Democrat Sen. Whitehouse Says His All-White Exclusive Beach Club Is ‘Tradition’ – The Federalist

Posted: June 27, 2021 at 4:14 am

Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, who has often spoken out against racial injustice in the United States, shrugged off questions from a local news outlet about his familys membership in an all-white exclusive beach club in Rhode Island this weekend.

When asked by GoLocalProv whether white-only exclusive clubs such as Baileys Beach Club, which is part of the Spouting Rock Beach Association, should continue to exist, Whitehouse refused to offer a straight answer and merely stated that its a long tradition in the state.

Its a long tradition in Rhode Island and there are many of them, and we just need to work our way through the issues, Whitehouse said.

According to the report, both Whitehouse and his wife Sandra as well as their families have been members of the club for decades where they are now one of the largest shareholders in the all-white club.

I think the people who are running the place are still working on that, and Im sorry it hasnt happened yet, Whitehouse said.

Even after the Democrat was confronted in 2017 over the clubs alleged dedication to keeping the club free of minority groups, he and his family continue to frequent the establishment on most summer days without a hitch.

I think it would be nice if they [Baileys Beach Club] changed a little bit, but its not my position, Whitehouse said in 2017 before offering a loose pledge to take up diversity concerns with the club in private.

Whitehouse is one of the many Democrat legislators who are often quick to jump on the race-driven agenda bandwagon. Not only has he pledged his support to Black Lives Matter via Twitter, but he also claimed he is working with his colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee to bring lasting change on racial injustice.

Last summer, Whitehouse promised to bring attention to the injustices that Black Americans still face every day by celebrating Juneteenth, which the Democrats led by President Joe Biden have turned into a political football to forward their race agenda despite Americans hesitancy to make it a federal holiday. He also said the United States needs to root out systemic racism in its many forms and meet Americas full promise of justice for all.

Jordan Davidson is a staff writer at The Federalist. She graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism.

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Democrat Sen. Whitehouse Says His All-White Exclusive Beach Club Is 'Tradition' - The Federalist

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