Sudan: Glory and immortality to the martyrs and victory to the masses – The Africa Report

Posted: October 30, 2021 at 2:29 pm

The forces of darkness and evil with help from some of those in government insisted on conspiring against the will of the people. Now there is a blanket internet shutdown aiming to create an environment where they can commit their heinous crimes against protesters away from the watchful eyes of the world.

Taking to the streets became inevitable and a legitimate way for people to defend their newly acquired freedom, to stand against the military junta and defend the constitutional document.

All sectors of the Sudanese community, from groups to individuals, from people in the countryside to people in the cities, must join the masses to resist this coup and restore the democratic transition process to its right path towards an undiminished full democratic transformation.

Negotiations, conferences, dialogue or even condemnations of this coup do not spare the thundering masses that rallied on 21 October, demanding the handing-over of the power to civilians.

We must rise to stop the completion of this coup, which has turned into a rough and savage act that sponsors terrorism, terrorises innocent people and suppress freedom and democracy.

These are unprecedented acts in the history of Sudan, and they amount to terrorism

In order to avoid the international catastrophe that threatens the stability of the country and region, and even threatens international peace and security, we call on all countries of the free world that believe in democracy to condemn and reject this coup.

We also ask to expose those who executed the coup and the complicit officials and their supporters wherever they are. Expose the complicit faction army and militias, the terrorist Islamic Brotherhood regime and its security brigades.

Show the consequences of their actions against the unarmed civilians, and against ministers and executives of the state, such as wielding weapons against the minister of industry, dragging the cabinet affairs minister out barefoot in his pyjamas, and kidnapping the prime minister.

These are unprecedented acts in the history of Sudan, and they amount to terrorism crimes against humanity have been committed that contravene international law and human rights. The international community must play its part and protect the Sudanese people.

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Whoever supports this coup either publicly or passively, by being silent, contributes to placing Sudan in the category of tyrannical, dictatorial regimes that must be exposed worldwide. We support the masses of our people flooding the streets roaring like torrents in resistance to the military junta who robbed the people dreams.

Here, we send a message to the UN, that the Sudanese people who are currently in the streets condemning the coup and chanting for freedom, civility and democratic transformation, have paid a heavy price and sacrificed the lives of the most precious of their youth to get rid of a dictatorial regime that lasted for 30 lean years.

The Sudanese people are in dire need of the strongest possible measures from the international community to end this military coup immediately and restore the legitimate authority to the people to complete the transition to democracy, and to start building the new democratic Sudan.

We urge the UN to take the necessary measures to stop any act of violence by the security forces, rapid support forces, and the army against unarmed civilians, and the progress of the Sudanese people towards freedom, democracy and a decent life!

Long live the glorious December revolution, and may the Sudanese people live free, proud, independent, without guardianship from anyone.

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Sudan: Glory and immortality to the martyrs and victory to the masses - The Africa Report

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