats the big deal with gambling streams? Do they need to be monitored for the safety of others? Absolutely.

Gambling can be a lot of fun. Especially when you get a seriously big win. But gambling addiction is a serious danger, and its being presented in a harmful manner on Twitch. Mizkif pointed out in a Twitch stream that he wasnt even using his own money. He was receiving offers to stream gambling on Twitch for 35,000 an hour, for ten hours. That is an incredible amount of money. He also pointed out that his sponsors would refill his account so he could gamble freely without fear of losing any actual money.

Mizkif did stop doing this at one point. But why? He had this to say:

Morality came into play. It did. I felt shitty doing any type of gambling sponsorship. And I know people are like, Mizkif, but you do sponsors all fucking day. If you download Dungeons and Dragons, whats the worst that happens? You lose $40 and a couple of hours of your life. Gambling is different.

He clearly understood there was a danger here. Quite a few of the major players on Twitch spoke about the dangers of these streams, from Pokimane to xQc. Twitch isnt going to stop gambling streams though. They just made it clear that streamers must respect all applicable local, national, and international laws while using [Twitch] services. Any content or activity featuring, encouraging, offering, or soliciting illegal activity is prohibited.

So whats the problem, if people are obeying the law in these streams? There are a few problems. If the gambling sites are giving Twitch streamers free money to gamble with, its a false representation of what gambling is like. There are a host of young, impressionable fans of these streamers, and if they see its easy and fun, it is incredibly irresponsible. Streamers with primarily younger audiences owe it to them to be role models to the kids. Promoting gambling as something safe and fun to do without risks is not wise. In addition, there is likely a fair amount of gambling on Twitch that is not above board. With so many minors on Twitch, its very concerning how popular the Slots category is becoming on the site.

Theres more to gambling on the site than slots though. In the past, Moe m0E Assad was sponsored by a CSGO skin-gambling site (CSGO Diamonds), and they told him the outcomes of games in advance so he could fix results in his favor. Thats absolutely beyond reproach. There have been a variety of streamers involved in shady deals like that as well, leading people to spend outrageous money on CSGO skin gambling.

So gambling isnt going to stop on Twitch anytime soon, but hopefully, these streams will actually be monitored more closely. All we have is Twitchs word, and we have seen time and again that the site is not exactly even-handed in how they hand out punishments. Well keep an eye on this as it develops to see if a change occurs.

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Why the explosion in gambling data is a boon for marketers –

Posted: at 1:20 pm

Commercial gambling accelerated amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and now more than ever its important to have a comprehensive look at gambling prevalence and behaviors in the U.S.

Online gambling showed strong growth amid the lockdown and now, with the vaccine effort fully underway, gamblers are returning to physical casinos as well. To better understand outlooks on commercial gambling, YouGov launched Global Gambling Profiles,* a tool that continually gathers data on gamblers. The dataset provides insights into where people typically gamble and the types of bets they tend to place, and uncovers how else they live their lives, from the sports and teams they follow to their core demographics their media consumption.

Americans love the lottery. Although our sample of gamblers specifically excludes those whose only form of gambling is playing the lottery, the activity is still the most popular form of wager, even if its popularity is somewhat less pronounced among younger generations. Overall, almost two in five (37%) plan to play a lottery game in the next 30 days.

Casino betting appears next on the list, with about one in five Americans (21%) saying they will bet in a casino over the same period. This form of gambling is more or less consistent in its popularity among all age groups, except those ages 18 to 24, where it falls to 15%. Online forms of casino and card gambling are also popular, particularly with the 25-34 age bracket. Almost a quarter of this age group (23%) say they will play an online casino game in the next 30 days. Thats compared with a broader average of 15%.

One-sixth of our regular gamblers also show an inclination toward online slots (17%), while one in seven say they will buy a ticket for a lucky draw in the next 30 days (14%).

It might come as a surprise to some that sports betting doesnt feature in the top five, but thats partially because of the fragmented nature of sports-based gambling, featuring various formats that we track separately.

Fantasy sports betting is the subcategory that comes closest to joining the top five. One in eight regular gamblers say they will play fantasy sports for money in the next 30 days (13%).

Global Gambling Profiles also gives users actionable insights into the money placed on various types of gambling each month. Competition in the U.S. seems to be stiff across various categories in each price bracket, with slots tending to win out in some of the higher-stake brackets, but not by much.

The difference is most noticeable in the $100-$500 spend range. One in seven gamblers (14%) say they place between $100 and $500 on slots on average per month, leaving behind the other categories: casino games (11%), sports and fantasy sports betting (11%) and bingo (10%). Each of the categories draws bets in the $501$2,000 range monthly, from 6% to 7% of U.S. gamblers.

