Reaping the seeds planted by President Trump’s battle cry of FAKE NEWS – Daily Kos

Posted: June 30, 2022 at 9:09 pm

Every time President Trump speaks this is what I see

There are a lot of lunatics that Trump created with his battle cry of fake news.

President Trumpvalidated Greed, Bigotry and a lack of empathy.

His validation of Bigotry allowed the Proud Boiz, Oath Keepers and Klan cockroaches to crawl out of their cracks into public view.

Would theUniversity of Virginia Klu Klux Klan style Torch Marchers(many fine people) have happened after the call for civil rights 50 years ago? And sadly that call continues.

My God have we fallen that far?

But far more insidious isPresident Trumps validation of revokinganytruth you dont like even when damning evidence is right in front of your face.

The sky is blue. THAT IS FAKE NEWS

And correcting the historical recordwritten by the victors is now cancel culture. We cry fake news when we look at the inconvenienttruths aboutour history.

The cry of Fake News means screw anything you don't want to hear. It is a lie. Especially if it is critical of you, your belief systems or could weaken your political power.

Double down when you face the truth. Trade vocal volume for facts in a debate or discussion. Truth is measured by how loud you can yell.

Make up conspiracy theories to validate your own insanity. Build aSocial Club of those with special knowledge.

Cognitive dissonance validates belonging to that club. You are wrong. Thats FAKE NEWS rather than examine what you believe.

Or if you are too stupid to make up consipracy theories then promote someone elses that fits your agenda or merely brings you the fanatical support of morons like those whofollowMargret Taylor Greene. She is pretty stupid.

Our families are torn apart as in the Civil War.

Law enforcement officers ignore the beatings and deaths of fellow officers by the criminally insane. Your belief system are your endsthat justify any means.

Maybe those desperate for power political weasels can coax their crackpots and goons to storm state government buildings next.

It is 1938 Germany for me.

Over 70,000,000 voted for President Trump in the last election.

Those voters all thought they were part of some kind (at various levels) of specialRevolutionay Knights Templar Armyand anyone not in it is against God, Freedom,and Apple pie.

That Army punishes people for who they are.

That Army is pro birth and anti child when we see that guns were the leading cause of death in children.

That scares me.

Here is the original post:

Reaping the seeds planted by President Trump's battle cry of FAKE NEWS - Daily Kos

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