
Posted: March 18, 2022 at 8:41 pm

And not just a tool for government oppression a remarkably comprehensive and efficient tool. Companies such as Spotify and Twitter and GoFundMe and so many others have helped to centralize communication in the public square, which is increasingly the internet, and they increasingly do the leftist governments bidding.

In its early days, the internet was supposed to facilitate free expression of ideas around the world. Great! Fab! But over time it has featured platforms that have centralized that information and grown to huge size, allowing their private owners to have tremendous power to censor and to affect politics around the world as they see fit.

We certainly saw that during the Trump years. The process is now close to Orwellian in scope even though its not usually the government doing it directly. And as a telescreen-equivalent, the internet isnt forced on people but is instead involuntary. We have forged our own chains or at least, weve put them around ourselves.

At the moment, alternatives to big companies with leftist-based censoring such as Twitter or GoFundMe are allowed to exist online (although remember how Gab was closed down for a while?). How long will these alternatives be allowed? Even when they exist, however, they are smaller and weaker than their well-established and more powerful rivals who have already been building their user bases for many years while holding themselves out as welcoming nearly all and then later coming down hard on the right.

The internet has also greatly facilitated the ability to spy on people in other words, to collect vast storehouses of information on them and to search it for whatever the government or the company is seeking. For example, GoFundMe has the personal information of everyone who donated to the truckers convoy; do you think they would protect that infomation if the government wanted it? I sure dont. In fact, its likely that the government already has access to it. And such goings-on also discourage people from contributing to conservative causes in the first place, because they fear the government will retaliate. Thats one of the goals of this entire process, too to induce fear and avoidance behavior.

Enormous amounts of information are on computers, far more than paper and pen could afford in the olden days, unless a person was a diarist suffering from OCD. Computers track what people read, buy and sell, wonder about, watch for entertainment, write, and financially transact. It all can be stored easily (none of the pneumatic tubes and paper archives of Orwell) and perhaps most important of all it can be accessed easily. A search for a certain word in all of someones correspondence that would take years with paper now takes seconds and can be expanded without much trouble at all to encompass many millions of people.

The internet is potentially (and perhaps already actually) the greatest totalitarian tool ever invented.

[NOTE: At the moment, the EARN IT bill has been introduced in the Senate by Blumenthal and Graham. It is supposedly meant to give the government the tools to investigate online-mediated child abuse, and if you read the material at that link, nothing about it sounds bad. But although Im not going to write a post about this right now Ive seen assertions online that it will give the government the power to scan all of our online communications. I have to say Ive suspected it was already doing that.]

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