British MP commemorates ‘Black July’ calling for sanctions to be imposed on ‘architects of genocide’ – Tamil Guardian

Posted: July 29, 2021 at 9:09 pm

28 July 2021

Sam Tarry - MP for Ilford South

Sam Tarry, Labour MP for Ilford South released a video statement commemorating the 'Black July pogrom', highlighting how the pogrom led to a 'brutal war of oppression' being waged by the Sri Lankan government which led to 'many being murdered' by state forces.

The shadow ministerwent on to reflect on the current situation in Sri Lanka and the difficulties Tamil people still face within the island.

"Black July is a time in which we reflect on thesituation now in Sri Lanka, and the difficulties that Tamil people around the world still face, and theirfight for justice and theirfight for self-determination in their own homeland"

Drawing on experiences of his own Tamil constituents in Ilford South, He noted how it was 'difficult to stomach' seeing people who had been the 'main architects of genocide now in senior positions within the Sri Lankan government'. He went on to note thatMagnitsky sanctions should be brought against individuals and people in the Sri Lankan government who have been found guilty of these crimes.

He concluded his statement by noting that if peace is to be found across the island justice must be served to the Tamil people.

Sri Lanka is one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a journalist. Tamil journalists are particularly at threat, with at least 41 media workers known to have been killed by the Sri Lankan state or its paramilitaries during and after the armed conflict.

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British MP commemorates 'Black July' calling for sanctions to be imposed on 'architects of genocide' - Tamil Guardian

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