Vets in mental health crisis, survey finds – The Telegraph

Posted: November 29, 2020 at 5:39 am

Vets are experiencing a mental health crisis after being targeted on social media, a survey has found, revealing it is no longer an idyllic career.

Some 74 per cent of 565 respondents said they were "very or quite concerned" about stress and burnout as a result of the Covid-19 crisis, according to research by the British Veterinary Association.

They are being bombarded with messages by demanding clients who chastise them if they fail to reply quickly, putting them at higher risk of psychological distress and suicide, it is claimed.

Vets are used to dealing with the death or euthanasia of animals, which means they are more likely to turn to self-harm compared with many other professions, said Lucy Grieve, president of the British Equine Veterinary Association.

As we are expected to deal with death regularly, with euthanising animals being a unique way of having to deal with death, were quite familiar with it and some have argued suicide becomes an easier option as a result, she said.

That sounds raw, but the concept of euthanasia is part of our job so one could argue its not too big a step if youre in a very dark place.

Mrs Grieve said one of the biggest problems facing vets is their inability to "switch off" after finishing their working day.

It can subtly chip away at you if in your spare time youre getting bombarded with messages. But were responsible for our own boundaries so vets should equally say Ill get back to you tomorrow, or not reply until the next day.

Graham Hunter, a veterinary advisor at IVC Evidensia, agreed that mental health is a huge issue in the industry.

Vets are often working alone, in the middle of the night, and these are huge pressures," he said. "If youre sensitive, and out in this world where people can be brutal, you can see why people sometimes struggle."

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Vets in mental health crisis, survey finds - The Telegraph

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