Disintegrations Closed and Open Beta Dates Announced for Later This Month – PlayStation LifeStyle

Posted: January 16, 2020 at 2:42 pm

Disintegration is a first-person sci-fi shooter from Halo co-creator Marcus Lehto, set to launch sometime this year. To get feedback, the studio, V1 Interactive, will host closed technical beta sessions on January 28th and January 29th on the PS4, PC, and Xbox One platforms. Presently, closed beta sign ups are live via the games official website. A public beta is also planned from January 31st to February 1st across all platforms.

A post on the official Disintegration Twitter page offers a breakdown of all the multiplayer beta dates and times. See them outlined in the following tweet:

V1 Interactive and publisher Private Division unveiled Disintegration last summer. Details and an announcement trailer were shared shortly thereafter during 2019s Gamescom: Opening Night Live. In addition to multiplayer offerings, the title will consist of a story campaign. Players will explore a near future Earth, in which pandemics such as the planets overpopulation and food shortages led scientists to drastic attempts at a solution. One such solution involved Integration, a process whereby the human brain is stored in robotic bodies.

Though Integration was designed as a temporary problem solver, it took an a permanence some refuse to let go of. Those who live comfortably in their robot armatures are known as theRayonne. But its not just immortality they seek; many of the Rayonne also wish to exterminate those who prefer to live as human.

Disintegration currently lacks a release date, though it is expected to launch this year.

[Source: Disintegration on Twitter]


Disintegrations Closed and Open Beta Dates Announced for Later This Month - PlayStation LifeStyle

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