As the gambling market continues to diversify and evolve post-pandemic, its more important than ever to track and measure consumer attitudes toward gambling. YouGovs Global Gambling Profiles can help brands delve deeper into how people place bets and connect these behaviors with how bettors view general legislative change, sport sponsorships and other key industry developments.

Regular gamblers in this piece are defined as those who have engaged in any form of gambling other than the lottery in the past 30 days. YouGov Global Gambling Profiles, which includes data from 23 markets, is based on continuously collected data from several sources rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Data referenced is based on a sample size of between 1,337 and 1,791 U.S. adults. Online interviews were conducted in April 2021.

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CBS: Gambling industry harmonization can be achieved through the Gaming Knowledge Center – SBC Americas

Posted: at 1:20 pm

Many believe the gambling industry across the globe is at a crossroads right now in all areas of its business, and there are two options to choose from for the future chaos or sustainability.

Taking part in the panel entitled: Chaos or Sustainability: The Choice is in our Hands sponsored by KPMG on Day One of CasinoBeats Summit, Richard Schuetz, CEO of Schuetz LLC, explored whats wrong currently with the gambling industry, to which he believes theres a total lack of harmonization across the industry in the European Union, the United States and in the United Kingdom.

Speaking on the Betsson Group sponsored Products & Innovation Track, Schuetz said: I think theres a crisis in the US, I think theres a crisis in the UK, and I also think theres a crisis in the EU. Theres a total lack of harmonization. You can go to the United States, operate in one state, then go across the state line and the rules are all different.

The internal controls could be different, you may have to have a separate server, if you look at how Tennessee does it versus how New Jersey does it, its apples to oranges. Thats a system thats not conducive to a strong industry being able to develop.

Theres regulatory failures throughout We have a whole bunch of regulators that have no earthly idea what theyre regulating. In the United States, they appoint politicians to become regulators. I notice in the UK, they pick people who have experience with public utilities because I guess that gives them some insight that theyre going to need in order to understand.

I always laugh at that because I use the example of how would you like to go for heart surgery, knowing that the person that regulates that process, is a politicians friend? The person that wrote the internal controls for your heart procedure is a lawyer. Im just startled by the fact we dont use people with industry experience to regulate the industry.

Alongside fellow panelists San Diego State University Professor and Endowed Chair, Katherine Spilde, and Praxis Consulting and Advisory Managing Director, Steven Myers, Schuetz believes a solution to bring sustainability to the gambling industry is the Gaming Knowledge Center (GKC).

Spilde explained that the GKC is based on the Sycuan Institute On Tribal Gaming, and aims to deliver sustainability through three key agendas evidence-based research, teaching knowledge of the industry, while acting as a resource for public policy issues.

She revealed that the GKC will deliver on these agendas by conducting data-driven, evidence-based research on gaming issues; developing programs and materials to encourage globally sensitive modeling and policy; and facilitating successful government-industry-community relations for informed choices and productive discourse around legislation.

Further measures would include encouraging and developing global gaming standards in service, regulation, responsibility, and policy; and gathering and analyzing gaming industry data from around the world to utilize a best practice approach

Spilde added: Gambling is exploding globally in all forms. Certainly in the US, we have an explosion of online and sports betting happening state to state. Some of it is reactionary, the neighbor state is doing it so were going to do it. That harmonization really is a big challenge.

Theres so many concerns that governments have that I think a lot of this type of academic and rigorous data-driven and evidence-based research could really help and I would love to share our model and honor the tribe. Ive actually worked with over 180 tribes individually in the United States and I have a lot of models which we can draw from and I would love to share that with everybody that is still expanding globally.

Regarding how the GKC would work, Myers said the most important thing that needs to be established is trust between the industry, the government, and the academics, as well as to get a debate following, especially with strategic partners.

He stated: The Gaming Knowledge Center is about providing some harmonization. Whilst Europe tells us explicitly that harmonization is not the way forward, we believe that it is in terms of best practice, in terms of the gaming industry, and using evidence-based research for everyones benefit is important.

Of course, data is important, particularly between operators, data-sharing is quite often a difficult thing to ask, but we hope over time that will happen. Saying that theres a lot of data out there at the moment, it just needs cleaning up, and we can really make an effort to do that and carry out some good empirical research with regards to it.

We want to give a balanced, global view of success and failure. At the end of the day, you need to know sometimes whats wrong and why, but equally, why success happens and what makes it a success. Sustainability is a risk at the moment within the gaming industry.

The GKC would operate on a spoke and wheel concept with information flowing from the hub, out and back again to its three founding centers in Europe, the UK, and the US. Each center will be specialized in a certain area and will share its information with the other centers.

Potential research areas and collaborative working include strategy, suitability, sustainability, diversity, regulation/legal, responsible gaming/problem gambling, economic impact, taxation, and data analytics.

