Your Turn: Musk, Trump and Twitter at the crossroads of free speech – Boston Herald

Posted: April 20, 2022 at 10:22 am

We invited you to share your opinion on if Elon Musk should use his clout on Twitter to get Donald Trump back on the platform. The Tesla and SpaceX guru owns nearly 9% of Twitters stock and is a champion of free speech. We said he should bring Trump back in our editorial. Many agree on our online poll, others not so much. Heres what you said in emails to our new quick-hit comment line

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Until Twitter becomes a platform for free speech, I will stay away. I am shocked at the number of freedom-loving Americans who feed this biased platform. Can Elon Musk jump in and save Facebook and YouTube as well? Your closing quote from George Washington says it all.


The Washington quote: If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

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I am a 62-year-old veteran from Cape Cod sending a quick note in response to your Elon Musk should lift Trumps Twitter ban article. Thank you for the opportunity.

I am a lifelong Republican. I voted for Trump twice. My wife is still a supporter while I am not.

Yes, Twitter should allow Trump back on and my reasoning is the same as Mr. Musks, which is in support of free speech. Let him drive the left even more insane than they are now. Having said that, my feeling even at the time of Trumps inauguration, someone should have taken his phone and skipped it across the Lincoln Memorial reflecting pool.

I blame Trump entirely for his not being re-elected. His policies were great and they were working. America has suffered greatly under this new administration and the damage is only 25% done. Had Trump not acted and spoken like an infantile ass for his entire presidency, the world would look a lot different today.

Unfortunately Trumps rhetoric and behavior provided the left with all of the ammunition needed to thwart him in every way possible.No one is better at underhanded sleaze than the dems and their media cohorts, and Trump licensed them to do all of it and more.

Trump will not be re-elected because he will not get the nomination if he does decide to run. I pray he does not. Clearly these next election cycles are a blatant opportunity for sanity to begin to return to the White House & Congress. The greatest impediment to that would be a Trump nomination.

What we need is a president that is presidential; a leader that has some inkling of what decorum is, and a president that will enact the Trump pro-American policies without the nonsense.

Steve Silva

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Of course Trump should be allowed on Twitter. Also, the U.S. and/or any company should never censor anybody or any organization unless they are directly promoting violence. When someone writes something offensive on Twitter there will be a slew of responding tweets that will confront said behavior. Thank you for asking.


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Free Trump on twitter or whatever it is!


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Please do not let that toxic instigator back on confusing, upsetting and conning everyone.


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I absolutely feel that Donald Trump should be allowed back on Twitter. Jihadists and terrorists as well as anyone in the left can exercise their constitutional right to free speech on Twitter. It is only when someone from the right wants to speak out that Twitter shuts down their account. Heaven forbid that someone should post an opinion that disagrees with their far-left/woke ideology.

Andrea Thon

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To frame the ban in terms of freedom of speech is disingenuous. Trump is not being punished by the federal government for anything he posted on Twitter. Nor has Trump lost any freedom of speech protection.

Twitter is a private enterprise. Twitter has freedom of speech too and can use their own judgment to filter their content. Trump can start his own platform, although like everything else he does, his attempts to do so have failed spectacularly. Now that Trump is out of the presidency his words have less sway than when he was banned so lifting the ban would not be earth-shattering and would go unnoticed by most Americans.

Paul Dowd

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Your Turn: Musk, Trump and Twitter at the crossroads of free speech - Boston Herald

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