Brews & News: First Amendment and You – The Coloradoan

Posted: March 23, 2017 at 1:32 pm

Join us for freshly brewed coffee and interesting conversation on April 13.

As the term alternative facts has entered our lexicon, its important you know what goes on in local and national government. And how to find information that belongs to you.


Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us." -William O. Douglas

We couldnt agree more.

On April 13 well share the tools and strategies we use to request public information both in Colorado and from federal agencies. Well open up our reporting processes, including how to obtain documents using the Colorado Open Records Act and the Freedom of Information Act.

Well let you know what you can expect and in what time frame. And well coach you on how to find data that others have already requested.

We believe our government should remain as close to the people as possible. Access to its meeting minutes, agendas, budgets or your school boards growth plan helps to provide accountability. And for you to provide feedback to elected officials about whats important to you.

It is not just the press that should seek to monitor government. You too can work for accountability and transparency, be it in sharing a tip or knowing where to go to find public data.

We are living at a critical time. Our access is being limited, whether its in data disappearing from federal websites or in agencies being curtailed on social media.

First Amendment rights are not given. They are inherent. Learn more about how to exercise them. Join us April 13.

Admission is free.We will collect donations forthe Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition.

Subscribers, log in to access the link for free tickets below.

WHAT:Brews & News: The First Amendment & You

WHEN:April 13 from 6:30-8:00 pm

WHERE:In the Community Room at the Coloradoan, 1300 Riverside in Fort Collins

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Read the original here:
Brews & News: First Amendment and You - The Coloradoan

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