Angela Bassett’s Dermatologist Just Released a Line of Vitamins for Flawless Skin – BET

Posted: July 14, 2017 at 5:11 am

I know many of you may be wondering how the flawless 58-year old, Golden Globe-winning actress and activist Angela Bassett keeps her skin glowing and wrinkle free. Finally, we might have found the secret to her ageless complexion.

Angelas dermatologist, Dr. Barbara Sturm,an internationally renowned skin care specialist, recently launched Skin Food supplements. These nutrient-rich skin and health supplements help keep the skin nourished and unblemished. In addition to the supplements, Dr. Sturm is the founder of a skincare line called Molecular Cosmetics, which features a line of cosmetic products for anti-aging and rejuvenation of the skin for men and women.

(Photo: Molecular Cosmetics)

The base of theSkin Foodsupplements is purslane, which is a superfood known for unbelievable anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and nutritive properties. It is basically the fountain of youth drug that protects and allows the skin to stay hydrated to not form wrinkles. Dr. Sturm said it was very difficult to incorporate purslane into her daily diet since it is hard to find year-round, so this was her inspiration to formulate this supplement.

(Photo: Molecular Cosmetics)

Dr. Sturm received inspiration for her cosmetic line after working with the team that developed the treatmentOrthokine, used for basketball phenomenon Kobe Bryant. This treatment is a therapy where the patients own blood cells are used to produce proteins that reduce inflammation and stimulate a process to heal the area. She used her previous knowledge from this orthopedic procedure to focus on building her skincare line to treat inflammation and skin aging to produce her supplements.

Last year, Dr. Barbara Sturm and Angela Bassett collaborated to create a skincare line, Darker Skin Tones, for women of color. The products help reduce inflammation and hyper-pigmentation and even the skin tone. We know many of us look forward to keeping up with Dr. Sturm and her future products to keep us looking just as youthful as Angela.

Check out more of Dr. Sturm's products here!

(Photo: Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic)

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Angela Bassett's Dermatologist Just Released a Line of Vitamins for Flawless Skin - BET

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