Get healthy in Feb. with AgriLife – Pleasanton Express

Posted: January 29, 2021 at 11:18 am

By Pleasanton Express Staff | on January 27, 2021

The Texas A&M Agri- Life Extension Service in Atascosa County has some events coming up to help families reach their health goals.

Walk N Talk

Join the 2021 Walk N Talk FABLOW AgriLife group on Facebook, a walking program that kicks off on Feb. 1. This eight-week series is a multi-county collaboration between the Extension Service in Frio, Atascosa, Bee, Live Oak and Wilson Counties.

They will have daily posts, weekly lessons with live cooking and walking sessions. Each week, a new fruit or vegetable will be featured. Lets support each other in a fun and simple way.

Cooking Well for Healthy Blood Pressure

The Extension Service will also host the upcoming series, Cooking Well for Healthy Blood Pressure. This online cooking school is designed to help those concerned about high blood pressure and anyone who prepares meals for them.

This series of three interactive classes is full of research-based information and healthy recipes. Classes will be held via Zoom on these dates:

Feb. 2, DASHing to Improved Health

Feb. 9, A Virtual Grocery Store Tour

Feb. 16, Cooking with Spices and Herbs

All classes are at noon. Presenters will be Nicole Demmer, Wilson County FCH Agent; Dru Benavides, Atascosa County FCH Agent, Hillary Long, Bastrop County FCH Agent and Methodist Healthcare Ministries Nurses.

Please RSVP to or call 512- 581-7186. Are you ready to explore the new flavors of heart-healthy meals? Sign up today.

The rest is here:

Get healthy in Feb. with AgriLife - Pleasanton Express

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