Could vampires be real? – Shelbyville Times-Gazette

Posted: October 30, 2021 at 2:29 pm

By BrianYoung Jr.

Do you think vampires are real? Im talking about blood-drinking, forever-young ghouls of the night who shapeshift into bats and are weak to crucifixes and sunlight.

You might see a few this weekend, but none of them will drain you of your blood (I hope). However, the idea that blood can deliver eternal youth may not be so fictional after all.

As you know, when you grow old, your body starts to deteriorate. Muscles are harder to build and easier to lose, metabolism slows, and organs which have accumulated damage over your lifetime stop working as effectively. This is an unavoidable certainty of lifewe all grow old and eventually die.

In recent decades however, scientists have shown something super interestingsomething that calls into question much of what we think we know about aging. Scientists have used an experimental method known as parabiosis to show that age isnt necessarily the irreversible march we like to think it is.

Parabiosis is essentially when two mice are joined at the hip so that they share a circulatory system. In the past, scientists have used this experimental method to study the blood and it certainly taught them a lot, but it was when scientists did this experiment with mice of different ages that they saw something really interesting.

When you join two old mice or two young mice together, nothing remarkable happens to one or the other. But when an old mouse is joined with a young mouse, the old mouses injuries heal faster, organs function better, blood and immune function is improved, and much more. It essentially reverts in age, all just by sharing blood with a young mouse.

This set of experiments made it clear that not only are some aspects of aging potentially reversible, but also that these anti-aging or age-reversing factors could be identified in the blood and isolated.

Socould someone like Count Dracula live forever by drinking the blood of the young?

Well technically, drinking blood isnt the same as having blood in circulation, so that wouldnt work anyways.

But more importantly, people have been getting blood transfusions for centuries now and no one has spontaneously grown younger. Also, a number of companies have launched in recent years which are researching if this technology could work in humans (without fusing them together of course) but so far, nothing has been effective.

Considering mice only live a few years while humans live upwards of 80, this isnt so surprising humans and mice are quite different. But theres no telling what the future holds.

All of this raises super interesting questions for me. Imagine that years from now, you could go into the doctors office and get a shot that made you 20 years younger.

Wouldyoudo it? Or if there was a way to keep the human body going indefinitely, would it be wrong to pursue it?

These questions are in the realm of science fiction and maybe will be forever. People have been searching for the fountain of youth and immortality since the dawn of time; this might just be another lost cause. But its possible that with more research, scientists will figure out exactly what aging is and how to slow it, stop it, or even reverse it.

Sothis Halloween, you probably dont need to worry about a vampire draining you to continueitseternal reign of terror, but there is certainly something to be said about the power of blood.

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Could vampires be real? - Shelbyville Times-Gazette

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