Doctors could be struck off for spreading fake news on vaccines and lockdowns – The Telegraph

Posted: April 29, 2022 at 3:27 pm

Doctors who criticise vaccines or lockdown policies on social media could face being struck off if regulators rule they are guilty of spreading fake news, in an update to the "Hippocratic Oath".

The core guidance for medics has been updated for the first time in almost a decade to cover media such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

The rules on use of social media include a duty to be honest and not to mislead, as well as to avoid abuse or bullying.

The draft regulations from the General Medical Council (GMC) - which the watchdog describes as a 21st-century version of the Hippocratic Oath - also say doctors must speak out if they encounter toxic workplace cultures that threaten patient safety.

And they say medics must take action if they encounter workplace bullying, harassment or discrimination.

The watchdog regulates doctors, who can face a range of sanctions - including being struck off the medical register - if they are found to have failed in their duties.

Charlie Massey, the chief executive of the GMC, said: Good medical practice is the bedrock that helps guide ethical practice and supports doctors to provide the best possible care in a world of increasingly complex medicine.

There is a lot of evidence of the damage bad workplace cultures can do to patient safety and, ultimately, to the UKs ability to retain the healthcare professionals it needs.

Toxic cultures can also spread online, undermining public trust in the medical profession.

Mr Massey said the fundamental principles of the guidance remained the same, but had been updated to reflect the modern world.

"Weve had feedback that doctors want more clarity on using social media. We are already clear that doctors must be honest and trustworthy in their communications, and are now emphasising that this applies to all forms of communication. The principles remain the same whether the communication is written, spoken or via social media, he said.

The use of social media by medics has become an increasingly vexed issue during the pandemic.

In December a judge ruled that the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service, which runs hearings when doctors are under investigation, had made an "error of law" when it ordered a GP accused of spreading misinformation to stop discussing Covid on social media.

Dr Samuel White, who was a partner at a practice in Hampshire, raised concerns about vaccines and claimed "masks do nothing" in a video posted last June.

Restrictions were imposed on Dr Whites registration while the GMC investigated.

He had claimed "lies" around the NHS and government approach to the pandemic were "so vast" that he could no longer "stomach or tolerate" them.

In August, the tribunal concluded Dr White's way of sharing his views "may have a real impact on patient safety".

It found Dr White allegedly shared information to a "wide and possibly uninformed audience" and did not give an opportunity for "a holistic consideration of Covid-19, its implications and possible treatments".

But the GP's barrister, Francis Hoar, argued the restrictions imposed on his client's registration were a "severe imposition" on his freedom of expression.

The draft guidance says doctors can be held accountable for promoting misleading information or stepping outside areas of their expertise.

They are told to be honest and trustworthy make clear the limits of your knowledge.. [and to] make reasonable checks to make sure any information you give is not misleading.

This applies to all forms of written, spoken and digital communication, the draft guidance states.

And doctors are warned that online rows and trolling could jeopardise their professional futures.

You must not abuse, discriminate against, bully, exploit, or harass anyone, or condone such behaviour by others. This applies to all interactions, including on social media and networking sites, the draft rules state.

For the first time, the guidance for medics sets out a specific duty to act, or support others to act, if they become aware of workplace bullying, harassment or discrimination, as well as zero tolerance of sexual harassment.

The medical profession has faced a series of scandals, with female doctors in 2019 accusing senior members of the British Medical Association of sending unsolicited naked pictures and joking about womens bra sizes, amid a culture of institutional sexism.

Prof Neil Mortensen, the president of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, said: We were appalled by the recent testimonies of sexual harassment and abuse that some surgeons shared on social media.

We are therefore pleased to see that there is specific guidance around preventing bullying and sexual harassment in the GMCs draft document."

Dr Caroline Fryar, the director of medical services at the Medical Defence Union, said the organisation would scrutinise the proposals carefully.

She said: Doctors across the UK are working harder than ever in a system that is constantly being tried and tested.

"Regulations, sets of rules and guidance documents must be compatible with the realities of doctors daily working lives, and support them to get on with the job of safely caring for patients.

More here:

Doctors could be struck off for spreading fake news on vaccines and lockdowns - The Telegraph

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