Can you afford the years beyond your healthspan? – Orange County Breeze

Posted: August 28, 2020 at 12:32 pm

Were all interested in the topic of lifespan. Whats the average lifespan of men and women? What factors influence lifespan? What can I expect for my own lifespan? Yet, you may also want to think about your healthspan that is, how long you will live in generally good health. How should you factor in your potential healthspan when creating your financial strategies?

To begin with, youll want to be aware of the gap between lifespan and healthspan. Consider this: The average healthy life expectancy in the U.S. is only 68.5 years, according to World Bank data cited in the 2020 Edward Jones/Age Wave Four Pillars of the New Retirement study. This means that, on average, Americans can expect to spend about 10 years in poor health, which, unfortunately, is more than in most other developed countries.

Of course, everyones situation is unique, and many variables are involved in the lifespan/healthspan comparison: differences in projected longevity between women and men, family health histories, environmental factors, and so on. And there are certainly plenty of people whose healthspans essentially match their lifespans that is, they enjoy healthy, busy lives right up until the end. Yet, even the possibility that you could face a decade or more of less-than-ideal health in your retirement years should be cause for concern. The health issue, by itself, is already worrisome, but the accompanying threat to financial independence is also on peoples minds. In fact, 72% of retirees say one of their biggest fears is becoming a burden on their families, according to the Four Pillars study.

So, given these concerns, here are a few moves to consider, possibly with the help of a financial professional:

If you could see into the future, youd know exactly where your lifespan intersected with your healthspan. But since this certainty is unattainable, youll want to be prepared for whatever comes your way.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

Sean Payne, CFP can be reached at (562) 596-3722.

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Can you afford the years beyond your healthspan? - Orange County Breeze

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