Freedom Of Speech – The Transylvania Times – The Transylvania Times

Posted: February 15, 2017 at 9:04 pm

As a young boy at age 10, I sold the Saturday Evening Post door-to-door in my neighborhood in Chicago. The Post back in the 1940s had the largest circulation of any magazine in the United States. I dare say there are few, if any millennials, and perhaps even baby boomers, who have ever heard of the Saturday Evening Post, much less read it.

The Post, among other things, was famous for its covers of paintings of Norman Rockwell, arguably the most famous contemporary artist of that era. Rockwell became renowned for his paintings of what President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in his 1941 State of the Union address, called the four essential human freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.

Rockwells paintings of the four freedoms were published in four consecutive issues of the Post. The nations response was so emotional and so overwhelming that the government used them to sell more than $132 million of war bonds in the forties.

I would like to take a moment to single out Rockwells freedom of speech painting as it relates to what is occurring on college campuses across the country today. The painting depicts a man in work clothes who stood up at a town hall meeting to have his say. Other citizens of the town, men in coats and ties, are in the seats around him. They are looking at him and are patiently and respectfully hearing him out. Such a simple concept. Giving the speaker, even though they may disagree, their full and polite attention. Contrast that with today when our young people who are supposed to be our brightest and best are shouting down speakers and in some extreme instances, even starting riots. I am saddened that our young folks of today are not adhering to the message contained in Norman Rockwells depiction of freedom of speech. Civility should not be a lost art. It is time we, as a people, need to push back and give respect a chance.

Bob Youngerman


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Freedom Of Speech - The Transylvania Times - The Transylvania Times

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