In terms of funding, Myers noted that this can be achieved through philanthropy, the industry, regulators, and government, as well as through an endowment. A university Chair sponsorship named after a renowned individual(s) in the sector, a knowledge repository (physical and online), individual research projects, and global gaming census sales were also named as possible funding sources.

As for how the centers will operate, they will do so through strict integrity and suitability criteria, independence at the heart of center research, an advisory board, visiting faculty, and a wider pool of research grants as centers become more integrated.

Funding proposals for the GKC are currently scheduled to take place later this year in the autumn/fall, and the first executing training programs are expected to take place in London next year, as well as a preliminary gaming research report.

Schuetz concluded: Were trying to give something back. Were trying to create a legacy that will be worthwhile to this industry. I think its imperative to understand that really what were trying to do is create sustainability. Right now, this industry has not done a very good job of creating sustainability. Its creating instability.

The second thing and this is the most important thing we can say, of all the products that we generate, the most important is trust.

The CasinoBeats Summit 2021 conference and exhibition on 14-15 July takes place in an innovative integrated live and digital format. A select audience of senior executives will attend in person at the InterContinental in St Julians, Malta, while a global audience of industry professionals will participate in the event online.

The conference agenda focuses on the next generation of slots and products, key established and emerging markets around the world, leadership in igaming, and marketing and affiliation. The programme also includes the inaugural Game Developer Awards ceremony.

Register for a free online pass for the event at the CasinoBeats Summit website.

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Twitch Streamers Rake in Millions With a Shady Crypto Gambling Boom – WIRED

Posted: at 1:20 pm

Morality came into play. It did. I felt shitty doing any type of gambling sponsorship, he later said. And I know people are like, Mizkif, but you do sponsors all fucking day. If you download Dungeons and Dragons, whats the worst that happens? You lose $40 and a couple of hours of your life. Gambling is different.

Online gambling is regulated by a combination of federal and state laws in the US. Gambling websites need a license to operate in individual statesit doesnt matter whether theyre operating with hard USD or digital currency. Many crypto casinos, like Stake and Duelbits, are based offshore in countries like Curaao and do not have those licenses. Yet they are easy to access from the US through a VPN. (More reputable online gambling sites ask users for more data points to confirm their location.) While these sites block the US, they do not prevent access from people within the US, says Jeff Ifrah, an attorney who specializes in online gambling law. Ifrah says he recently has been fielding lots of questions from US-based Twitch streamers and their representatives. While legal experts say it can be tough to prosecute these websites, their US-based promoters may be open to scrutiny.

Taking sponsorships from and encouraging illegal gambling can land streamers in sticky legal territory, Ifrah says. He warns streamers against advertising these crypto gambling sites while streaming from the US. My advice to them is that, basically, the underlying activity is illegal. It still happens, though. Theres a lot of money in it, he says. Streamers have told me, Hey, I don't want to just give this up. This is a big opportunity for me, because these sites pay a lot of money.

There may be big opportunities, but they can come with big risks. A lot of the gambling promoted on Twitch is illegal or unregulated and poses definite risks for consumers, vulnerable adults, and adolescents or underage children, says Keith Whyte, executive director of the National Council on Problem Gambling, an organization that promotes comprehensive policies to support healthy, legal gambling. Because these sites often arent vetted as much as sites that are legal in the US, experts question whether their odds are fair and what their backends look like, says Whyte. Its a fairly common tactic in the unregulated gambling industry to inflate win rates.

Gambling experts interviewed by WIRED say that right now its on Twitch to act. The health of their users is something to be concerned about, says Whyte. They have enormous incentive to police content that is either illegal, unregulated, or potentially harmful.

Twitchs terms of service prohibit illegal activity on its website and ask users to comply with the Federal Trade Commissions guidelines on advertising. That said, it does not specifically ban gambling streams. Crypto gambling is flourishing on Twitch, frankly, because it is allowed to. By contrast, livestreaming competitors YouTube and Facebook Gaming prohibit streaming online gambling sites that have not been previously reviewed. Twitch also has gambling-related categories, such as slots, which have no age limit to prevent younger viewers from watching. (Some stream titles say 18+.)

Twitch told WIRED, We strictly prohibit illegal content and activity on the service, and take action in all verified incidents of illegal gambling that are reported to us. Our Community Guidelines make clear that [Streamers] must respect all applicable local, national, and international laws while using our services. Any content or activity featuring, encouraging, offering, or soliciting illegal activity is prohibited. The company adds that its goal is to foster a safe, positive experience for all users of our service and that it is closely monitoring gambling content.

Twitch has had to deal with gambling-related controversies on its platform before. Years ago, top streamers gambled with cosmetics from the first-person shooter Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. So called skins gambling was an unregulated frontier that soon became massively popularand filled with allegations of foul play. The first Twitch streamer to reach 1 million, and later 2 million, followers was Tom Syndicate Cassell. Cassell drew in huge audiences gambling and winning big on the site, but he also reached a settlement with the FTC in late 2017 for failing to disclose his status as vice president of while promoting it.

