Foods that make you taller: Is it possible and examples – Medical News Today

Posted: March 31, 2021 at 3:53 am

Height is largely due to genetics. Once a person reaches adulthood and stops growing, eating certain foods will not make them any taller. During years of growth and development, however, good nutrition can help a person reach their full height and support their body in growing and developing healthily.

This article will look at certain foods that may help support growth and development. It will also discuss some other factors that may play a role in healthy growth.

When a person is growing, their bones continue to grow in length until the end of puberty. Bones have growth plates called epiphyses.

As a person reaches the end of puberty, these growth plates fuse together, and the person stops growing.

Some factors that influence how tall a person will be include:

Learn more about which factors influence a persons height here.

Once a person reaches adulthood, they will not get any taller. However, good nutrition and overall health during growth and development in childhood and adolescence may play a part in how tall a person becomes.

Learn more about whether or not adults can grow any taller here.

Aside from genetics, certain environmental factors can affect height. These include nutrition, exercise, sleep, and illness.

Eating a balanced diet plays an essential role in growth and development during childhood. In fact, according to one 2016 study, nutrition is the most important lifestyle factor that affects height.

Eggs contain many nutrients that are important in growth and development.

One large whole egg contains:

According to some 2015 research, deficiencies in vitamin B12 and folate may lead to poor growth in children.

A 2017 study in Ecuador looked at the effects of eating eggs as a young child. Children aged 69 months consumed one egg per day for 6 months.

Compared with the control group, the group that ate eggs showed significant improvements in linear growth and a decrease in stunted growth.

Calcium is essential for growing bones and the development of the skeleton.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the recommended daily intakes of calcium for children and adolescents are as follows:

Dairy is a rich source of calcium. A person can find calcium in the following dairy products:

These non-dairy foods provide the following amounts of calcium:

Products fortified with calcium, such as fortified cereals, are also good sources of this nutrient.

Vitamin E is an important vitamin for children.

According to one 2014 article, vitamin E deficiency can cause stunted growth in children.

Vitamin E deficiency is more common in children than adults due to the limited stores of the vitamin and the rapid rate at which children grow.

Almonds are high in vitamin E.

The Office of Dietary Supplements note that 1 oz of dry roasted almonds provides 6.8 mg of vitamin E, which is 45% of the recommended daily intake.

People can eat almonds raw, roasted, or as almond butter.

Learn more about the health benefits of almonds here.

Beans and legumes, or pulses, are excellent sources of nutrition. They include:

One 2016 article notes that a lack of dietary protein is an important factor in influencing a persons height.

Legumes are a good source of protein. They also provide:

Fish, such as tuna and salmon, provide vitamin D and calcium.

Vitamin D helps the body absorb more calcium, which aids the growth and development of the bones.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that vitamin D also helps prevent rickets, which is the softening of bones.

A person can consume the following fish as sources of vitamin D and calcium:

Vitamin C is an important component for bone health. Vitamin C helps produce collagen, which is important for bone strength and repair.

Many fruits are rich sources of vitamin C, including the following:

One 2016 study reports on the benefits that berries provide to bone health. This may be due to their high nutrient content. Indeed, they contain phytochemicals and vitamins with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Berries may also help prevent osteopenia, which is a condition that causes the bones to become brittle due to a loss of bone mass.

Carotenoids from plant sources, such as yellow and orange vegetables, may help improve bone health, according to a 2013 study. The body converts carotenoids into vitamin A.

Sweet potatoes are a good source of vitamin A.

One whole sweet potato, baked in the skin, provides 1,403 mcg of vitamin A, which amounts to 156% of the recommended Daily Value.

According to one 2014 article, a lack of sleep can affect a childs growth and development.

Some signs that a person is getting enough sleep include:

The amount of sleep a person needs depends on their age. The CDC suggest the following hours of sleep depending on a persons age:

Exercise is also an important factor in growth and development. Regular physical activity such as climbing, running, and jumping helps strengthen muscles and bones.

The CDC state that those aged 617 years should aim to get at least 1 hour of exercise every day.

Genetics play a large part in how tall a person is. Once a person reaches adulthood and stops growing, they will not become any taller, regardless of the food they eat.

For children and teenagers, however, nutrition plays an important part in making sure that they experience healthy growth and development. Getting enough sleep and exercise are also important factors.

As an adult, eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise can help maintain good bone health.

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Foods that make you taller: Is it possible and examples - Medical News Today

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