Letter: Here’s what the GOP and ‘limited government’ Libertarians don’t want you to know – INFORUM

Posted: September 9, 2022 at 5:44 pm

The limited government libertarians are at it again at the Department of Public Instruction hearing in Bismarck on Sept 9. Tony Gehrig fan, Jodi Plecity, wants a state-ran [sic] body to enforce her tedious rules and regulations of historical political correctness.

Fargo Republican Rep. Jim Kasper isnt satisfied with the law he wrote to ban CRT . It seems his frantic slapdash effort to abolish CRT was not good enough. He did, however, admit to not knowing much about it, only knowing what he heard or read about it, somewhere, sometime. Well golly, not this time. The Forum said in its article hes putting his foot down! He plans to add teeth to the ban so that complaints can be investigated and violators can be punished.

Big Police State Government, also brought to you by the GOP.

What the powers that be in North Dakota fear is the ugly history of capitalism being revealed. Their wondrous industrial capitalism that lifted humanity out of poverty began in the early 1800s. The Manchester UK cotton mills were their flagships. These were worked 14 hours a day, 6 days a week by impoverished and mostly Irish women and children. What of the cotton that also fueled this? Grown by masses of kidnapped and enslaved Africans on stolen Indigenous land. This is what the GOP and their libertarian cohorts want to cover up.

Ron Gaul lives in Fargo.

This letter does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Forum's editorial board nor Forum ownership.

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Letter: Here's what the GOP and 'limited government' Libertarians don't want you to know - INFORUM

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