Financial Freedom Was "A Big Part" of Why Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Stepped Back from their Royal Roles –

Posted: May 28, 2020 at 7:56 am

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When Prince Harry and Meghan Markle negotiated their plan to step back from their senior royal roles with the Queen, Prince Charles, and Prince William, it was obvious that financial independence was essential in their chosen path forward. They sought, and won the ability to earn a private income, at the expense of other, perhaps more personal asks: Harry retaining his honorary military titles, being able to officially represent the monarchy moving forward, etc.

"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will become privately funded members of The Royal Family with permission to earn their own income and the ability to pursue their own private charitable interests," reads a page on the Sussex Royal website outlining their transition out of their working positions in the royal family.

Now, a friend of the Sussexes has confirmed to royal reporter Katie Nicholl, that Meghan "struggled" with not being able to earn her own income during her time as a working royal. Prior to meeting Prince Harry, Meghan had been a working actress on the popular US TV series Suits, and also an influencer, with her lifestyle blog The Tig, a career she gave up in marrying into the royal family.

One of the things she struggled with was not earning an income, a friend told Nicholl in her recent report for the Sunday Times. She has always worked and I think she felt unfulfilled. Having financial freedom was a big part of them wanting to leave.

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Being financially independent has also allowed the Sussexes completely change their relationship with the media. They are no longer receiving public funds, and have officially broken away from the royal rota. (More on that pool of British journalists, which helps to hold the monarchy accountable, while also receiving special access to the royals, here.)

But while Harry and Meghan have made it clear that they intend to seek out private income, they haven't laid out exactly what that means, yet. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic shifted any plans they had to launch their charity, Archewell, and likely put other, more lucrative initiatives on hold as well. So royal fans will simply have to wait and see what's next for the Sussexes.

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Financial Freedom Was "A Big Part" of Why Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Stepped Back from their Royal Roles -

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