The evolution of the episode count: How many episodes is too many? – Hidden Remote

Posted: May 3, 2022 at 10:24 pm

How many episodes should a season or series of television be? Depending on who you ask, answers vary. Were in a TV era overflowing with options on broadcast and streaming, and episode count is playing a major role in our television habits more than ever.

Theres a verifiable cornucopia of content for viewers to consume and how many episodes a piece of media has can be the deciding factor when it comes to watching it or not. This includes bingeing classics that have shaped pop culture.

Of course, there will always be TV lovers who give shows like X-Files, Friends, The Office, Smallville, and Supernatural a chance despite being over 200 episodes long, or in Supernaturals case over 300, but the time of the long running series is drawing to a close outside of procedurals.

Much of this has to do with an overabundance of television. Theres simply too many programs to watch with very little time to watch them. Not to mention viewers are less willing to spend season upon season with a show thats begun to deteriorate in quality. Also, a drop in the required number of episodes for a show to reach syndication plus the birth of streaming has shifted the landscape.

Were in a new frontier, one kicked off by Netflix. The binge model of television watching changed audiences expectations for the shows they watch. New series premiering on streamers cant be up to 22 episodes or more like broadcast (though there are shows clocking in at 13 episodes per season on TV). Its just not feasible especially when episodes drop all at once on premiere day.

Could you imagine trying to binge 22 episodes of a Stranger Things release? In a time when you have to log out of all social media accounts and basically not surf the web in order not to be spoiled, it would be stressful and not worth anyones time to binge it. Thats a limitation of streaming in the era of binge television.

The measure of how many episodes is too many is dependent on where a piece of media has made its home. If youre still tuning into week-to-week broadcast television, you know youre typically in for 18-22 episodes a season. The pandemic has shortened that episode count for many shows, especially on The CW, but TV viewers know what to expect.

18-22 episodes gives shows the opportunity to experiment with filler content such as bottle episodes, flashbacks, crossovers, etc. Its the kind of entertainment that can have fans going up with excitement or groaning over yet another detour from the overall plot but at least theres room for expanded storytelling.

Streaming series dont have that luxury. Theyre in and out of their stories between 4-13 episodes. Its a model that works well for the platforms even when a season or show releases weekly. However, there are drawbacks. There isnt a set runtime for episodes so a short season doesnt mean you wont be caught off guard by long episode.

For example, Stranger Things season 4 episodes will clock-in at over an hour. K-dramas on Netflix often do have episodes that run up to 60 minutes and can even be as long as 90 minutes. Obviously, established shows or vehicles with big name actors can get away with feature length episodes of television, but thats still a lot of time for viewers to invest in a series.

So, this isnt only a question of episode count, its also a question of episode length. Its great that creators are pushing boundaries in the medium of television on streaming. But the amount of episodes a season has on top of how long those episodes are can make or break audience retention for shows just starting out.

While there isnt a consensus on how many episodes is the sweet spot for streaming shows, it does seem that 8-10 episodes per season works well for shows. 45 minutes to an hour in run-time per episode is the preferred standard thats carried over from broadcast.

As for network television, some shows would benefit from breaking away from the 18-22 episode standard. 13-15 episodes would likely produce tighter storytelling especially for series where theres clearly not enough material to stretch past that marker.

What do you think? How many episodes is too many for a TV show? Let us know in the comments!

Read this article:

The evolution of the episode count: How many episodes is too many? - Hidden Remote

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