Bergen County NJ for Liberty (Hackensack, NJ) – Meetup

Posted: October 7, 2015 at 6:43 pm

Please note: we are no longer associated with Campaign for Liberty.

We are a grassroots group of local individuals who share a common bond, freedom and liberty!We strive to root ourselves in the principles of truth, freedom, and prosperity. The diversity among our members ranges from age, ethnic background, beliefs/religions, as well as political views (or lack thereof). The expression of sovereignty and self-ownership that radiates from our members is what makes our group unique.

Our group comprises many creative and productive members of society, including philosophers, engineers, activists, entrepreneurs, lawyers, educators, doctors, explorers, and other concerned members of the community. We aim to improve ourselves as individuals, and in turn, the world in which we live.

Since its inception, our group has been rooted in truth and freedom. We strongly support the principles of truth, individual liberty, personal success, self defense, non-aggression, and true free trade.

We have recognized a moral imperative to imbue the true meaning of individual sovereignty in the hearts and minds of others, to exercise our natural and inherent rights to freedom of expression, and to address issues commonly ignored. Our interests vary as individuals, but as a group we work to address some of, but not limited to, the following:

- INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY - financial & economic freedom - private barter systems - personal growth / self-improvement - natural living practices / healthy food - alternative energy technologies - consciousness / enlightenment

As a group wemaintain an equal level of respect for one another's values and opinions, and we encourage participation by not having an online forum or message board on the site.

Therefore, if you want to share with the group, you have to come out to events and participate! We try to keep emails to the group at a minimum, we don't want to intrude or flood your inbox, so you'll know when you receive an email from us it will be an important one, regarding new meetups, updates, reminders, etc.

Sign up, keep checking the calendar, feel free to attend every event, or only the ones that capture your interest. The hardcore 24/7'ers are just as welcome as the weekend warriors. Join us, we look forward to meeting you!


New Jersey Federal Representatives:

House: Find your Rep by Zip

NJ Representatives:


New Jersey Sate Assembly and Senate:

New Jersey:

Bergen County Representatives:




County Clerk:


Corporate Members of the Council on Foreign Relations


Recommended Videos:

The American Dream(re: Federal Reserve / Economy - animated 29 mins)

America: Freedom to Fascism(112 mins)

Fabled Enemies(Re: War on Terror, 102 mins)

Fiat Empire(Re: Federal Reserve System, 59 mins)

Overview of America(30 mins)

Philosophy of Liberty(8 mins)

The War Machine by Joe Rogan(9 mins)

See original here:
Bergen County NJ for Liberty (Hackensack, NJ) - Meetup

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