There is an election filing deadline on Wednesday – JC Post

Posted: June 3, 2022 at 12:30 pm

Noon Wednesday is the filing deadline at the local level if you are planning to run for the 1st District seat on the Geary County Commission, an unexpired term for Geary County Treasurer, or township clerk or precinct officer committee men and women.

Geary County Clerk Rebecca Nordyke provided the information. As of now there have not been any filings in the commission race from the Republican, Democrat or Libertarian parties. In the race for the unexpired treasurer's term, Sherri Childs has filed for election. She is currently serving in the post after being appointed following the retirement of Kathy Tremont.

Current 1st District county commissioner, Trish Giordano, Independent, has said that she intends to file for election. Nordyke provided an explanation. "That filing deadline when you run as an Independent you can only file by petition, and that deadline would be on Aug. 1 at noon.

There is a June 10 at noon filing deadline at the Secretary of State's Office and that is for state representative and state board of education. June 10 is also the deadline for people in the Democrat, Republican or Libertarian parties to make a change to their party affiliation or to become unaffiliated.

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There is an election filing deadline on Wednesday - JC Post

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