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Twitch Streamers Rake in Millions With a Shady Crypto Gambling Boom - WIRED

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Gambling Commission reports decline in active accounts and GGY – Gambling Insider – In-depth Analysis for the Gaming Industry

Posted: at 1:20 pm

Active accounts and gross gambling yield (GGY) have decreased from March 2020 to May 2021, according to the latest data from the Gambling Commission.

The former decreased 14%, with the latter decreasing 5%. Total bets meanwhile remained at a similar level.

Slots GGY increased to 211m from April to May, with the number of spins increasing 2% and active players decreasing 5%. The number of online slots sessions lasting longer than one hour decreased by 1%, with the average session length increasing to 20.7 minutes. Almost 9% of all sessions lasted over one hour.

The data aims to show how the evolving Covid-19 lockdown measures have impacted online gambling behaviour in Great Britain.

The Commission did, however, note that it is not advisable to make year-on-year comparisons between months in 2020 and months in 2021, due to differing operating circumstances of 2020 and 2021.

The body also urged operators to increase vigilance going forward, saying: We recognise that the country is now entering a different phase as we continue to ease out of lockdown. We continue to expect extra vigilance from operators as consumers are impacted in different ways by the circumstances. Many people will still feel vulnerable as a result of the length of the pandemic period and further uncertainty about their personal or financial circumstances.

It is likelymany have picked up new gambling routines and habits duringlockdown that may be hard to change as things return to normal,even as normal spending on other things resumes. This could be challenging for some and important for operators to identify through their monitoring.

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Gambling Commission reports decline in active accounts and GGY - Gambling Insider - In-depth Analysis for the Gaming Industry

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We will keep busting them: Anniston police seize 59 gaming machines after warning of raids –

Posted: at 1:20 pm

With help from federal and state authorities, Anniston police seized 59 gaming machines, a gun and cash from illegal gambling establishments following raids Thursday morning, the citys police chief said.

Chief Nick Bowles said he gave the establishments notice after a similar raid a few months ago but the illegal businesses did not heed his warning.

I told you, I guess people thought I was playing, people thought it was a joke, Bowles said in a Facebook video announcing the busts. The department was aided by the FBI and the Calhoun County Sheriffs Office in serving the warrants associated with the raids.

Bowles likened the gambling establishments to annoying flies.

Absolutely, we have better things to do than bust illegal gambling sites, the chief said. But its like when yourecooking a home-cooked meal and theres a fly flying around, its very annoying but you got to deal with that fly before you get back to your meal. So these are the annoying flies that we have to deal with.

As for residents who complain that the department should tackle real crime, Bowles said illegal gambling dens are havens for other criminal activity.

Real crime follows these places. Weve had assaults, robberies, a shootout and even a murder at one of them. Theres drug dealing going on, theres illegal alcohol sales every vice thats available out there comes along with these gambling establishments, he said. So we will keep busting them -- dont open them. Dont come to Anniston, if you dont want to see me in your place then dont open a gaming establishment in Anniston, period.

Aside from the gaming machines, police seized a gun, three ATMS and an undisclosed amount of cash.

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Snapchat launches opt-out option for gambling ads in the UK | Marketing regulation – iGaming Business

Posted: at 1:20 pm

The Betting and Gaming Council (BGC) has given its support to social media platform Snapchat, as it now provides users in the UK the option to opt-out from seeing gambling adverts.

Snapchat hopes to give its users more control over the ads they see after working closely with BGC over the last year.

Furthermore, Snapchat has also met the requirements of the updated Industry Code for Socially Responsible Advertising, which was released in 2020. The code obliges BGC members to ensure that all social media ads must be targeted at consumers aged 25 and over, unless a platform proves they can be precisely targeted at over-18s.

BGC chief executive Michael Dughersaid: This is yet more evidence of our commitment to raising standards in the regulated industry. I welcome this move by Snapchat and I would urge all social media and search platforms to provide the ability for users to opt out of viewing betting adverts.

The regulated betting and gaming industry is determined to promote safer gambling, unlike the unsafe and growing online black market, which has none of the safeguards which are commonplace among BGC members.

In an attempt to control gambling advertising, BGC released new rules preventing adverts for its members appearing in football clubs social media posts earlier this year.

It also urged authorities to create a gambling ombudsman to deal with any customer complaints earlier this month.

Snapchat UK General Manager Ed Couchman added: It has always been important to us that our community is able to influence the types of adverts they see on Snapchat.

Its fantastic to roll this change out and were grateful to have partners in the BGC who are doing vital work to ensure this industry continues to grow and evolve with consumers at the heart.

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Snapchat launches opt-out option for gambling ads in the UK | Marketing regulation - iGaming Business

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