Speech comes with responsibility | Opinion | herald-zeitung.com – Herald Zeitung

Posted: June 13, 2020 at 3:18 pm

Amendment 1 to the US Constitution grants all freedom of speech ... and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

However, it fails to define or require responsible speech. The issue of responsible speech is left to individuals to determine.

Satire and humor are often claimed as defenses for irresponsible or offensive speech. But, lets try to put some clarity around what constitutes irresponsible speech. When satire or humor punches up at government or authority it can be a brilliant and apt way of expressing grievances against those in authority when they abuse their power.

However, when satire or humor punches down, it becomes a bullying tactic. So, what results from such punching down, the granting of the right to offend using the defense of freedom of speech?

First, irresponsible speech generates conflict. When one perceives they have been unjustly insulted it often results in those insulted feeling victims of a lack of respect. When someone feels they are not respected, they may seek redress through revenge rather than mere objection. We can see the impact of this often in protests turning violent such as are happening now. Unless you believe conflict is a desirable method to redress grievances, conflict as response to irresponsible speech is unwelcome.

Second, irresponsible speech diverts us from our responsibilities. Increasingly shrill insistence on free-speech rights to indulge in insulting and bullying speech, creates a distraction from our very real and pressing responsibilities. Can we think of any examples of this at present?

Finally, it diminishes our souls and our culture. Free speech absolutisms insistence on the right to offend, to say any moronic, insane, untrue thing creates a culture in which little is dear or sacred, and the distinction of truth from lies becomes so blurred that reality itself becomes an illusion.

None of this is a call for censorship. What I wish is for all, in particular those in positions of authority, to take personal responsibility for moderation and minding our mouths and mouthpieces.

We have a right to expect a responsible use of the right of free speech for us to continue to enjoy that right.

We can expect the big kids, those with power, not to throw their buckets of sand into the eyes of the little guys, then insist it is their right to do so, rather than exercise their responsibility to maintain peace and harmony in the sandbox.

Continued here:
Speech comes with responsibility | Opinion | herald-zeitung.com - Herald Zeitung

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