What Are The 3 "immortal" Animals That Fascinated Scientists For Decades And Why – Nation World News

Posted: July 25, 2022 at 2:31 am

From ancient myths to science fiction, Our attraction to eternal youth is well documented. But there are creatures that seem code is cracked To prevent, or even reverse, aging, and they are very real. They are, or we believe they may be, biologically immortal. This means that unless killed by a predator, disease, or drastic change in their environment, they can live indefinitely.

scientists try to find The secrets of these mysterious creatures To see if they can help us control our aging process.

Heres a look at these three amazing creatures:

capacity of these insects have been known to reproduce when split into two parts since the late 19th century, but these animals went viral in 2012When the University of Nottingham published a study on their possible immortality.

Planaria is a type of flatworm that found all over the world and One Unlimited ability to regenerate stem cells, dry grass Two types: Some reproduce sexually and some asexually by dividing into two.

Scientists from the University of Nottingham studied both types and found that Asexuals may be able to rejuvenate their DNA. At some point in our lives, our DNA, like that of most animals, reaches its limit in cell division and Our body starts deteriorating.

On the other hand, the planets, Enzyme content is high This protects their cells from aging, and when they reproduce they can replenish these reserves, leading scientists to believe they may be immortal.

this alien looking creature It is a freshwater invertebrate With a tubular body and mesh around the mouth. It uses these tentacles to sting its prey, which are insects, small crustaceans and other invertebrates.

Hydras were one of the first organisms examined by Dutch scientist Antoine van Leeuwenhoek, who built a microscope with a spherical lens with significant magnification to view these creatures. Soon after, on the observations of Swiss scientist Abraham Tremblay Them and their regenerative superpowers He marked the beginning of a new era in the field of biology.

like planets, Hydra are also able to regenerate their own body parts., The key to understanding its potential immortality lies in its stem cells, which can self-renew indefinitely.

In fact, the entire body of a hydra appears to be made of self-renewing stem cells, Scientists Who Observed Hydras Clusters For Years Couldnt Find Any signs of aging on them

In 2018, researchers at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) estimated that Hydras can become immortal because of their ability to control Something called a transposon gene, also known as a jumping gene. These are genes that can jump from one part of the genome to another, causing mutations. When we are young, our body is able to control these genes, but as As we grow up, we find it difficult to keep them under control. Instead, they may be able to repress these genes forever.

The so-called immortal jellyfishor, to use its scientific name, Turritopsis doubletLives in sea water. First discovered in the Mediterranean in the 1880s, it can now be found in many other places due to ballast water released from ships. It is small and likes to eat plankton, Caviar and small mollusks.

amazing thing about The type of jellyfish is that it can restart its life cycle, When a jellyfish is stressed, it transforms at an earlier stage of life, This is sometimes compared to a frog turning into a tadpole or a butterfly turning into a caterpillar, and is due to a process called transdifferentiation.

Transdifferentiation occurs when a fully formed specialized adult cell transforms into another type of adult cell. This process remains a mystery to scientists. and thats not all. When the jellyfish returns to its previous life stage as a polyp, It also creates more organisms with the same genetic code, so basically She also clones herself by rejuvenating.

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What Are The 3 "immortal" Animals That Fascinated Scientists For Decades And Why - Nation World News

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